yes, you're absolutely right, your logic is undeniable
2007-11-27 06:43:16
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Crimson , Crimson , Crimson ....
This is a SCIENTIFIC Discovery . It has NOTHING to do with religion ( except maybe to discredit it ) . Why do you try to attach some Biblical quote to everything you can ?
Oh yes ! It is because even though the religions like to keep their "sheeples" in the safety of their pen , the sheeples are still terrified of all those other ideas out there . So they want to make everyone into sheeples so they can pretend there will never be any of those "thought wolves" out there to get them . Baaaa !
Your "queation doesn't even make much sense ( as I read it ) : Does Cosmological thinking help "God" beat the devil ?
Intuitive law ( lol) of cause and effect demands their be a "god" ? I think not . What produced "god" ? No matter how you dress it up , the Bible is still just a big story book . Sorry !
2007-11-27 06:59:39
answer #2
answered by allure45connie 4
Do you understand that the WMAP survey is a spin-off of Big Bang theory? Cosmologists expected that the Big Bang scattered matter uniformly in all directions. WMAP and its predecessor COBE proved that expectation to be false. Now cosmologists are casting about, looking for a reasonable explanation for why that void (and possibly another) exist. It's far too soon to be jumping to conclusions like the existence of another universe. First the experts will offer their opinions (happening now). Eventually some sort of consensus will be reached and an experiment will be devised to put it to the test. Right now all we know is that the Big Bang was apparently not as homogeneous as expected -- because the WMAP experiment did not precisely confirm the theory, as expected. Nobody really knows why.
I wasn't able to follow your leap from "cosmological thinking" to Biblical evil. As I see it, "cause and effect" requires a solid explanation of God's origin, before He can ever be assumed to have caused anything.
BTW, it looks like your avatar has a new look. I like it. Nicely done.
2007-11-27 07:03:18
answer #3
answered by Diogenes 7
Their evidence shows no such thing. The pictured hole is just a close up of the map of the cosmic background radiation that permeates the Universe. The "hole" is just an area that is slightly cooler than the surrounding areas. The level of sensitivity is such that a variation of .02% of a single degree Kelvin accounts for all the color shifts from red to blue. The claim is bogus and has been discredited by several cosmologist as hoaky.
2007-11-27 06:47:38
answer #4
answered by ? 6
When physicists talk about "other universes" or alternate dimensions, they generally aren't talking about the kind of things you see in sci-fi or in religious beliefs.
There is certainly nothing about a region of empty space that would indicate that it is "evil" or "satanic". There is nothing there, so how can there be any evil there? That's like saying a cup is full of evil because you poured all the water out of it.
2007-11-27 06:51:53
answer #5
answered by Azure Z 6
Wow, scraping the bottom of the barrel for arguments for the bible. Should another universe be found, that is ZERO evidence in favour of the bible.
2007-11-27 06:56:35
answer #6
answered by Tom :: Athier than Thou 6
Why is there an article on cosmology on a site called
2007-11-27 06:43:07
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
How would any alternate Universe prove the Bible? That's really quite a stretch... more likely it proves Greek mythology. Or Norse mythology: scientists might have found Valhalla...
2007-11-27 06:42:25
answer #8
answered by Blackacre 7
I disagree that it is the first. There are things that happen in particle accelerators that point to it to. But M-Theory is getting fairly accepted and it predicts other universes. It isn't really a big surprise.
2007-11-27 06:44:50
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
"Thinking" is the wrong word to use for such nonsense as this. Who concocted this stuff? Creationist Henry Morris invented much such "kuso" as my Japanese gal Miyuki says). You should learn to think for yourself and not make a fool of yourself by writing such stuff as this. My gal and I are laughing, but I feel sorry too that you are so misguided by some scoundrel.
2007-11-27 06:49:18
answer #10
answered by miyuki & kyojin 7
What about comet P/17 increasing 1,000,000 times brighter and now is bigger than Jupiter.
2007-11-27 07:25:17
answer #11
answered by Anonymous