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Other than traveling by car, I would like to get some info regarding rail or flight from Darvin to Alice Springs. Can someone help me pls.

2007-11-25 19:18:30 · 5 answers · asked by Steel Magnolia 1 in Travel Australia Other - Australia

Is there a website for rail bookings? As for flight, what is the cheapest airlines?

2007-11-25 20:14:06 · update #1

5 answers

There is an excellent road from Darwin to Alice with lots to see on the way. Adelaide River, Katherine (and Katherine Gorge), Mataranka for the hot springs and Elsey station, Daly Waters for the famous pub, Tennant Creek, the Devils Marbles etc. There are little towns and service stations regularly so petrol and accommodation are not a problem.

You can take the Ghan or a bus or you can fly. If you are looking at a cheap trip, the Ghan is not for you. Shop around for flights to get cheap ones. Red-eyes are the cheapest (if you like travelling at 3am). If you are not a tall person, the bus could be the way to go. It isn't expensive and if you get the right ticket, you can stop anywhere along the road and catch the next bus.

2007-11-26 01:02:29 · answer #1 · answered by tentofield 7 · 1 0

Qantas has flights from Darwin to Alice Springs. cost is approx $200 and flight takes 2 hours. But really if you want to see Northern Territory . you would be missing a tremendous amount of it by flying. The best way is to take your bed with you by hiring a camper van. That way you can visit places like Devils Marbles.they are amazing. you can call in at . hot springs take a look at the true outback. It's all so different. There isn't a lot to see in Alice Springs most amazing places are a long drive from there. You would want to give yourself 3 days for the drive. and the adventure you would be sorry to miss

2007-11-26 10:26:39 · answer #2 · answered by jennifer h 7 · 0 0

Its a very long way to drive, the roads are all sealed now but lots of kms to cover and you would want to make sure you are prepared with petrol, water etc. Unless there are spots you want to visit in between the two towns I would get a flight from Darwin to Alice Springs.

2007-11-25 19:22:26 · answer #3 · answered by Lucy lou 2 · 0 1

You can take the famous ghan train from Darwin to Alice Springs.

2007-11-25 23:32:38 · answer #4 · answered by Rita M 2 · 0 0

It is spelt: DARWIN (tehe) =]

2007-11-26 20:41:18 · answer #5 · answered by Country Bumpkin 2 · 0 0