i beg to differ, he is the worstest. his approval ratings rate with the lowest of the low. so it's like him vs Nixon. Nixon didn't try to you know bankrupt the country in order to kill social programs... so i have to go with GW.
2007-11-29 03:08:48
answer #1
answered by gherd 4
It's kind of funny, I just googled 'worst president ever' and for pages and pages all answers had to do with George. This could be for many reasons. It could just be because he is the most recent. However, I am willing to wager that a similar search done during Clinton's term would not have had the same results. However, I am interested to hear if Google will be described as a part of the liberal media. But in any case, I have not been alive for a great number of presidents but there has never been as much world wide scorn of a president in my memory. The fact that less than 1 out of 4 people support him and that those people defend him with a crazed fanatic like sense of loyalty is very scary. We have the equivalent of a religious fanatic and his small group of sycophants running the most powerful nation in the world. Worst prez in the world? Only time will tell. It's quite possible that he may end up looking like a genius in hindsight but the early verdict is yes.
2007-11-29 11:20:58
answer #2
answered by Big Paesano 4
No not the worst. He has seen record growth in the economy, stood up to terrorsit that had been after us since the Clinton Administration, Liberated two countries from dictators, and a lot of other things.
Blame should be given to those who deserve it for those who say he has done nothing for us he cannot rule by decree Congress has stalled or blocked legislative matters ment to help out the American people, have refused to work with the president as of late in order to come to some agreements on other issues, and is sending the wrong message to the troops by with holding funding.
For those that say the economy is in shambles there are reports that came out yesterday that had growth in new home markets and that the economy saw an almost 5% growth over the summer. Couple that with the fact that even though we have seen a massive sell off in the markets lately we are still up on the year and the trade deficit is shrinking and the picture is becoming better and better.
The media is all hype, they leave out the feel good parts of most stories and replace it with sensationalism. The war is ending and in our benifit but all we hear about are car bombings, in Afganistan the farmers are begining to replace their Poppy fields (opium) with Safron. The Israelis and Palestinian Authority have made the commitment to come to a peace deal by the end of 2008.
What threatens all of this are those that hate peace (Hamas) or hate the president so much they want him to fail no matter what the cost (the Far left and some Senate and house Democrats).
2007-11-29 11:15:26
answer #3
answered by Tip 5
No he isn't.
There was Ulysses S Grant who had an administration rife with political corruption that led to the Teapot Dome Scandal.
Then there was Jimmy Carter who had disastrous economic policies that lead to the highest gas prices in history and who had political policies that led to the hostage crisis in Iran.
Let's not forget Lyndon Johnson who turned Vietnam into a disaster.
Those guys are some of the worst president we've had. President Bush has only sold out our borders, he has done at least a passable job on pretty much everything else.
2007-11-29 11:08:02
answer #4
answered by The Man from Nowhere 3
Only for those too young to remember the Jimmy Carter presidency.
The 2nd gas crisis.
18% interest rates.
The Panama Canal giveaway.
And all those combined aren't as bad as the one big thing, which was withdrawing support for the Shah of Iran and allowing that country to become an Islamic theocracy. The whole world is still suffering for that.
2007-11-29 14:39:58
answer #5
answered by mikey 6
His big money spending (and losing, how do you lose 8 billion dollars?) has bankrupted this country to the point that the middle class is being obliterated. Inflation is ridiculous right now. As we speak the American people are just sitting back and watching as the cost of living goes up while our paychecks are staying the same.
Oh and lets talk about HR1995 that is sitting in the House right now just waiting to be passed. Look it up, if you are not outraged I don't know what to tell you.
This administration uses the Constitution, Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence as toilet paper and they should be deeply ashamed to call themselves Americans.
There is truly only one man who can save us and that is RON PAUL!!
The fat cat businessmen who run this country know this and are purposely keeping him out of the mainstream media.
Watch this if you have any doubt:
2007-11-29 11:15:34
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
There are many other presidents who went out with worse sentiments than Bush will. Especially if Iraq continues to improve and the economy holds on.
At the end of Truman's 2nd term his approval was in the 20s. Now he is remembered as one of the nations best presidents.
LBJ was widely known as "that lying bastard" at the end of his term. He was TREMENDOUSLY unpopular. Much worse than Bush now.
Carter was faced with a recession, hostages in Iran, and a ridiculously failed presidency and is now a laughing stock of the ex-president's club.
Sorry - Bush has made a lot of mistakes but there have been much worse presidents in American history. I betcha in 30 years his memory is much more favorable.
2007-11-29 11:07:03
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
No, he in fact may be called stupid, dumb or ignorant, but he walked into a country that just after he was installed to power, was attacked on many sites. He reacted ,with the backing of ALL people in the council. These same people when they see that it isn't only going to be a half hours work like Granada, are crying and up in arms they were tricked, or they never voted to war. These same people are referred to as LIARS. As for worse presidents, Clinton and His wife,just crooks, Johnson,well he escalated Vietnam,just for a few examples
2007-11-29 11:11:42
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
No president has ever been judge while in office when talking history.
Until now.
I wonder why?
We will get back to it.
Again anyone who studies history knows that after a president leaves office and normally has been dead for awhile does that kind of judgement take place.
Those who do are fools.
I like to remind you that Lincoln was consider a monkey by the democrats while he was in office and today we consider him one of the greatest.
So we will have to wait and see how history will judge Bush.
Liberals have no concept of history they only want what is in front of them now to be true.
Just like Bill Clinton who said he was against the war in Iraq yet sign the law wanting to have saddam taken out.
2007-11-29 11:15:35
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
He did lead us, with Hillarys backing, into the middle east to finally fight back. Cowards dislike that but America was tiring of attack after attack in 1990s that went unanswered.
Despite 9-11 the US economy has been booming, unemployment has been low, and there hasn't been gas rationing.
Carter on the other hand:
-double digit unemployment
-18% interest
-hostages in Iran
-lines at gas pumps due to rationing
-US morale at all time low
-US respect from abroad at all time low
2007-11-29 11:09:33
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Google the name
Jimmy Carter
Followed by
Richard Nixon
Lydon Baines Johnson
Just to name three.
2007-11-29 11:04:22
answer #11
answered by Anonymous