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I think about sucide a lot but dont think i would ever do it i feel they would take back what they do if i show them how much it hurts God gives me signs that he is with me. i am not mental or crazy i actually am very smart and kno a lot about computers i repent of my sins almost daily and accept God to the fullst but sometimes do doubt as much as i dont want to... Just hard to imagine when he doesnt really show you that everything is true .. like everything that happened in the bible i really do need help with this question ............ before......

2007-11-28 14:12:26 · 16 answers · asked by Zack 1 in Health Mental Health

16 answers

Wow... I so understand this feeling. I'm going through the same thing. I heard you go to hell to if you commit suicide and honestly, its the only thing that has kept me from doing it. One night I was so desperate I googled it and decided if I could prove it wasn't true I would. I ended up on some christian websight that talked me out of it. I almost od'd one night and I really felt like god saved me that moment. I did better for a while but for some reason my life is becoming overwhelming again. I think god is merciful always and I think he will help you in your greatest times of need and despair. Try reading books about people who've gone through great times of persecution, trials, or despair and how they made it with the grace of god... I've heard this is where alot of hymns comes from. Anyways, I'm probably not the best to be giving advice since I just posted about pretty much the same thing, but I just wanted to say I understand and hope you are okay.

2007-11-28 14:26:51 · answer #1 · answered by jamie kat 6 · 0 0

I have been suffering from post partum depression for the past one year when I gave birth to a baby boy. I couldn't stop thinking about how my husband loves him more than me and how things might be better if he wasn't born at all. Thus, I stayed away from him because I knew that I might do something I will regret for the rest of my life.

Almost instantly I went to a therapist and convince them that I need help. Among other things, I've tried herbal supplements and other book to treat depression but nothing works like the Depression Free Method. So now I'm proud to say I'm one of the happiest mother in the world. My husband loves us both very much and I thank the Lord for the blessing he gave us.

Depression Free Method?

2016-05-16 00:32:43 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I was raised Catholic and taught that suicide was caused by mental illness and that you couldn't blame someone who had a mental illness. if in a court of law they can't find you guilty of murder if it's proven that you have a psychiatric illness than Why would God??? God knows you better than anyone and there fore would be the least likely to judge you for an illness. Depression some times means that you're not thinking clearly when you're in an enormous amount of pain. It makes it hard to not to want to end the pain. AND most of the time Suicide is an attempt to end the PAIN not the life. People have to start recognizing the difference. There is a big difference between wanting to end the pain that you're in and the life that you're living. Once people start to realize that and to accept it they will be less likely to want to condemn people to HELL for wanting to end the PAIN that they are in!!!

2007-11-28 20:59:24 · answer #3 · answered by Kathryn R 7 · 0 0

who the heck hasn't consider killing themselves? i think about it several times a week all year long. it would be such an easy way out, not having to worry about bills that pile up, family problems, taxes, car problems, medical issues,
the holidays and how in the heck am i to pay for this crap, which they will return anyway? then i come home after a bad day at work and see my smiling grandson, and he makes life worthwhile. i will accept the pain for my grandchild, to make sure that he has a better life than i.
from what i understand from the bible, god will give you only what you can bare. you only have to deal with what you have been dealt in life to make the most of it and be creative, god doesn't like a cookie cutter follower.

2007-11-28 15:02:26 · answer #4 · answered by barrbou214 6 · 0 0

See depression treatments, at http://www.ezy-build.net.nz/~shaneris in section 2, and consult a doctor, to eliminate thyroid problems, etc. as possible contributing factors: also seek a referral to a therapist using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, or Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy. It is your decision, and yours alone, as to whether to take any antidepressants offered, but, before you do, read section 1, and check medications out at www.drugs.com so you will be on the lookout for side effects, like sexual dysfunction. My strong recommendation, however, is to follow the advice of my doctor, his partner, and also Marcelle Pick, OB/GYN NP, and Dr. Mercola, as well, at http://www.mercola.com and avoid antidepressants (page 2V refers, & antidepressant websites: page 2). The reasons why we all share the same view on this are explained in full, as you will find, if you read the whole section. All of their advice, (except prayer, because many people are not religious) I have incorporated into the "core treatments", including others as options, such as herbal remedies. If you are diagnosed with clinical (major) depression, antidepressants may be necessary for a while, which will give the treatments time to become effective. The antidepressants themselves need at least several days, or even many weeks to become effective. It's a good idea to taper off them slowly, with medical advice, after several months, say, to a couple of years, at most, because they are only effective in the long term for about 30% of people. Because of this, you would be well advised to begin the treatments immediately, and maintain them. I'd just thank your mental health care provider, and pocket the prescription, trying the treatments for a few months, to see if they are sufficient for you, before considering filling it (unless clinically depressed, and having great difficulty functioning, or suicidal, in which case I'd take them). Suicidal thoughts are addressed on page 5.

2007-11-28 15:04:24 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


I'm very happy that you are seeking advice for your concern but you should really consider talking to someone outside the internet regarding your situation.

First, Suicide is never the Answer (no matter if you believe people who committ suicide go to hell or not)

Second, Since your seeking an answer about God and his acceptance, I would storngly suggest you meet with your Paster, Priest, or Rabbi about your concerns and be completely honest with him or her. They will guide you with GOD's directions and they will keep your conversations confidential.

Third, If you ever feel you might actually committ suicide, STOP and call someone. Here are a few links and phone number I suggest you keep handy.



1-800-SUICIDE 1-800-273-TALK
1-800-784-2433 1-800-273-8255

2007-11-28 14:29:14 · answer #6 · answered by Alex F 3 · 1 0

Okay. So going to hell isn't going to be your biggest problem if you commit suicide. Your biggest problem would be that you'd be dead. That's why suicide is the only sin within Christianity for which one cannot be forgiven - you have to repent and express contrition to be forgiven and you can do neither if you're dead.
That being said, depression is some serious sh!t and you need to talk to someone about how you're feeling. I've felt the same way and know that I would have felt uncomfortable talking to my doctor or minister and my folks were entirely out of the question (can we say "disconnected"?!?). Start out talking about how you feel to a trusted friend, teacher, or aunt or uncle. Chances are, the person to whom you're speaking has either had the same feelings themselves or they've experienced loss from suicide.

2007-11-28 14:26:48 · answer #7 · answered by chick2lit 5 · 0 2

I was raised pentecostal, and in the church's Iwas always in even as an adult I would say yes.Murder is a sin even upon urself, and u cant ask forgiveness for a sin and then do a murder...So In my eyes Id say yeah hell. Life is way to precious for that.I know Its hard, therapy 29 years has proven that.But please remember, U have friends, family, KIDS? etc. Email me if u want to vent or just scream, I wont judge u, Ill just listen.Please dont even consider it ok..Every religion is different for ppl, But I still say its a fiery pit of hell for suicide.

2007-11-28 19:49:20 · answer #8 · answered by petshaven 3 · 0 1

I think God might want you to seek out help with your depression. Try seeking out a psychopharmacologist and a therapist (social worker or psychologist) to speak with about meds to improve your mood and the therapist to discuss your depression & your questions about God & how to figure out your relationship with him and the fact that he doesn't really show you everything that's true.

According to your religion, it is a sin to commit suicide; and it's the only decision in your life you can't change.

2007-11-28 14:38:21 · answer #9 · answered by knicname 7 · 1 0

I was raised Catholic and taught you go to hell if you commit suicide. I also suffered from depression in my teens and 20s. At no point though could I ever really think about suicide because of the way I was raised (not due to religion). It would kill my mom and the rest of my family members if I ever did that. Also, my family has known people who have done it. It is never the answer.
Go help others and stop thinking so much about yourself.

2007-11-28 14:20:08 · answer #10 · answered by deirdrezz 6 · 0 3

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