You may not have to go as far as all that. A letter is a little impersonal, and they probably don't even realize that it can be smelled down the hallway. A quick and knock on the door and a friendly greeting would probably be appreciated. Just let them know that it can be smelled in the hallway, and you're worried about the impression it's making on your daughter while she's so young. You don't even need to mention police involvement (that'll just make them defensive). That way they'll probably take care of the problem themselves (smokers know lots of tricks to contain the smell, if they think about it), and you don't have to start any bad feelings with your neighbors.
On the other hand, if after a friendly conversation they haven't changed their habits, then just call the cops and report the smell. You've got to put your daughter first, and if you were pleasant in the initial conversation, they won't even suspect you.
2007-11-28 06:46:11
answer #1
answered by Beardog 7
If this is an issue you dislike, you have the right to file a formal complaint with both your landlord & the proper authorities. I personally would pass a blind eye if someone was just smoking and respectful of others air too. The person could put a towel on the doorway or something to keep the smell in the apartment & not leaking out into the common hallway. If the smoker is a quiet & respectful neighbor, count your blessings. Living in a apartment complex surely has its cons, the strongest probably being rude or dangerous neighbors so close. Maybe an anonymous letter in the mail would be better to start with & simply ask the smoker to please keep the smell away from the common hallway. Explain yourself in a polite manner & assurance of looking the other way so long as the smell does not affect your common areas. Chances are they would compromise their current habits & cover the smell better, to avoid law enforcement & landlords knocking on their door. As a mother who lives in rental property with close neighbors, you should use your best judgment about all factors, so whatever decision you choose to make you will have given it some actual attention.
2016-05-26 05:47:40
answer #2
answered by ? 3
Posting that kinda thing is a good way to start a war with your neighbors. Leave it alone, or call and give an anonymous tip to crime stoppers about illegal activity.
They would get a what $100 fine for smoking a bowl? Come on, unless they are dealing a lot of it the police aren't going to take this seriously. Have fun with that.
2007-11-28 07:17:44
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Marijuana smokers are MELLOW. If you post the note letting them know how you feel, they will hopefully try to fix it. No dope smoker wants the cops around. If they blow you off, call the cops. Either way it will fix your life, and confrontation will only make your environment unpleasant and awkward.
And take it as you may, but you might want to educate your daughter about it, insted of isolating her from it so SHE can make the right choice about drugs... just some friendly advice. Good luck!
2007-11-28 06:57:24
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Seriously, don't snitch on them. Marijuana users aren't like crack users, they're typically nice people. Confront the person, explain your concerns with you and your daughter and ask him to be more discrete (like Master Why's idea of stuffing a towel under the door). If they refuse, then look into legal action, but them knowing you don't approve should be enough to get them to keep it on the down low.
2007-11-28 06:54:17
answer #5
answered by Pfo 7
I wouldn't even deal with your neighbors. Call the Police! what they are doing is illegal and they are doing illegal drugs. This can be dangerous not only because of the drugs they are doing, but the people that come to their place as well as drug transactions that might occur. It isn't safe. I wouldn't even post anything because you don't know if they might retailiate against you. The apartment complex should throw them out if the police charge them with any crimes. Who knows maybe if you complain enough the police might do some drug task force or something. In any case if the police or you make aware that illegal drug activity is occurring they should throw them off the property (they can evict) because in most leases there is some sort of legal language about drugs being in violation of the lease. CALL THE POLICE! Do it repeatedly, esp. when the smell of pot is in the air!
2007-11-28 06:50:29
answer #6
answered by sun_shinevt 6
The best advice would be to call the police every time you notice the smell of marijuana
2007-11-28 07:49:52
answer #7
answered by Kevy 7
Friendly warning first. Ask them nicely. Involving the police will lead to unpleasant repercussions, and bad feelings all around. The world would be a happier place if people tried to sort things out themselves before calling in the law.
2007-11-28 06:47:45
answer #8
answered by Freethinker 5
You strike me as the type of person who appoints themselves "mayor of the complex". There's one for every apartment building.
Why do you feel so compelled? Has your daughter questioned you about the odor? Why not explain to your daughter that you do not condone drug use and mind your own business.
Being a whistle blower without really knowing who you are turning in is risky and lastly, no one likes a tattler.
2007-11-28 06:47:13
answer #9
answered by sleepingliv 7
Althought posting a note is the polite thing to do, it can be traced back to you. This will cause an awkward living postion and they may target or abuse you.
If you anonymously call the police there is no way they can blame you.
2007-11-28 07:21:07
answer #10
answered by -=Seta San=- 6