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i have a beautiful 6month old labrador, i live on my own and he sleeps in my bed with me.....yes that does cause some problems with dog hair and the like but to honest i dont mind.....i have a boyfriend who stays about 3 nights a week, he has banned the dog from the bedroom, he says its filth...anyway, last night the dog was put in the kitchen for the night, i have a dog flap so he can go in the garden whenever he wants, but obviously he is on his own. he cryed and cryed and cryed and cryed and barked and cryed and barked all night long....he was still up at 5o'c crying, when i got up the kitchen was pretty wrecked, he had everything he could reach off the side. i feel heartbroken about him being on his own...will he get used to it? do you think its ok to have a dog in the bedroom? what about a compromise, dog in the room but not on the bed? any advice much appreciated.

2007-11-23 21:42:56 · 37 answers · asked by ? 5 in Pets Dogs

37 answers

Your dog. Your bed. Your house. Your choice.
If the dog can't be supervised it sounds like he needs to be crated to prevent him from doing damage to your belongings and himself. Don't ever let anyone bully you into doing something with your dog that you don't want to. I would suggest finding a new man!

2007-11-23 21:55:04 · answer #1 · answered by DogAddict 5 · 5 0

I'd lock your boyfriend in the kitchen and see how he likes it! Actually, your dog possibly would get used to sleeping in the kitchen, but one of the best parts of having a pet is letting them snuggle up with you. How about putting a blanket at the bottom of your bed? Or get him a really nice bed for your bedroom floor. Don't let your b/f treat him badly, there is a certain way to go about doing things....he needs to bond with the dog. Sudden changes in a dogs surroundings can cause behavioral changes. I think you and your boyfriend should do something together with the dog, like puppy classes or something.

2007-11-23 23:38:26 · answer #2 · answered by Jessica 5 · 0 0

Well, if your dog has been sleeping in your bed since you got it, then it's going to wonder what's wrong and cries.

I have an 11 week old labrador. He sleeps with me also every night, because he swears he owns my blanket or something. It's the only thing he'll sleep on. He's also attached to me, so everywhere I go, he'll go and lay down at my feet or right beside me. He's so attached that if I even go out of the room, he throws a fit.

I don't mind him sleeping in my bed. It's just sometimes you wake up to him walking all over you! =]

I say if your boyfriend doesn't like it, he can leave. My puppy means everything to me.

Good luck.

2007-11-23 22:38:46 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My dog sleeps in my room, but not on my bed, she gets up 4 a quick cuddle but gets sent straight back to bed.

Think how you would feel if it was your bf's house and you didn't want the dog in his bed. If you see any future with your bf you should put his feelings first.

If you don't get the dog into a habbit of being left alone you will run into lots of problems. You may find your dog whines and barks when you go out and leave it alone.

Children are the most important things in a parentslife but they wouldn't let their child sleep in their bed all the time.

2007-11-24 10:58:37 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

why not put a dog bed at the side of your bed this way the dog is still with you but not on the bed, it is a compromise that i am sure your boyfriend can not object to, as you say you live on your own and your boyfriend just stays with you, it is your house and your dog so i feel you should have the final say in the matter, it would not be fair to have your puppy in your bed when your boyfriend is not there and then evict him to the kitchen when your boyfriend stays, this will only confuse your puppy and quite naturally he will cry all night and get up to mischief, as long as you keep the bedroom clean and hoovered then a dog in the bedroom is OK, if you choose the dog bed it may take a few nights to train him in staying in his bed and not getting in yours but be consistent and it will work, you really have to think that your baby is going to live with you for at least 10 years quite possibly more, your boyfriend at the moment is just a visitor, if you split up it would not be fair on your dog to keep changing his routine, every time the man in your life disagrees with how you keep your dog, i personally do not let my dogs sleep on the bed with me, it is cute as a puppy but as they get bigger they steal your pillows and covers in the night and boy do they snore in your ear, so i have a bed by my side and they are quite happy about this, so this may be your soloution, i hope it all works out for you, best of luck, if all else fails you can always make your boyfriend sleep in the kitchen :)

2007-11-24 00:05:29 · answer #5 · answered by fruitcake 7 · 0 0

I used to live with my ex when I got my last dog. He was not allergic to her, really, but he was EXTREMELY allergic if her fur was around him too much, so she couldn't be in the bedroom. However, whenever he went out of town, I would be lonely and she would sleep in my bed for a few nights in a row. When he came back she would whine and howl, wanting back in.

I think it is okay to have the dog in the bedroom, but since she has been taught the bed is hers as well as yours, you need to retrain her not to come up on the bed.

When I had to retrain my dog to sleep in her bed, I would take a t-shirt or towel and sleep with it, and place it in her bed so she had my scent. The second part was to just ignore it.

If she is causing a lot of damage, consider crate training. That will limit where she is and give her, her own "den" where she eventually will feel more comfortable.

Overall, you are going to be stuck with a whining dog until she is retrained. If you need help or assistance, I recommend contacting a trainer to come to your house and give you tips :)

2007-11-23 23:27:28 · answer #6 · answered by bpbjess 5 · 0 0

It's your dog, your house, your rules. If you want your dog to be in your bedroom well he can but if you want get a blanket and a dog bed and put it near the door or near the bed and the dog hair won't get all over and he won't cry or bark because he is alone. He will still be in the bedroom too.

2007-11-24 00:15:12 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's a bad habit to start. My Old English Sheepdog wasn't allowed in the bedroom, except when it was very hot in Summer, when she was allowed to sleep on the balcony off the bedroom with the door open. She understood this, and mostly slept in the bedroom with her nose out of the door.
However, if I left her alone in the house and forgot to close the bedroom door, I would come home to a bed full of sand, which she had gathered in her long hair during walks by the river.

2007-11-23 21:53:17 · answer #8 · answered by cymry3jones 7 · 0 0

take it small steps at a time!

how would you like to be sleeping with the one person you love most your whole life, then all of a sudden be on your own?

well, im sure the dog was pretty upset! but because its only 6 months old, he can and will get used to it.
but i say to take baby steps,
have him stay in the kitchen for an hour and then let him come back with you, and add an hour on every night, until he is able to sleep on his own in the kitchen, or kennel, or wherever you want him to be sleeping!

2007-11-23 22:54:35 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The best thing to do in this situation is to buy a baby gate and put it in your bedroom doorway. This way your dog can still see you and feel close. Also get some sort of bed of his own and put a piece of your clothing with him so he has your smell with him. Always praise him in the morning when you get out of bed and maybe give him a treat. I saw this on that show "It's me or the dog". You can also get some Naturopathic calming drops for him from a registered practictioner to help calm him initially.

2007-11-23 21:53:46 · answer #10 · answered by i am a dog groomer 2 · 2 0

I'm offended! lol...how could he say having a dog in the room is filthy! My dog sleeps on my bed w/ my boyfriend and I. My bf and I don't even like it when he jumps off the bed to sleep on the floor on his doggy bed! I wouldn't have it any other way! My dog is like my son, he's my first priority! Try to reach a compromise...it's best!

P.S. If you think about it, humans are much more filthy than dogs. Good luck!

2007-11-23 22:26:41 · answer #11 · answered by christian g 2 · 1 0

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