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If you believe in Christianity then god is your father, and Jesus is your savior. So i'm asking you to answer these questions for me:

1. Who is Mary Magalin. Wasn't she Jesus's mother? Or did they just have the same first name.
2. When the virgin Mary seen the angel, how do we know she wasn't just dilusional?
3. I was told no one seen Jesus rise from the dead. Then how do we know? What if someone stole his dead body by finding a way in?
4. If god is so wonderful, why is he asking so much for us. "Go to church every sunday." What if we just can't possibly do that?
5. Pray every night. What if we forget?
6. Everyone sins in their life just once, and a simple ASKING for forgiveness makes it all go away?

Preach to me.
I love to learn.

2007-11-23 18:02:58 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

15 answers

OK. I'll try my best to answer your questions.

For no 4 and 5, this is my answer. God is not asking anything from us. Adam and Eve had done a mortal sin against God. All God wanted is both of them to follow him. However, Satan fooled Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit. Hence, Adam and Eve were left by God. However, because God so loved the humans, he gave it another chance. The first chance was in the days of Noah. However, many people didn't believe that a flood will come. Later, even the descendants of Noah returned to dishonoring the God. Then another chance is given to us trough his son Jesus. God sent his own son here on Earth to convince humans to return to the only true God. Jesus even sacrificed his life to redeem humans from the sins of Adam and Eve. With Jesus blood, we're not obliged to sacrifice sheeps and other clean animals anymore which the Mosaic law required.

The "Go to Church every Sunday" stuff you are saying were not the same as Jesus time. All Jesus wanted is that true Christians must congregate (form groups and meet at houses) to encourage each other, to befriend each other, to read the scriptures in group, to honor God in group, etc. However, after few centuries, congregations don't function the same way anymore. Clergymen arose from them, distinguishing the leaders of congregations from ordinary followers. Soon, even the clergymen themselves formed different heirarchies causing to have bishops, archbishops, etc. (Note: episcopos, Greek word, literally means observeers. In the 1st century, their task is to have different congregations observed and encouraged. They are not like leaders unlike how bishops are treated nowadays.) So true Christians must congregate as told by Jesus.

We must pray n the other hand because its our only medium of communicating with God. If you forget praying, it means you don't really feel the existence of God. If you believe in him, trusts him and obeys him then it is just normal that you talk to him. Other religions have memorized prayers. I don't believe in them. I talk to God as if his my friend or my father. I do it with my eyes open sometimes. Sometimes while standing. Sometimes while watching God's creations.

Asking for forgiveness is not that simple. You must personally regret your sins FROM THE BOTTOM OF YOUR HEART. That's hard to do especially if you take that "Ask God for his forgiveness and you'll be forgiven" stuff for granted. If its from the bottom of your heart, even if you have committed murder, rape, etc., you will be forgiven.

Nobody seen Jesus rose from the death directly. However many seen him impaled in the torture stake. Many seen him die. Then, Jesus showed himself to his apostles three to forty days after his death. Isn't that an evidence that he rose from the dead? His apostles seen him last when Jesus returned to his father in the heavens while he ascend to the skies. To question whether it is true or not is like questioning the apostles and questioning the Bible itself. If you want to know more about the integrity of the Bible maybe you must do some Bible studies.

Angels have shown themselves to humans countless times in the Biblical times. Like the "Nobody seen Jesus rose from the dead" stuff I discussed above, to question if an angel have actually appeared in front of Mary means to question the integrity of the Bible.

If you have more questions, feel free to email me. I am raised as a Jehovah's Witness. Now, its complicated. I prefer to call myself a non-religionist. I do believe in HIM but right now I don't affiliate myslef with any religions. However, up to this day, I personally feel that JW teachings make more sense that the teachings of other Christian religions. I have no intention of turning you into a JW. I just want to share. It's just that ALL of the things I told you here are JW stuffs and I believe in them. Anyway, I believe that with a Bible in your hand, you'll do better in the eyes of God.

I don't know Mary Magalin. If it is Mary Magdalene then she is one of the faithful Christians who obeyed Jesus. Sadly, some conspiracy theorist like Dan Brown claimed that she is Jesus' wife. That claim is not supported by strong evidences. If you want to know more about it, just Google it.

2007-11-23 18:42:26 · answer #1 · answered by eStaRapapax 4 · 1 0

1. Who is Mary Magalin. Wasn't she Jesus's mother? Or did they just have the same first name.

There are at least 3 "Mary"s in the Bible. Mary Magdelane was a woman possessed by demons, but Jesus saved her and she followed Him.

2. When the virgin Mary seen the angel, how do we know she wasn't just dilusional?

What the angel said became true!

3. I was told no one seen Jesus rise from the dead. Then how do we know? What if someone stole his dead body by finding a way in?

The tombstone was rolled away. The opening was there, the body was gone, and an angel appeared.

4. If god is so wonderful, why is he asking so much for us. "Go to church every sunday." What if we just can't possibly do that?

"Go to church" simply means to learn his word. It can be as simple as an online program, or getting together with friends and discussing truths in the Bible.

5. Pray every night. What if we forget?

Pray when you want. God wants to hear you speak to him. When you are happy, sad, mad, whenever you think of it, pray. He listens.

6. Everyone sins in their life just once, and a simple ASKING for forgiveness makes it all go away?

NO. Everyone sins OFTEN. Asking for forgiveness is effective when you want to stop sinning. Each time you ask for forgiveness, He forgives what you HAVE done. When you do more sin, you must pray and ask for help again.

2007-11-24 16:19:21 · answer #2 · answered by artiste 2 · 1 0

1. Who is Mary Magalin. Wasn't she Jesus's mother? Or did they just have the same first name. - Magdalene. It is a city in ancient Israel. There were over at least three Marys that were mentioned in the New Testament.

2. When the virgin Mary seen the angel, how do we know she wasn't just dilusional? - Its up to you to decide.

3. I was told no one seen Jesus rise from the dead. Then how do we know? What if someone stole his dead body by finding a way in? - True but they did see the risen Jesus

4. If god is so wonderful, why is he asking so much for us. "Go to church every sunday." What if we just can't possibly do that? - Going to church is not what God asks of us.

5. Pray every night. What if we forget? - Its not all about prayer

6. Everyone sins in their life just once, and a simple ASKING for forgiveness makes it all go away? - You also need sanctification from sin through the Holy Spirit.

2007-11-24 04:18:09 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

1. No, Mary Magdalene was one of Jesus' followers.
2. We don't. However, Joseph was either really stupid, or he was visited by an angel too. Otherwise, when Mary told him she was pregnant, he could have had her stoned.
3. No one saw Him get out, no. But how could someone have stolen the body? And WHY would they do that? When Jesus was placed in the tomb, a large boulder was rolled over the entrance. According to YOUR idea, someone (or several someones) snuck to the tomb in the middle of the night (while the Roman guards were all sleeping), rolled the stone away without them waking up (they must have been out cold), and then stole a body that was probably going through the first stages of rigor mortis. If it wasn't the disciples, why would they have done that? And if it WAS the disciples, why did they then die proclaiming that Jesus was raised from the dead?
4. God never told us to go to church every Sunday. The only thing He commands of us is to keep the Sabbath holy. The earliest Christians didn't go to church; they met in each others' homes.
5. Where did God command us to pray every night?
6. No, I don't believe just asking for forgiveness "makes it all go away." Sincere repentance, asking for forgiveness of anyone we hurt in sinning, and NOT DOING IT AGAIN makes it "go away."

2007-11-24 03:20:50 · answer #4 · answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7 · 1 1

1. No, she was not Jesus's mother. Some believe she was a prostitute (according to the catholic church who started saying that somewhere around the 13th century, but it doesnt say that anywhere in the bible). Others believe she was married to Jesus (though it doesnt say this either). Some believe both were true . In all honesty, i really dont know. It just says she was real and she became a follower of Jesus so im just going with that.

2. I'll have to read more on that.

3. No one saw Jesus arise but he did appear to over 500 after he arose.

4. God is a selfish god. If you do for him, he WILL do for you as well and remember, God's time is not our time.

5. If your a true believe and walker then you will not forget. God doesnt expect you to pray at a specific time either, he just wants you to pray.

6. Yes. God is extremely forgiving. He will love you always more than your earthly parents or anyone else ever could and if your earthly parents can forgive you then surely he could.

2007-11-24 02:31:24 · answer #5 · answered by Terryn M 3 · 2 0

1) Jesus cast out seven demons from Mary Magdalen, she shared the same name as Jesus' mother. She was also a supporter of His ministry. By the way, she was NOT a prostitute. No-where in the Bible does it state she was a prostitute. Some pope in the 13th century came up with that rumor and there are no facts to back that up.

2) Because nine months later, she gave birth. Actually, she went to see her cousin and knew at that time she was pregnant (and never been with a man.) Besides, back then, they didn't have test-tubes or invetro.

3) Actually there were more than 500 eye witnesses that saw Jesus arose. That's too many to ignore. All but one (John) of the Apostles were martyred. Men will die for what they believe and know to be true. No one dies for a lie.

4) There are many ways to be a part of church meetings. However, what God wants most is a personal relationship with you. He loved you enough to send His Son to die for your sins...because the thought of spending eternity without you breaks His heart.

5) You can pray anytime. Any thought directed to God is prayer. Just talk with Him. Remember, He's your friend. Do you forget to talk with your friends?

6) When you believe in Jesus, ask for forgiveness, repent (stop and turn away from your sins) you will be forgiven.

I hope that helps!

((If you need more info, e-mail me.))

2007-11-24 02:17:54 · answer #6 · answered by Salvation is a gift, Eph 2:8-9 6 · 4 0

1) Mary was, and still is, a very popular name. There were several Marys in Jesus' company. Mary Magdalene was a close disciple of Jesus (not his mother or his wife).

2) We know that she wasn't delusional because what the angel predicted came true -- she did have a son who is the savior of the world.

3) We know from the fact that he manifest himself to over 500 people that he was alive and in the spirit (I Corinthians 15:6).

4) He asks only that we live wholesome, happy, healthy, prosperous, generous, caring lives. Is that too much? {And BTW, God's command is that we assemble on the SABBATH, not Sunday. And that assembly is for our good; that we may learn how to live rightly.}

5) God is forgiving -- as he wants us to be.

6) Much more than just once. But God is willing to forgive those who are willing to strive to correct their mistakes and live more perfectly in the future. That's what 'repentance' means.

2007-11-24 17:14:52 · answer #7 · answered by BC 6 · 1 0

1. Mary Magdalene was a follower of Jesus (who cast out 7 demons from her), not His mother. FURTHERMORE... it is a misconception that she was a prostitute... there is NO connection between Mary Magdalene and the prostitute which most people connect her with. See website below for complete info on her.
2. Mary was not delusional because there were several "incidences" which supported her visitation and experience. First, her betrothed, Joseph, had been visited in a dream by an angel and told the same thing. If Mary was delusional, how did Joseph know what happened to Mary? Furthermore, Mary's cousin, Elizabeth, who had also miraculously conceived a child late in her life (Luke 1:11-20), had been visited by Mary. In Luke 1:41-45, it tells that the baby within Elizabeth "leaped in my womb for joy" at the mere sound of Mary's voice. Elizabeth was told by the angel of Mary's situation, too... before Mary had visited her. So that would make both Joseph and Elizabeth "delusional" also if Mary had been delusional.... which she was not.
3. I don't know who told you that no one had seen Jesus rise from the dead... technically, no one actually saw the event, HOWEVER.. HUNDREDS of people saw Jesus AFTER He rose, including:

the guards guarding the tomb (Matt 28:4),
Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome (Mark 16:1-8),
11 of His disciples (of course, minus Judas Iscariot!) (Luke 24:34; 1 Corinthians 15:5; Mark 16:12,13; Luke 24:13-35; Mark 16:14-18; Luke 24:36-49; John 20:19-23; John 20:26-29; Matthew 28:16; John 21:1,2)
Paul (Acts 9:3-17)
Over 500 "brethren" in Galilee (1 Corinthians 15:6)

So, you see, Christ, after He was risen, had been witnessed by HUNDREDS of people, not "no one."
4. God only asks us to love Him, and as such, we ought to respond, in love, to WANT to be gathered with His Church. When members of Christ's body (The Church) gather, it is for the edification (the building up) of our faith, to learn, to share, to be with others who believe, and to worship and glorify God. It should NEVER be a "chore" or a "duty," but something that we willingly and lovingly do because God loves us.
5. Actually, we should pray ALL THE TIME, not just "every night." We pray to demonstrate our faith in God, that He will do as He has promised in His Word, and will bless our lives abundantly more than we could ask or hope for (Ephesians 3:20). Prayer is our primary means of seeing God work in others' lives. Because it is our means of "plugging into" God's power.
6. If you think the answers to the other 5 "questions" have been long... THIS one is a horse of a different color.. and will be even LONGER! The short answer is: We sin ALL the time, not just "once." Before we are saved, we "live in sin," like living in a continual state of sinfulness. Sin is not just the individual ACTS of sinning, it is a state of being "in rebellion" against God, like Satan rebelled against God. However, salvation is not merely the "asking" for forgiveness, it is our faith in that salvation, AND the REPENTANCE (change of heart and change of actions) of our sin that is our salvation. It all "goes away" because it is God's will that it "go away."

I will HAVE to leave it at that. It's been a LONG answer as it is. Although I do not view this as PREACHING, but TEACHING, instead. Please email me if you have any further questions, and I will be delighted to help you understand what you still have any confusion about.

Have a blessed day.

2007-11-24 03:31:41 · answer #8 · answered by wyomugs 7 · 2 0

1.Mary Magdalene was not the Mother of Jesus. She just had the same first name as his Mother. MM was a "soiled" woman who came to follow Jesus' teachings.
2.Delusional? From what?
3. Mary Magdalene was among the first to have seen Jesus AT the tomb when he rose from the dead with His Mother, The Disciples then saw him in the upper room, followed by many others.
4. Asking so much of us? He asks we come to visit him once a week at His home? Why is that so much? Do you visit other friends weekly? Go Saturday evening then. Many churches have daily services, go to one of them!
5. Always pray without ceasing. If not with words then with how you act and the things you do.
6. Asking for forgiveness is only part of it. One must also be repentant. In other words be truly sorry you committed an offense and truly mean it when you say that you won't do it again.

2007-11-24 02:22:23 · answer #9 · answered by keydoto 3 · 3 1

1. Mary Magdalene was NOT the mother of Jesus. she was a woman who knew jesus, and one of the first to see him as the risen Lord
2. The holy spirit was with the Angel. several times in the old testament, people fall down because of the radiance of the angels. I'm sure she was moved by the holy spirit.
3. No one saw him RISING, but He was seen RISEN. there was NO way into the tomb, a giant stone was blocking it. Even if someone DID get in, the cloth His entire body was wrapped in was folded neatly and spotlessly on the table. There were soldiers guarding the tomb.
4. God asks for nothing but our love. That's all. He doesn't force us to go to church. He wants us to have fellowship with other believers so that we can all share the love of God together (You know like when you are with people who like the same things you do and ya'll get psyched about it?) We were created to love God. But he would never force it. He didn't create robots. It's our choice. going to church doesn't affect your status with Him.
5. God would love for you to talk to Him. But it's NOT a ritual. He wants to have a conversation with you. I must admit I do NOT pray as often as I know I should. but God wants everything we do to be out of a willing heart. you can't FORCE someone to have a heartfelt conversation with you.
6. Yup, everyone sins. BUT there is a difference between a one time slip up and a habitual sin. God knows your heart (sometimes that can seem a bad thing) :o) He knows if you are truly sorry. It's human nature to slip up. But one of the most beautifu lthings about our Lord is his forgiveness. If you sincerely are sorry and ask, then yes. He will forgive you. He already paid your consequences for sin. (but to flippantly say sorry and continue sinning won't fly. God knows your heart).
Hope these help!

2007-11-28 00:25:30 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i Mary Magdalyn was a desciple of Jesus.

2. Because she gave birth to Jesus, just like the angel said.

3. Because over five hundred people saw Him after He rose from the dead.

4.These things He does not demand.

5. He never said this.

6. Yes, There is nothing you can do to earn eternal life. You are right, just one sin deserves death and hell. But the good news is this. Jesus paid the price of your sins by dying in your place. Acts 2:38 says that if we turn from our sins and are baptized(Not Infant Baptism) in the name of Jesus for the payment of our sins, then God will give you the Holy Ghost(God). It is the Holy Ghost that will save you and transform you. He gives you the power to become a Child of God. Then you will begin to read your Bible and pray and go to Church. Not because you have to, but because you want to. He will change your desires and you will become a temple of the Living God.

Please e-mail me if you have anymore questions.

2007-11-24 02:18:47 · answer #11 · answered by Apostle Jeff 6 · 3 0

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