One time I voted for a Democrat by mistake. I still have nightmares about it.
2007-11-29 09:36:13
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I have yet to take politics seriously enough long enough to know or care about my political mistakes. Any mistakes that I have made, I consider as mistakes in logic.
But for a specific issue, I used to be vehemently against any guns. Now, I'm not at all. I see that as my biggest 'political' mistake.
2007-11-29 09:53:09
answer #2
answered by Mitchell 5
I donated $25 to Matt Salmon's campaign in 2002. He was running against Janet Napolitano for the office of governor in Arizona. Janet ended up winning anyways, and I think my name was sold to both major parties. I don't even live in AZ anymore, and my inbox and mailbox are STILL jammed full of letters begging for money. Every initiative, proposal, candidate, or whatever results in somebody coming and asking me for a handout. I've tried to get my name deleted from their lists so many times I've just given up. I'm a registered Libertarian and I probably only get 5% of my political correspondence from them. I should have just used that $25 for a bag of mexican pot. It would have been less hassle, even if I had gotten arrested for it.
Speaking of which, I voted for Sherrif Joe Arapio the first year he ran. I still kick myself for feeding that monster.
2007-11-29 10:08:36
answer #3
answered by Bigsky_52 6
I've supported every one of my votes and am proud of them with the possible exception of my vote for Carter in '76. Ford was a good man but his loss gave a big push to the far right of the GOP and allowed them to gain total control over the party. Ford was the last of the middle of the road, Eisenhower style Republicans, a breed never seen in power again after 1976.
2007-11-29 09:40:47
answer #4
answered by iwasnotanazipolka 7
When seven years old, on the night of the 1968 presidential election, I got my pompoms and led my sisters out to the backyard where we cheered for Wallace.
2007-11-29 14:27:20
answer #5
answered by wider scope 7
I voted for Ross Perot in 1988.
2007-11-29 09:43:26
answer #6
answered by Ed Harley 4
Believing Clinton was a great president.
2007-11-29 09:55:02
answer #7
answered by Samm 6
Making an uninformed decision. One should always research a topic instead of blindly believing any source.
2007-11-29 09:37:29
answer #8
answered by here to help 7
(Hiding my face in shame) Voted for Ross Perot. Helping slick Willy into office. WHAT WAS I THINKING!?!?!?
2007-11-30 01:17:31
answer #9
answered by DesignDiva1 5
I am ashamed to admit that I voted for Perot. I really
liked Bush Sr. too.
2007-11-29 09:43:38
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
trying to stay non-political in college, it seemed an annoyance to get harassed for being Conservative, but in hind site it was interesting watching people go insane seeing a well spoken Latino republican =)
2007-11-29 09:41:18
answer #11
answered by Stone K 6