I love carrot with an apple. 3 carrots and 1 apple Mmmm...
Be careful with beet juice though. When it says cleanser. They aren't joking. Broccolli is good. Pineapple and strawberry, yummy. Or celery with tomato. You can't juice bannanas
2007-11-28 22:41:58
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I have juiced the following veggies with great results: cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, beets, and celery.
Here are some of my favorite combinations:
~pineapple (with skin)-apple-cucumber-ginger root
~orange-grapefruit-apple-ginger root
~grapes-apple-ginger root
~cantaloupe (with skin)-ginger root
Just a few notes -
~When I mention ginger root, I use fresh ginger with the skin, but only about 1/4". It's quite potent. It's a great (natural) stress reliever.
~Juiced garlic is powerful. When I first stated juicing it, I could only handle one fresh clove at a time. Now I can do about three...it's a wonderful way to reduce blood pressure.
~Most everything can be juiced with the skin on - that's where all the nutrients are. Never juice citrus fruits with the skin though. It's too tough for the juicer. Pineapple is an exception! The skin contains bromine which is a great agent for muscle relaxation. If you juice 1/4 of a whole pineapple with the skin on right before your period, it can help reduce cramps.
~Only juice beets and cabbage every now and then. They are great liver cleansers...but juicing them too often is not good. I hate cabbage besides in the form of sauerkraut, but it is really good in the juicer! (it surprised me).
I hope this helps!
2007-11-29 09:36:38
answer #2
answered by YSIC 7
Beetroots, celery and carrots are great for juices, especially beetroot, containing four vitamins, nine important minerals and over 200 different active elements, many of which are still to be researched, plus what a great colour!
Those are the three vegies that pop into my head, but upon doing some research, apparently you can also juice turnips, radishes, parsnip and cabbage!
2007-11-29 06:43:16
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Celery, carrot and skinned tomato (or use tinned pulped tomatoes) with a dash of Tabsco or Worcester sauce and a couple of grinds of black pepper.
Make your own fruit juices - apple, orange, peach, etc.
You can also buy ready-made orange juice and zing it up by whizzing in some strawberries or whatever.
2007-11-29 06:42:10
answer #4
answered by Veronica Alicia 7
Forget the Juicer. Boil cabbage and drink the water!
- Unless you secretly mean the juice from moon kiddies.
2007-11-30 06:15:03
answer #5
answered by bottle babe 4
Tomatoes are really good..
I have found them the best with pretty much anything.
I personally like them with celery and carrots though.
Some veggies are also good with a fruit included.
(i.e apples and oranges)
You basically just have to experiment and see what you like.
2007-11-29 06:41:46
answer #6
answered by Kimberly W 2
apple and carrots go very well together.so nice!
as far as I know,apple is the only fruit that you can juice with all vegs.
2007-11-29 06:38:43
answer #7
answered by I dont know 4
Technically a fruit really but Tomatoes. Lovley with a dash of worcestershire sauce and a bit of black pepper!
2007-11-29 06:38:31
answer #8
answered by bumbleboi 6
carrot juice is good
2007-11-29 06:40:11
answer #9
answered by mizzmamma 5
Celerys nice.
2007-11-29 06:38:29
answer #10
answered by [Jesss♥] 2