If you have to "believe" then it isn't science, it's faith, religion, mysticism.
Religion doesn't require scientist. It needs preachers, soothsayers, and fortune tellers.
2007-11-27 12:35:11
answer #1
answered by Dr Jello 7
While I do not deny that the activities of man have created pollution, may have contributed to global warming, and damaged the ozone layer, - but be that as it may, even if that is the case, I think that the earth and it's envelope of supporting atmosphere are capable of "healing" these damages.
I believe that I read somewhere that the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo in South America, did as much damage to the planet and atmosphere as ALL OF THE pollution, green house gasses, methane, freon, RSA22, RA45, sulpher, -etc from the start of the Industrial Revolution to the Present time. If that observation is true, - then once again, I think we over estimate the power we weild as humans, - to impact the world's health, or to say with any authority that there truely is an environmental crisis at hand.
I believe that there are colossally stupid, greedy, and arrogant decisions being made about our enviroment, our natural resources, our oceans and the entire world eco-system in both the Public and Private sectors by men who for the most part only seek to exploit those resources to fatten their already bloated coffers, and then their are those who are concerned but are too slow on the up-take to accomplish anything but study after study, and then there are those who are too quick on the draw - they formulate a position and a theory based on a number of evident and supposedly self evident and on-going phenonena - declare a crisis - and seek to become Political Czars out to save the planet - by using scare tactics, and questionable prophesies prepared by paid hacks to bolster their political line. And all the while not a whole lot gets done that I see, we still over package - I don't see any hydrogen cars runnning around out there - We are still burning rainforests at an alarming rate each day - Japan has reinstated whale hunting, we still allow single hulled oil tankers to ply the seas, Campus' and small towns are not using Central steam, electric, and Utilities anymore. - etc.
2007-11-27 23:00:16
answer #2
answered by jtrall25 4
I am 60. I was taught in 5th grade (1956) that the earth was warming, we were coming out of an ice age. The ocean has risen 150 feet in the last 8000 years. Warming and cooling of the earth is nothing new. The environmentalists are panicked that they are not in control. Gore's"Inconvenient Truth" is neither inconvenient nor truthful. We have only been able to really study the earth for the last 30 years and it is scaring the hell out of the Chicken Little's of the world.
2007-11-28 00:42:23
answer #3
answered by mcorr55 2
In 1973 I was a student at NMSU. I was involved the initial study of the ozone depletion "problem". A consortium of scientists from Cal-poly Pomona, NMSU, and MIT applied for a grant to build an instrument package to study the Ozone layer. They got only enough funds to build the instruments but not enough to launch the weather balloons. So they did Lab tests. I was on work study and took copious notes. It was found that a Tesla coil, our best guess at what the ozone layer was composed of and the freon used then in air conditioners at the exact mix with no more than +/- 4 parts per billion will cause the freon to react with the man-made Ozone. They spent most of the money to publicize the fact that "hairspray may damage the ozone layer. The next year the grant was 150 times the original but the PR bullshit about the environment was forever engraved on the public conscious. Environmentalists are either liars or fools with no real scientific education. I watched it unfold and as a 20 year old undergrad I could not do a thing to change or stop it. Ruined academia for me. I saw the whole damned organic chemistry department at NMSU stand by and watch as bad science was touted as disaster in the making. Oh the reports used hedge words like maybe and could and we think, but the reporters were never keying on those words only on the imminent disaster.
2007-11-27 21:23:29
answer #4
answered by Coasty 7
Yes, I believe the Global warning is going on right now.
First, Check the world annual highest temperature for 5-10 million years and you can clearly see the trend.
Second, according to the reports and satellite images from North Pole, the glacial size and depth is becaming smaller and smaller.
Third, there are a lot of natural hazards happened in recent years like tsunami, this is becasue of the sea has much higher energy than before.
2007-11-27 21:37:35
answer #5
answered by Jenny S 2
Your book is accurate but I think it's most likely referring to Man Mad Global Warming. One simply needs to follow the money trail with this.. Al Gore and his movie have a disclaimer in England because of information that is not entirely true. It should be called "An Inaccurate Truth". Many of these environmentalists get grant monies for research. Do your own research and I'm sure you'll find the truth. Good Luck.
2007-11-27 21:07:05
answer #6
answered by steinwald 4
I believe in global warming. It has been going on since the peak of the last ice age.
2007-11-27 20:29:42
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Holy cow...where do YOU go to school? Anthropogenic (human-caused) global warming is almost universally accepted in scientific circles; claiming otherwise is just irresponsible.
Whether you accept that humans have had any effect on the climate or not doesn't change the fact that most climatologists think we have.
2007-11-27 20:34:53
answer #8
answered by Lucas C 7
If it's not real, why would environmentalists make it seem like a big deal?
2007-11-27 21:33:54
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Well your text book seems to be close to the truth. We are just not the casue of global warming it is just naturally warming up.
2007-11-27 20:38:04
answer #10
answered by Anonymous