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Hokie Pokie
Aye Aye Sailor!
Captain Morgan
another day

2007-11-29 16:14:33 · 12 answers · asked by Silva 6 in Education & Reference Words & Wordplay

12 answers

Silva, Sarge, Matt, Sunshine and Miss Kitty

"The Army-Navy Game"

As Silva and the gang headed into the stadium, the roar of the crowd was deafening.
Miss Kitty:"What the hell?! The game doesn't start for 2 hours!!"
Sunshine :"It's the Army-Navy Game........You'll never see or hear anything like this ever again."
Silva:" (1) Neither of you two are sitting by me. I just KNOW one of you will cause a (2) scene!"
Sarge laughed as he hummed the (3) Hokie Pokie and he twirled himself around.
Silva:" OMG!!!! I can't see!!! I'm going blind!!"
Matt laughed as he removed her HUGE sunglasses and cleaned them...."They're a bit (4) bespeckled, Silly Sil."
Silva:"Thank you ,Matt, and never call me that absurd name, again. I KNOW Sunshine thought it up, and I KNOW you think she's TOTALLY awesome, but....Don't call me that, again!!"
She looked away for a second to grab her program which had fallen. When she turned back, Matt was (5) smooching Sunshine. "Obviously, my words had a HUGE impact on him....Gawd!!"
A voice from behind Silva, startled her:" Sunshine!!! Fancy seeing YOU, here!"
Everyone turned around, and there stood a uniformed gentleman....... One of Sunshine's former boyfriends.
"Give us a kiss, ducks."
Sunshine:"(6) Aye Aye Sailor! (7) Captain Morgan?............. I'd like to introduce my friends to you. This here is Miss Kitty....She's a total jerk. And over here is Silva......SILVA!!"
( She was deep in conversation with an Army Colonel.) "Stop fraternizing with the enemy!!" Silva waved without turning away from the Colonel. After exchanging phone numbers, the Colonel left and Silva, flushed, came back to her seat. Sunshine rolled her eyes.
"Uhhhh....This is Sarge. He plays a mean trumpet and is the mediator of the group. And THIS gorgeous hunk of Horatio is U.S. Marshal Matt Dillon.....My MattBaby."
Matt blushed as he extended his hand.
As he and the Captain were sizing each other up and down, Sunshine started singing with some of the other folks in their section:

♫ (8) Rolling, rolling , rolling....Though the streams are swollen. Keep them doggies rollin’ Rawhide! ♫"

Miss Kitty watched in disgust as Sunshine had the entire section singing the Rawhide theme.
Sunshine:"♫Move ‘em on, head ‘em up. Head ‘em up, move ‘em on. Move ‘em on, head ‘em up Rawhide
Count ‘em out, ride ‘em in. Ride ‘em in, count ‘em out. Count ‘em out, ride ‘em in Rawhide!♫"

Matt smiled as he leaned over and nuzzled Sunshine's neck....." My Sunny is such a (9) fan of Western theme songs."

Miss Kitty feverishly rummaged through her purse...."That girl is a TOTAL IDIOT!!!! What the HELL do you see in her, Matt?!"
Silva , who was on her second hot dog and third glass of Merlot, asked:"Whatcha lookin' for, Red? *hic*

Miss Kitty:" Where the hell are my Zanac ?! (10) Another day, another migraine....All y'all are driving me crazy!!!"



2007-11-29 16:27:26 · answer #1 · answered by I am Sunshine 6 · 4 0

NEITHER my wife or I was prepared for the wild SCENE that awaited us when we returned one day early from what was supposed to be a three-day weekend vacation.

We heard the noise before we even reached the door. Upon opening the door, the first thing we saw was our 16 year old son, Harold, naked from the waist up, leading a bunch of inebriated kids in what appeared to be the HOKIE POKIE, though I doubt he had ever heard of it.

Over in the corner what appeared to be a leopard ,but was in fact a BESPECKLED young lady, was SMOOCHING with a young man in naval garb. Obviously inebriated also, she was shouting 'AYE AYE SAILOR!!. It was then I saw the bottle of CAPTAIN MORGAN ROLLING across the floor and an extensive amount of beer bottles strewn around the living room.

Now I have always been a big FAN of trusting your kids, especially as they got older. I always assumed they would do the right thing when left to their own devices because we had taught them so well. Obviously the flaw in that thinking is forgetting what WE did as teenagers when left on our own.

Harold didn't die that day, though if looks could kill he would not have lived to see ANOTHER DAY. Luckily for Harold and us, none of the other parents went off the deep end though none was happy about the alcohol. My wife and I survived the stress of that day, just as we had survived getting Harold through illnesses, scrapes at school, and all the other things parents endure.

The one consolation of course is that someday Harold will have kids of his own, and some weekend he will decide that they are now old enough to be trusted at home alone for a few days. And I'll advise him...sure they are.

2007-11-30 02:47:20 · answer #2 · answered by ghouly05 7 · 2 0

I will try, Neither of us knew we were making a scene. Hokie Pokie and I were kissing passionately. when we were bespeckled, smooching. Aye, Aye,Sailor, what do you thing you are doing? You are being reported to Captain Morgan. Then we starting rolling in front of the fan. The rest of the scene will be printed another day.

2007-11-29 16:24:45 · answer #3 · answered by ruth4526 7 · 0 0

Neither Lucy nor her lover Hogan wasted time with their clothing on the actual scene. He unfastened his belt, and she rubed his Hokie Pokie which bespeckled her denims. The smooching could be heard over the moaning ropes which cracked when she swung the whip. "Aye Aye Sailor!", Lucy whispered and it was caught by the glistening lenses of Captain Morgan, and he said "We're still rolling". After what seems like a foreverity of whips and shrieks and icecream, Hogan satisfies his biggest fan. He leaves the tip for another day.

2007-11-29 16:39:46 · answer #4 · answered by gabe 3 · 0 0

Neither Jim nor Jane wanted to recall the scene that night. it was a horrible experience. the absolute worst act of hokie pokie they had ever seen.

they're usually the last ones to leave the dance floor but it was so bad that they went home early. home wasn't better.

they found their 4 year old son sleeping on the couch, bespeckled all over his body. their 10 year was sleeping on the carpet with a black marker in his hand. boy were they in trouble. but where was their sister Kim, who was suppose to be babysitting?

they found her in their bedroom, smooching with some boy wearing a sailor's hat. Kim knew she was in trouble, the boy just looked at them and kept saying aye aye sailor.

"get out of our house!" yelled Jim.
"aye aye sailer," replied the teen in a slurred voice.

the pieces came together when they saw Captain Morgan laying on the floor, without a drop left inside.

"get him out of here," said Jim. "i don't care how, just get him out."

Kim didn't have a choice, she started rolling him from the bedroom, all the way down the stairs. he didn't budge. he was obviously a big fan of the liquid captain.

what went wrong with the hokie pokie? perhaps i'll tell you another day.

2007-11-29 16:46:57 · answer #5 · answered by LW81 2 · 1 0

Waiting patiently, neither parties were on the scene to dance the hokey-pokey on the bespeckled dance floor. I saw them smooching on the portside of the ship, when she exclaimed "Aye Aye Sailor!" I wondered what was going on, but realized the Captain Morgan had gotten to her. They were rolling on the deck, wind blowing through their hair like a fan. I guess their wedding reception would have to continue another day!

2007-11-29 16:23:50 · answer #6 · answered by euphoric_dreamscapes7 3 · 0 0

Hokie Pokie
Aye Aye Sailor!
Captain Morgan
another day

Never said it had to make sence

2007-11-29 16:22:21 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

NEITHER John nor Mary had a care in the world as they made the Fifty & Over SCENE. They were out there doing the HOKIE POKIE just as they had forty year ago at their senior prom.. Even though a bone creaked every now and then in protest and their hair was BESPECKLED with grey, they still looked good together.

"Remember?" John smiled at Mary as the music changed to a soft romantic tune of 50s. "When we were caught SMOOCHING outside by Mrs. Pendergrass?"

"AYE AYE, SAILOR!" Mary Laughed. "I thought that old bird was going to have a heart attack right there. But you were leaving for the navy the next day and I was so afraid I'd never see you again."

"There was no chance of that," he laughed back. "The navy was my chance to let your parents know that I was worthy of their only daughter and capable of taking care of you. I bet you never expected me to make Captain so quickly."

Mary laughed happily. "I sure didn't, CAPTAIN MORGAN! Maybe I should update that to Admiral Morgan. While you were out there ROLLING on the high seas I was your faithful number one FAN back here on the home shores."

"The navy has been good to us," he commented. "We've raised three good kids with it's help. And now our youngest is following in my footsteps and making the navy a career."

"I have enjoyed my life with you, John," she smiled up at him. "All my yesterdays, my todays, and all my tomorrows belong to you. My prayers are always, 'Dear God, just give us ANOTHER DAY.' I love you, John."

"And I love you Mary."

2007-11-29 16:34:48 · answer #8 · answered by Ladybug II 6 · 2 0

Darn it I got half way through and discovered the words "aren't in order" oh toosh!

“Well shiver me timbers if it aint Young Bucko. How be ye lad?”
Buckley was 25 now and no-one is supposed to call him by his old nickname and get away with it. But when it’s Old Uncle Sealegs well it can be forgiven….just his once.

“Request permission to come aboard Captain Morgan” Buckley said saluting with a quick whip of his hand to his forehead. It was a scene he had played out many times before. Uncle Sealegs had been a famous sailor in his merchant seaman career and despite him being well into retirement now he always reminisced of his time on the ocean waves. It was a pity in some ways and yet a good thing that he was focussed on that time in the past, as the ravages of Alzheimers rapidly kicked in.

Aunty Dora walked into the sunny ward room and kissed Buckley on the cheek and gave him a warm hug. “It’s great to see you. I’m glad you could make it. Your Uncle has been talking about your last voyage. You promised to bring him a decent sized crayfish” Buckley whispered “Sorry Aunty I forgot to call into the fishmongers on the way from my office in Wall Street. I will remember next time.“ “Like Uncle Like nephew” his Aunt chuckled ironically. Leaning over to kiss her husband on the foreheads she wiped the moisture coming from his eyes. “Bit of seaspray there Captain” she compassionately commented. “Aye Aye Sailor, the westward breeze is picking up. Might have to bring in the nets and head for the cove and a run or two at Rosie’s Bar” Dora had only moments ago turned on the room’s ceiling fan, switched to low speed. Buckley noticed his Uncle was quick to notice the change.

Bucko drew up a chair beside Uncle Sealegs and lay his hand on top of the old man’s rough bespeckled skin.

For a few minutes they chatted about the rolling sea and the weather and gave prediction on whether Salty Pete and his crew would beat them to shore and have a bigger haul in their holds, or not, as the case may be. “don’t you go smooching up to Salty Pete or he’ll give ya bad luck sonny” blurted the Captain. Neither Buckley nor the Captain wanted the visiting time to end. “Times like these are special” Buckley thought to himself.

Suddenly The Captain shouted “Ahoy, bring on the dancing girls, lets have us a round of Hokie Pokie!” and he almost made it to his feet but Dora came to his aid and encouraged him to “relax and watch the floor show” Dora danced a little jig just to amuse her beloved.

Buckley left moments later but turned to see Dora still dancing the shuffled jig and her First Mate…laughed heartily with delight……Buckley smiled to himself and said “thank you God”.

2007-11-29 20:15:44 · answer #9 · answered by *Jellz* 6 · 2 0

My friend and I saw an ominous looking boat coming toward the dock. It was big and made out of wood, like a ship. The strange thing was that it had no sails out. I dared my friend Jerry to get on that boat.
"Hey Jerry, you see that boat comin? I dare you to get on it"
" Why don't you get on it Rich? " said Jerry
"What, are you scared Jerry?" I said
" I am NOT scared. You're the one that's scared, you're like a little girl."
I knew that niether of us wanted to get on that boat, but it was boring, there was nothing to do, and our bickering was making a scene so we stopped.
" Okay okay, I don't dare you to get on the boat, but isn't it a little weird? Shouldn't we check it out? We can go together ." I said
"Fine, but we gotta get back here soon, my pop's gonna get angry if he doesn't find me here."
"I dunno Jerry." I said shrugging my shoulders "This might take some time."
" Oh alright."
So we crept over to where there was a board to get on the boat. We quickly got up to the top and what we saw was very very strange.
A man you might think of as a pirate was dancing what looked like the Hokie Pokie. His beard was a messy brown color. His dirty hair spilling out from underneath the usual looking pirate hat, black with a skull and cross bones, his clothes bespeckled with grime and who knows what. His back was turned to us. He had a monkey pal that was hugging a pole and smooching it, maybe he was eating something stuck to it, I dunno.
The guy stopped dancing and started shouting out "Aye aye sailor!" to no one in particular.
Then the guy turned around. He spotted us and shouted "Why wot have we got here? Two likkle kiddies on MY ship!" me and jerry were really scared but then the guy's face softened and said " Hullo ther likkle kiddies, I'm Cap'n Morgan." Me and Jerry nodded, our eyes wide. " Well gettup an' introduce yourselves."
"I-I'm Richard,but everyone calls me Rich" I said and stuck out a shaking hand to be shook and pointed to Jerry " And this is Jerry."
Captain Morgan shook my hand and Jerry. You know he didn't look so scary now, just an old guy in a pirate suit. Me and Jerry were starting to like the guy, but then a barrel came rolling towards us, the monkey pushing the barrel to make it go faster. And remember, me an' Jerry hadn't moved much so, the board going back down to the dock was the only way.
We ran like sissies, because that barrel looked liked it was pretty heavy and it seemed like it had gained a lot of momentum. Me and Jerry we pounding down when we saw one of those huge fan things being pulled by two guys. They noticed us and just stood there like a deer in headlights. We ran into them and the barrel into all of us. The last I heard was Captain Morgan yelling at his monkey pal, then I was out.

I was slowly coming awake, then remembering what had happened and hoped that me and Jerry's fathers would yell at us another day.

2007-11-29 17:00:59 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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