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i'm a 17 yr old girl. i've never had a good relationship with my step-brother. there wasn't any bullying or stuff but he's always been cold to me and i've kept my distance. he's 19 and all my life i've wanted acceptance. last yr he molested me and since then he's only gotten bolder with his moves. recently he was home from the uni. one day i was at home and he was there with some of his friends. they raped me...i was used like crap. i was too scared to tell mom n dad. today i found out i'm pregnant...please tell me what to do...i'm a mess......i can't ask anyone about anything in this situation...please help me...
only genuine answers please.

2007-11-29 18:32:07 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

36 answers

You need to talk to your parents. What he and his friends did to you was extremely wrong. But the most important person in this situation is YOU. You come first now. Your parents will be able to help you. Talk to your Mother, she'll help you. You need to take everything slowly and you need the support of your friends and family. Don't wash anything that may have their fluid on it (i.e. bed sheets, your underwear etc).

I'm not forcing you to go to the police or telling you that you must, because I was raped and I didn't go (yes, bring on all the thumbs down I don't give a sh*t). Do what you think is the best for you but you need to tell your parents.

Good luck and please email me, I've been through this too.

EDIT- If 'Damocles' is correct, and you are making this up then I would be lost for words at your stupidity and I would be insulted that you find something like this 'funny'. Anyway, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt so please think about this...

2007-11-29 18:36:36 · answer #1 · answered by ★☆✿❀ 7 · 21 2

Sweetie, if this story is true which I don't think it is you need to tell your parents. They WILL help you. You also have to call the authorities. Think about it... you were RAPED! That is ILLEGAL! Who knows what will happen next? How far will this go? Tell you Step Brother that you are pregnant, see how he reacts. Was it intentional? Did he want you to end up like this? Honey you should tell your closest friend. You are going to need help and support through this. Just tell SOMEONE that you know. Telling people on the internet that you don't know isn't gonna help you much. The only thing it will do is at most give you advice on what to do. The decision is up to you but you will need people there to support you and random people on the internet who you don't know (including myself) cannot do much for you. Tell someone before it is too late

2016-05-26 23:32:32 · answer #2 · answered by nakita 3 · 0 0

You poor thing.... I'm three years younger than you and can't imagine what you're going through. go to your mother/step-mom and dad/step-dad right away. your father will be furious, trust me. and so would your step-dad (if u have one). your mother will also be furious. THIS WAS NOT YOUR FAULT. nor is it your child's fault. have the child, please. don't have an abortion. the kid can be given up for adoption. also, go to the police. these guys have committed an offense against you and God. you have the law on your size, and irrefutable evidence (your child). now use this evidence. and put these b******s in jail.


I can't believe people like you. This is a lie- this person is posting multiple questions, each with a different problem: a 20 yro who had a one night stand and is now pregnant, a 19 yro raped by her roommate, and now this. You are a sick person!

2007-11-30 03:03:00 · answer #3 · answered by Mercutia 3 · 2 1

I'm sorry about hearing this.
Listen Cherry I'm around your age and I want to tell you even though it may seem like its really hard to talk about this with your parents, it's one thing you should do, and if they don't accept reality I suggest you contact higher authorities NOW.
No brother is brother if he's a rapist.
You need to make sure he doesn't abuse you again.
HE HAS NO RIGHT, remember that.
You're an important person and you have personal rights and boundaries no one can cross.
Now if you're pregnant I suggest you sit with a counselor and doctor and see if you desire to have the child or abort it.
I believe that a woman has a choice to decide if she wants a child, this is not inhumane. You're a rape victim and you have some serious descions to make.
Make god bless you in your life

2007-11-29 18:43:37 · answer #4 · answered by Xyz 1 · 6 1

You need seriously to tell your parents and the police, what he did and his friends did is criminal. I would press charges and put all of them in jail and I am sure your parents will agree. If it was truly rape it's wrong and if he is not stopped he and his friends will do it to another girl possibly younger then you. Please get help and let your parents know ASAP. Get to a doctor too to make sure they didn't hurt you otherwise or give you more then a baby.

2007-11-29 21:00:29 · answer #5 · answered by Georgia Preacher 6 · 1 0

Man your step brother did that sh** to you. Thats so wrong. But any ways. You should tell your mom. This pregnancy will be proof that you got raped. Tell your mom you want to press charges on him. Its going to be hard for you to say it but if you have little sister imagine what he might be able to do to them. You dont want them to go threw the same things you went threw. So buck up and tell your parents fast. Tell your dad not that a** holes dad. He'll just think your lying. Tell your real dad. Be strong and never let anything like that hold you back from telling on him. Good luck!!!

2007-11-30 03:25:11 · answer #6 · answered by ஐ♥★ MeLii ☆ DaNi★♥ஐ 2 · 0 2

Honey you need to tell your mother and father. Why have you let this go on? You need to press charges against them. Tell your mom right now. The need to get you medical care and they need to deal with your step brother. Do not stay in the house with him. If your parents do not do anything you need to tell someone at school what happened to you. A teacher or a guidance counselor. They will know what to do and they will get you help. Good luck.

2007-11-29 19:52:56 · answer #7 · answered by kim h 7 · 2 1

If you are afraid to talk to your parents, please go talk to your school guidance counselor, a clergy person or a medical professional. One of these individuals can:

1. Advise you on how to tell your parents, and they can go with you if you ask them to.

2. Advise you (or find someone to advise you) on filing a police report. Do this even if it is against your parents' wishes. Seriously.

3. Advise you on the medical resources and treatment you now need, and what options you have regarding this pregnancy, or they can tell you where to get this advice.

4. Advise you, or help find someone to advise you, on healing yourself emotionally and psychologically from the abuse you've suffered.

Please do this quickly. And remember that no one -- NO ONE -- has the right to tell you whether or not you should continue your pregnancy. You will get advice, though, and please listen to it all carefully.

I hope you'll be OK.

2007-11-29 18:44:30 · answer #8 · answered by maxximumjoy 4 · 4 1


In one series of messages, you're a 20 year old who had a one night stand and is now pregnant. The next series, your a 19 year old girl who got pregnant by her room mate. Now you're a 17 year old girl who got raped by her step brother.

Are you doing a social experiment to see how people's responses change base on the circumstances? Are you just messing with people? Do you get a kick out of shock value? Please stop whatever it is that you are doing. These stories you are telling are telling - these kinds of things really happen to real people. When you cry wolf like this, it only makes it horrible for the woman that this really happens to, but no one will believe her. What you do here, to women everwhere who actually have suffered like this - it's as bad as the crimes you describe in this made up story. You victomize them all over again, and worse yet you jade others towards giving them the support they need.


2007-11-29 21:25:42 · answer #9 · answered by Damocles 7 · 14 1

talk to someone about this. tell your parents, tell the police and see a counselor. You may be scared, but telling people will only help, and give you the support to figure out what your options are in this situation. Your step-brother did a horrible thing and you need to fight back. This isn't your fault, please seek help.

2007-11-29 18:42:22 · answer #10 · answered by operation mixtape 2 · 4 1