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While the Richard J Daley vote early and often method of ballot box stuffing has been supplanted by the 21st century Diebold Virtual Voter method of ballot box stuffing it is not dead!

Now we have the dead making campaign contributions!!! I'm thinking that Dick Daley would be proud to see this latest twist on his pioneering Ballot stuffing trick!!!


2007-11-29 12:28:26 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Elections

Several states (I think Nebraska and New Hampshire) do this already. If the Dems were proposing this for Florida and Texas we'd see it splashed all over Fox.

2007-11-29 12:59:16 · update #1

Oops pasted the above to the wrong place Sorry!

2007-11-29 13:00:13 · update #2

1 answers

Heck some of these contributors are probably still voting in Chicago ;P

2007-11-29 12:51:42 · answer #1 · answered by wowser 5 · 0 0

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