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Anyone have ideas on a name for a day spa. Have Certified Massage Therapist. No funny business.

What and how do Therapist get paid . Commission or hourly and how much??

Not interested in rate the spa charges what will the worker get

2007-11-29 08:14:05 · 2 answers · asked by sligoman 4 in Local Businesses Other - Local Businesses

2 answers

Depending on what different services you are going to have in your spa makes all the difference. Think of a name that is going to intrigue people to want to see what your spa has to offer.
As for the getting paid. You could have a contract massage therapist place to were they have to pay a amount to you with every massage they give or something like monthly like for them to be able to have their space.
Here in Seattle at a classy spa a massage therapist gets paid any where between 25 to 35 dollars an hour. So it just depends on how you want to set up your business. Hope this helped some.

Good luck and best of wishes!

2007-11-29 10:46:25 · answer #1 · answered by Rachiebaby 2 · 0 0

Day Spa Massage?

2007-11-29 08:17:10 · answer #2 · answered by NeNe 1 · 0 0