PS3. Why? Reliability, its cheaper in the long run, the exclusive games ARE better, its future potential is better, blah blah blah... I'm tired of answering this one too. The PS3 is better... this question shouldn't have to be asked.
Graphically - The 360 (sometimes) can produce better lighting and shading. The PS3 has better texture detail. Overall - no system is better than the other graphically, its just that each system excels at doing something specific over the other.
Games - 360 has more games out for now. After summer 2008 they will both have a huge library of games (PS3 having better exclusives - Sony has ALWAYS had the better exclusives).
Here is the famous Ryan L quote: Sony is a hardware company that produced a reliable peace of hardware... Microsoft is a |s|oftware company that produced an |un|reliable people of |h|ardware.
[Response to Chamillitary M]: Metal Gear Solid 4 is not a first person shooter. Its a third person shooter with the option to play the game in first person mode. The Metal Gear series have always been third person.
2007-11-25 08:42:28
answer #1
answered by The Assassin with a Resume 4
Okay lets go category by category
1) Games
Xbox users claim they have better games because Halo and Gears are only for the Xbox. Not exactly. Bungie (the company that makes Halo) left Microsoft. The next games they make will be available for all titles. Since the Playstation has Blu-ray the disc they use has 50 gigs of Information while the Xbox only uses 8. Many companies are complaining about this. GTA4 will come out on multiple disk for the Xbox, other games just sacrifice quality
The differene between the Xbox elite and the Ps3 is 20. You have to pay 50 a year for online play (thats already more than the Ps3 which is free). All products have to be bought from microsoft includin a "cooler" to prevent it from over heating. The Ps3 you can use any company. If you want to upgrade the amount of GB you can do it yourself w/o sending it to sony and w/o ruining the warranty.
3) Reliability
Ring of Death and 33% failure rate for Xbox
0.03% for Ps3
4) Features
With an Xbox you can play games and......
The PS3 has web browsing, Wi-fi, Java Enabled, PS3 Home (Youtube it please), Sixaxis Motion Control, Playstation Eye, etc.
5) Control
The Ps3 control is slightly different than the Ps2 control. R2 and L2 are now designed so that its not longer pressed or not pressed but now its how much is it pressed (very useful in racing games). It is rechargeable through a USB, and it has motion sensor like the Wii
The Xbox is charged through batteries. You cant charge and play at the same time.
PS3 is better. Xbox 720 comes out in just a few years.
EDIT: IGN isn't completely UNBIASED. Its a major gaming website. What company is bigger Microsoft, or Sony. You cant they will be as biased as i am. But the facts are facts
2007-11-25 15:48:50
answer #2
answered by PTK 5
Well, I think that you should get the PS3. The PS3 is more relaible, it has more built in features such as Bluray, WiFi (40GB, 60GB, and 80GB PS3's), Bluetooth, a Web browser, digital camera flash card slots(60GB and 80GB PS3's), and backward compatibility with PS1 and PS2 games (20GB, 60GB and 80GB PS3's), and free online play.
The Xbox 360 still has the Red Ring of Death hardware failure and has a failure rate of 30%, but the PS3's failure rate is less than 1%.
The PS3 has good games out now and has the best exclusives coming out in the future. Here is a list of some of the PS3's exclusive games for 2008:
Haze, The Getaway 3, Metal Gear Online, Metal Gear Solid 4, Socom Confrontation, Tekken 6, Gran Turismo 5, God of War 3, Final Fantasy XIII, Killzone 2, Motorstorm 2 and more.
The PS3 has more advanced technology and hardware that will make it last for many years to come. The PS3 is the best choice.
2007-11-25 16:00:08
answer #3
answered by AdrianClay 7
If your only thinking about the games compare them and pick one which u want PS3 has Great Games
1.Uncharted Drake's Fortune
2.Ratchet and Clank Future Tools of Destruction
3.Heavenly Sword and expext a sequel
4.God of War 3
2Final Fantasy
3.Final Fantasy Versus
FPS(First person Shooters)
2.Killzone 2
3.Metal Gear Solid 4
4.Resistance FOM expect a sequel
1.Soulcaliber IV
2.Tekken 6
1.Gran Turismo
2.Little Big Planet
3.Some of the Games I already mentioned have really good multiplayer and theres way more games
360 has
1. Lost Oddessy
2.Mass effect
3.Fable 2
1. Halo 3
2.Gears of war expext a sequel
1.Ninja Gaiden 2
2.Dead or alive 4
1.Forza Motorsport
2.Project Gotham Racing
If I were you I'd Get a PS3 because it has much better games for the future and It comes with a blu ray player,free online,wifi, and more and you can get that for 400
2007-11-25 16:01:34
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
The internet gaming is free for the PS3 and Xbox Live is £40 per year in UK/ $50 per year in America, so over 5 years that's £200/$250 saved compared to Xbox live. If you like online play there's Resistance, Motorstorm and Warhawk. And Unreal Tournament 3 and Metal Gear Online are coming out. Also the Playstation Network has Little Big Planet and Home coming to it.
Blu-ray discs mean that more can be stored on PS3 games allowing them to be bigger. An Xbox DVD holds about 8GB but a single layer Blu-ray disc holds 25GB and a dual layer holds 50GB yet a 360 game costs the same as a PS3 game. Grand Theft Auto 4 may have to be put on multiple discs for the 360 because they're smaller and you might not like having to get up to change the disc. One level on Killzone 2 takes up 2GB which shows the scale of PS3 games. The PS3 is a very cheap Blu-ray player while you have to buy a £120/$200 add-on to play HD-DVD movies.
The PS3 has been out a year less than the 360 and it's graphics are already equalling or bettering those on the 360. As the developers become better at developing games for the PS3 the gap will only widen. As far as games go most of the better games for the Xbox are either multi-platform or going to come out for the PC at some point like Gears of War and Halo 1 & 2 already have.
The 360 is backwards compatible with about 300 Xbox games but if you get a backwards compatible PS3 then there are thousands of PS1 and PS2 games you can play.
Here's a list of what I think are or will be the best games for the PS3:
Well right now there's Resistance, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Ratchet and Clank, Virtua Fighter 5, Resistance Fall of Man, Heavenly Sword, Stranglehold, Assassin's Creed, Virtua Tennis 3, Folklore, Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2, Guitar Hero 3, Singstar and Call of Duty 4.
Uncharted, Killzone 2, Haze, MGS4, Final Fantasy XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Afrika, Little Big Planet, Tekken 6 and God of War 3 will be coming out as PS3 exclusives. Also the maker of Ico and Shadow of the Colossus is making his next game exclusively on PS3. The makers of Fahrenheit are also making their next game a PS3 exclusive.
As well as this there are ones that are multi-platform like Devil May Cry 4, Kane and Lynch: Dead Men, Lost Planet, Resident Evil 5, The Orange Box, Soul Calibur 4 and Rock Band. Also a new Jak and Daxter and Bioshock are rumoured to be coming out on the PS3. So in my opinion the PS3 has a much stronger lineup then the 360.
The Xbox is cheaper (but I don't think it is in the long run) and Xbox live is probably better (but you have to pay). The original Xbox only had a lifespan of 4 years and with the 360's problems it may only last another 2-3. The PS2 had a lifespan of 6 years and the PS3 is planned to last 7-10 years. All PS3 controllers are rechargeable, you just connect them to the USB port to charge, but you have to buy a rechargeable battery pack if you don't want to use AA batteries for the 360 pad. The PS3 has much better hardware than the Xbox which has massive 30% failure rate. The PS3's failure rate is 0.2%. 360's are known to scratch discs if they're moved while on, this would be practically impossible to happen on the PS3 anyway because blu-ray discs are hard-coated.
The PS3 is the most value for money as all models have a hard drive and Wi-fi built in but for the 360 you have to pay more in some way or another for these features. Also to play DVDs you have to buy a DVD remote for the 360 but you can just use the sixaxis if you want to play DVDs on the PS3. Only the PS3's games are all region free so you can import games from other countries before they come out or get an obscure Japanese game if you want. Also the PS3 plays full 1080p hi-definition wheras the Xbox just upscales the image.
You should get the console that has the games that you want but I'd get the PS3 because of it's games, features and reliability.
2007-11-25 15:57:14
answer #5
answered by Neil G 5
*Reliability- The PS3 has a .2% defect rate, the Xbox 360 has a 33% failure rate.
*Cell Processor- The cell processor is an extremely powerful micro processor built of 8 processors (SPE's) and one PPE. This processor is built for extreme amounts of processing and is very useful for multi tasking through artificial intelligence, physics, lighting navigation, etc- The xbox 360 has a 3 core processor, which is strong in general processing, albeit not the best for video games.
*RSX GPU- The RSX is a powerful GPU which is specialized to work with the cell processor to render DX10 like graphics by pooling it's RAM.- The xbox 360's GPU can only handle DX-9, while is good in the graphics department, though not the best.
*Blu Ray- The next generation disc medium which can store up to 50GB (100GB in experimental models) The extra space allows game developers to make large responsive environments, complex artificial intelegance, HD video and audio, etc. without compression.- The xbox 360 only uses DVD for games, which can only hold 9GB, which results in short games, aka Halo 3, Bioshock, and gears of war.
*Other operating systems- The ps3 can get different operating systems installed, such as Linux, allowing it to be an alternative computer, and you can install many diferent programs.- The xbox 360 cannot do this
*Web browser- The ps3 has a decent web browser, which you can go to many different web sites with, it does have basic flash updates, but it does need to be improved upon, including in java, though this can be fixed easily via a firmware upgrade. Many popular sites like myspace and youtube are accessable though.- the xbox 360 doesn't have one
*Folding@home- With this program which can be downloaded to any PS3 easily, you can use your PS3's extra processing power while you're not using it for Cancer research by folding and analyzing proteins.
*Play TV- Pretty much Tivo for your ps3, a tuner that you can record things with. Though it has only been announced to launch in Europe so far.
*Interchangeable hard drive- This pretty much means you can change the size of your hard drive with any hard drive so you can store more things.- you have to buy an expensive MS HDD for the 360
*Built in wifi- Wifi lets you connect to the internet wirelessly- With the xbox 360 you have to buy a wifi adapter for $100, this comes standard in the PS3.
*Free Online- the xbox 360 costs $50 per year
*Playstation Home- Playstation home is an interactive community of ps3 users where you can play games or meet up with friends and hang out at your virtual home and hang outs, as well as stream live media(releasing in early 08 and is FREE)
* Games- For now good games include; Heavenly Sword, Resistance Fall of Man, Rainbow Six Vegas, Folklore, warhawk, lair, Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction, Call of Duty 4 Uncharted:Drakes Fortune, Motorstorm, Eye of Judgment etc. Good upcoming games are Haze, Metal Gear Solid 4, Gran Turismo Prologue, LittleBigPlanet, SOCOM confrontation, Tekken 6, Time Crisis 4, White Knight Story, and Final Fantasy XIII. Over 300 games will be released by next spring.
2007-11-25 15:45:10
answer #6
answered by Shadowfyre 6
You will not get a straight unbiased answer here. Just read those posts above, they are ridiculous and full of inaccuracies and downright lies.
Go to independent multi format gaming sites like IGN and, gamespot ect. Sites like this cover all formats and are generally unbiased. Also, search for what the top game developers think, especially those who develop games for both systems ie Epic, ID Software, Ubisoft, EA. I think the results may surprise you.
Listen to independent industry experts, not fan boys like those above.
2007-11-25 15:53:03
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Arent you people tired of answering this question?I know I am lol.PS3!PS3!PS3!!!!
2007-11-25 16:14:01
answer #8
answered by D.R.E. 5