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As in grades, friends, clothings, nutrition, time of using computer...) Please be specific. Sorry, teens only, and plz tell me your ethnity~
Thank you...

2007-11-29 15:55:07 · 17 answers · asked by ~May~ 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

Also, please tell me where you live (Don't have to be specific, just say North America or Asia or something...)

2007-11-30 16:45:37 · update #1

17 answers

I'm 18. I'm half Hungarian and half English. No, my Mum has never been over protective, but she's never needed to.

2007-11-29 16:01:57 · answer #1 · answered by ★☆✿❀ 7 · 2 0

My parents don't care that much about my grades because they just want me to get married and become a housewife(embarrasing,I know) but they are really overprotective when it comes to friends and using the computer,so overprotective that I am allowed to use the computer only for 2hours per week and that includes the same time for watching t.v.I'm Indian and in India right now all though I do live in America partly.I believe in wearing comfortable clothing no matter where your going but they want me to be in grand clothes(my parents wouldn't be in grand clothes by the way) when we visit relatives.They won't buy me a car or a scooter so wherever I go I have to go with a chauffeur.My curfew is like 9 O clock on weekends.I don't see how anyone could have it more worse.

2007-11-30 04:44:31 · answer #2 · answered by singler 3 · 0 0

They really don't care. I get good grades, I have good friends, I don't wear 'revealing' clothing, and I know I use the computer way to much, but my mom doesn't say anything. I really don't know what would happen if I did wear bad clothes or hung out with 'bad' people, neither me nor my siblings have ever done that. The worst my oldest brother has done was smoke pot twice and go and get drunk and egg the neighbors car and then he ran away and his friend got caught. He's the worst kid in our family though. They really could care less about what I'm doing as long as it's not illegal or something else 'bad'.

I'm Irish but my family is from America.

2007-11-29 17:24:21 · answer #3 · answered by Supernova 4 · 0 0

the only parent i have is my mom. and it depends on what the situations is that she is overprotective. i'm homeschooled, and she's not too strict on grades. anything below is C is un acceptable because she doesn't want me to barely slide by. my mom barely graduated high school. but thank God i got out, due to religous beliefs. and as far as my diet, no. she just says "well, if that's what you want, then don't come crying to me.." lol. and as for my friends, not too much. it depends on how old they are. and my mom is always gone, so i'm on the computer and being creative all day. :]
as for ethnity, i am: German, Irish, Dutch, and Indian.

2007-11-29 17:49:07 · answer #4 · answered by Mommy2B2011 2 · 0 0

HELL YEAH!!! my parents want my gades to be at least within the A average, i have to wear the clothes they pick out for me every morning and they won't let me go out with the few friends i have since they scared some people away. they don't really care about computer so much and somewhat nutrition cuz my mom wont let me buy school lunches.

2007-11-29 16:04:42 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Im 21yrs old now. Im also hispanic. My parents werent really strict on me on anything. They practically let me do what i really wanted to do. By the time i was 16yrs old. I was mostly with my cousins all the time and we would just do the same things we would do with our friends. Drink and act crzy with them around us. They rather us be around them seeing what we do rather then we be out getting into trouble. We even had a bunch of friends come with us to our family parties too. It was like our parents werent their. But they would tell us to chill once they see we were passing our cups a little too much. Lol.

2007-11-30 03:31:53 · answer #6 · answered by ஐ♥★ MeLii ☆ DaNi★♥ஐ 2 · 0 0

Not really at all, they respect that I am my own person and I am mature enough to make the majority of my own decisions, as long as I don't abuse that righht.

They're content with my C's, They approve of the friends that I have and they wouldn't tell me not to be friends with some,They let me choose what I want to wear, I eat what I want for the most part, and as long as I share I don't much limit to the computer. This system works well for my family.

I'm sixteen, and we are white.

2007-11-29 16:03:07 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am white, and what mom says goes. She is way overprotective. She is strict about EVERYTHING...my grades have to be at LEAST B average, my clothes have to be ok-ed my her, curfew (when i am not grounded) is 9on weekends and i can't go out at all during the week. dad on the other hand could care less.

2007-11-30 04:50:38 · answer #8 · answered by Sicily 3 · 0 0

they were at like, curfew times, and with things that involved any risk. like going down to the river with friends or going out at night or yeah, all that stuff.

they tried to get me off the computer a fair few times throughout hte years, but yeah, i never really got off

but they're not horribly overprotective, we do get a lot of freedom-of-will.

White '& Auzzie xD
6th generation australian.

2007-11-29 18:10:11 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm 23 now, but when I was a teenager, they never really were. I was mostly good - I was always good in school, ate ok, and had good friends. I did smoke though (I still do), and they never liked that (actually, they still don't!).

I'm Irish, Caucasian.

2007-11-29 16:07:10 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0