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If Ron doesn't make the Primary, will you vote Rep or Dem? I ask because I've heard this on the wind - Rudy is Hillary's biggest threat while Ron is not, and a vote for Ron Paul is one less for Rudy (or whomever becomes the front runner).

Now, if Ron doesn't stand a chance to win anyway, (honestly, I'm not bashing, but I don't think he does, even though his $$ is growing) but gets votes anyway, that increases Hillary's chance of winning, and I really don't think we want that. It's also been rumored that Ron's money is coming from the left in an effort to debunk Rudy.

I can't verify any of this but it's something to think about. I'm a Rudy guy myself and I'd rather vote for a baboon than Hillary. If Ron makes it I WILL vote for him over anyone. What's your thoughts? Will you vote Dem or Rep if Ron doesn't make it?

2007-11-28 23:51:32 · 16 answers · asked by Jim C 5 in Politics & Government Elections

Oh, I'm not saying Ron is a baboon.

2007-11-29 00:03:32 · update #1

16 answers

If Ron Paul doesn't make it, I will vote Republican. I would hope that whoever I vote for is substantially more conservative than Rudy, but even Rudy is better than Hillary.

2007-11-29 00:24:32 · answer #1 · answered by maryjellerson 4 · 6 6

I will vote for Ron if it comes down to Rudy vs Hillary but I would rather have Hillary than more of the same george bush so I would vote Ron Paul even if he wasnt on the ballot call it a throw away I call it making the right decision.

2007-11-29 02:56:03 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

the subject with Ron Paul is that he's distinctive from the different applicants. He upholds the conservative ideals of the Republican party, unlike Manchurian Candidate McCain, Democrat Giuliana, turn Flop Romney, and dissimilar others who do not comprehend the how or why of small government. regrettably being the only status out he draws conspiracy theorists, even nonetheless he's not one himself. He additionally draws baseless assaults because of the fact by ability of being the only status out he tense circumstances the prestige quo applicants.

2016-12-10 07:54:43 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If Paul doesnt get it you would stay at home? C mon there will be a 3rd party running there is always at least one, vote for a 3rd party candidate to voice your displeasure with the current system, if you sit at home they do not hear you do they?

Paul will take just as many votes from Dem's. I am a republican and have been since I turned 18, for the last decade. If Paul doesn't make the general election I will be looking for an alternative to Whoever the republicans or democrats put in the election. Rudy and Romney and Thompson and Huckabee and Hillary and Obama and Edwards the difference between them is slim . Frankly I will not cast a vote to DEFEAT someone, but rather for who is best suited to run our country. The Republicans are just as bad as the Democrats when it comes to Wasteful Government spending. Neither will cut government spending, they will both continue support a failed Foreign Policy, they will both continue to rack up debt that future generations will have to pay. Neither is going to offer a real solution to ANY of the issues that are important to the majority of Americans. So I will be voting 3rd party, and possibly re registering as an independent

2007-11-29 00:10:19 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 5 5

Your a Rudy guy. You like the idea of federally funded abortion, gun control, and lawsuits against firearm manufacturers.

I'm a Ron Paul guy. I Like the idea of Freedom , Liberty & THe Constitutiuon.

If Ron Paul doesnt get the nomination, I will not vote. Because if Ron Paul dosent win, America gets what it deserves, even if that is Hillary Clinton. (Guiliani isnt much different issue to issue)

2007-11-29 00:38:20 · answer #5 · answered by vote_usa_first 7 · 7 3

I respect Ron Paul. I understand that he was a flight surgeon who would not accept medicaid and gave treatment for free in those cases. Wow. Most doctors I know are assholes about getting their fees paid and don't seem to be in the business for the healing.

Anyway, Paul has some ideas that are probably too radical for the populace...even though I do believe we need to leave other nations alone...unless they want to screw with us in which case we ***** slap them.

2007-11-29 00:39:01 · answer #6 · answered by Cntrlcommand 1 · 7 2

OK, I'm pretty sure that' why they have PRIMARIES. Then it's 1 REPUBLICAN vs. 1 DEMOCRAT. Your theory makes no sense. I shouldn't vote for who I think is best, because YOUR guy might not win the primary if I do. Isn't that the point?

2007-11-29 01:12:40 · answer #7 · answered by ryan c 5 · 5 2

I asked this question BEFORE the debate..and was SHOCKED by the answers.

During the debate, RP made it clear he would NOT run as an Independent or Libertarian. So I did some research....

Although, Dr. Paul considers himself a tried and true Republican, his supporters are NOT. They are die-hard Libertarians at the damning of the Republican Nominee.

This is the Libertarian position:
That's because many libertarians prize systematic consistency and contempt of compromise as the highest virtues (some even reject participation in elections on such grounds). Such a belief is shot through libertarian thought. A is A, after all, and that's not open to discussion. The central premise of F.A. Hayek's The Road to Serfdom is that some central planning leads to more and more planning--a position that, however accurate, makes it difficult to embrace the brokered deals that characterize political reality. If politics is the art of compromise--the art of the possible--many libertarians want no part of it to begin with: It's, Live free or die, not, Let's make a deal.



edit: Point made by Vote USA....RFLMAO at comment and nick name!

2007-11-29 00:28:44 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 6

I like Ron Paul, though I also believe he doesn't stand a chance. My personal preference would be Fred Thompson. I think Rudy is too liberal on some issues like gun control. However, I'll be voting republican no matter what and I certainly Hope Ron Paul does not run an independent campaign. That would be a big plus for the dems.

2007-11-28 23:58:34 · answer #9 · answered by jrrysimmons 5 · 4 9

If Ron Paul doesn't make it then I'm voting for Fred. Rudy is a Democrat in sheep's clothing.

2007-11-29 00:14:51 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 6

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