I know what you mean, though I am not going to assume what the sin is.
Just NEVER give up on yourself, Brother Skyline! NEVER give up on yourself.
Since I do not know explicitly what the sin is, the closest I can advise is that you avoid ANYTHING that causes you to stumble/sin. Also, you may want to limit or avoid being in thr company of people who not only commit the sin you commit, but they think nothing OF committing the sin. Just surround yourself with as many Christian/godly people as possible. Avoiding what may cause you to stumble may be hard, and feel funny at first, but you'll get used to it.
Just keep praying, avoid anything that will make you stumble, and keep trying, and be around the right kind of people. You can talk to a pastor if you feel comfortable. If you want, you can email me what the sin is so I can be of further assistance. (You don't have to feel embarrassed if you decide to tell me)
Just keep reminding yourself God is waiting for you to come, and He will NEVER forsake or give up on you! Tell Satan you REBUKE him and you are a child of GOD! If you have a Bible, you may want to pray Psalms 51 to the Lord.
Continue to go in peace, Brother Skyline. I love you because God loves you first. God Bless! I tell you the truth, put ALL your faith in God, and keep trying, someday that sin you won't commit! God's not giving up on you, so don't give up on yourself!
2007-11-26 14:29:56
answer #1
answered by Яɑɩɳɓɵw 6
Skyline, hang in there.
I must be dumb but I can imagine a dozen kinds of sin you could be talking about. Those that keep coming back and "always seem to win" are called (by us in the after-sin-mopping-up profession) "besetting sins".
I admire the fact that you and Our Lord have gotten your besetting sins down to One!
I think you have gotten some great advice here (and some not so great, also). I'll just add that Satan and self-focus often make it seem as if you are wasting your time fighting the sin, but the truth is that if you postpone it even a few minutes, you are giving glory to God by your struggle and dedication to Him.
Also don't fall into the traps of either thinking that you don't need to fight any other sins,
nor the trap of thinking that God is getting impatient with you and getting tired of forgiving you.
That is Who He is and what He is like.
Uh.. and oh yeah. I'll be praying for you
and maybe you could pray for all of us answerers, too.
2007-11-26 13:32:50
answer #2
answered by fr.peter 4
Pray. The Word tells us that if we ask, we will receive. This thing you keep doing that you call a sin is most likely a bad habit you acquired. Habits are hard to break. However, with perseverance and faith, we prevail over temptations. As Christians are human and fallible, yes well struggle with temptation and sin. To keep committing the sin after asking for forgiveness doesn't work, however. If you have to suffer a while to overcome habits of this world, then so be it. God will reward you greatly, He says so in His Word.
2007-11-27 04:56:55
answer #3
answered by RT 66 6
Wow! Great answers from everyone (the Christians). I am saving this Q/A for my struggles too. Firstly, let me say that is the devil trying to sneak in everytime when your mind tries to come up with reasons why you should do this sin. Even when God has overcome your urge you have still got to resist. I was told to look up in the air (because satan is the prince of air?)and quote scripture that pertains to your problem. Also, to command through the Lord's name for satan to leave. Have you tried going to a prayer group to have them pray over you? Even if you did have them do it again. Another thing you might want to think about is why it does keep on recurring - do you need to learn something and maybe that is why God might not be delivering you completly from this problem. Even still, you are being tested - he is refining you in the fire. Another person posted - it's our cross.that we have to bear and I do agree. Keep on going until you have won the race. I will pray for you.
2007-11-26 13:30:44
answer #4
answered by Lisa2000 3
Have a talk with your spiritual leader and see if you can't get to the bottom of the problem. You shouldn't still be committing the sin if God has removed the appeal of the sin from your nature, unless you just don't want to give up your sin.
2007-11-26 12:25:35
answer #5
answered by survivansustah 3
It is a cross that we must carry every day. The sin that binds our flesh is different for some than others. For me it has helped me to stay in the word every morning. I pray in the car on my way to work. This repeated connection helps strengthen me for the day.
You need to realize the little stages that lead up to the full sin. I am not allowing myself to commit the first step of temptation stage so the big battle never grows. You can not feed the beast even a little of your attention to the area of your trouble. Analyze yourself as these sins begin at their early stages and make that your battle front.
You need to win the battle before you get there.
2007-11-26 12:30:24
answer #6
answered by Dennis James 5
Pray that God will show you how this sin looks to Him.If that fails, fast and say the same prayer until you see how ugly this sin is.
"Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you:" 1 Peter 4:12
2007-11-26 14:11:33
answer #7
answered by don_steele54 6
Brother, join the club. I have a sin that I pray GOD would take away. It is not going away. I struggle EVERYDAY with it.
James 1:12 Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.
Even though we are tempted, we should NOT give in! I know it is VERY hard. Continue to ask for forgiveness and pray for victory over this sin of yours!
Let us endure to the end!
GOD bless
2007-11-26 12:30:35
answer #8
answered by Exodus 20:1-17 6
OK I am guessing that your sin is Porn. You must stop before it destroys you .The only way you are going to stop is by really wanting to . You say you want to quit then prove it and do it. Quit. Try giving over the administration of your PC to someone else who can check up on you and keep you honest. Or remove the temptation completely. Get rid of your PC or have an anti porn filter put on so you can not get to it. As time goes by without you failing you will become free of the desire to a certain extent. But this you must realize . Satan is going to attack you with temptation to look at porn every chance he gets for the rest of your life. It is a battle that you must continue to fight and you must not fail. Think of it this way. Every time you look at this filth you run the risk of going to hell. You never know when you are going to die. If you die at the altar of porn instead of the altar of God you will go to hell. Remember Jesus is sitting right next to you everytime you do this sin. God knows you are but flesh, but if I can keep myself from porn , as millions of other Christian men do, so can you. Remember you are not alone in this addictive problem , millions of Christian men are backslidden because of this terrible sin of porn. Don't fool yourself, if you continue in this sin , you are not likely to make it into heaven . This sin only leads to destruction. there is help available from Focus on the Family . Google it. I am praying for your deliverence. You can do it. Many have have been cleansed from this terrible addiction
2007-11-26 12:38:50
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I completely understand about struggling with sin. IMHO, everyone here would admit that they also understand--that is, if they were truthful ;-). Dear Christian Brother, the struggle is that we are all called to live in the world, but not be part of the world. It is a very difficult line to walk, isn't it?
It's interesting how the evil one attacks us. He always makes it seem that there is a perfectly good reason we should do whatever sin we are thinking about...In our mind, it makes perfect sense. That is--until you fall for his lies. Then the conviction...and your eyes are opened (just like Adam and Eve before us) and you see and know how wrong it was. And just like Adam and Eve, we tend to run away from God because of our sin. This causes depression, anxiety, etc. etc.
When we start focusing on things of the world (our sin) we take our eyes off Jesus and His glorious light. Things around us start looking gray and drab because He is the one who adds so much beauty to our lives.
So what should one do about it? First of all, pray, pray, and pray some more. The Lord will help you. Pray that the Lord leads you to find what deters you from continuing in this sin.
I too had a sin I continued to struggle with. After much prayer the Lord showed me what to do. When I continue to commit a sin over and over, He convicted me to tell another trustworthy Christian (usually my husband) every time I commit that sin. Because of His leading, I have promised the Lord that I will do this. (The key to this is living in humbleness and truth.) To do this, you *must* confess to another Spiritually strong Christian *every* time you commit this sin. (Pray about it first, and then choose someone you hold in high regard and someone you know will not in any way condone what you have done—someone whom you trust and who really loves the Lord above everything.)
Is it embarrassing to tell someone (even my husband) about my sin? Yes, absolutely. However, when I'm so embarrassed to tell a person, I realize I should be even more embarrassed when I know the Lord sees every little detail of what I've done.
Holding myself accountable to telling someone else and thinking about the embarrassment of telling another person usually makes me stop and turn away from sin.
The Bible says that we should get rid of whatever is making us sin. Many times, pride is at the root of sin. When we embarrass ourselves by telling someone trustworthy about our sin, our pride dies.
Dear brother in Christ, please be encouraged! For, we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. As you know, the wages of sin is death...But thank God, Jesus' death on the cross pays for *all* our sins, and His resurrection proves that ours is the victory because of Him! :-)
(((Skyline))), dear Brother in Christ, I am praying for you!
2007-11-26 18:48:04
answer #10
answered by oooooolala! 5