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What is hinduism?
who is real god in hinduism?
when this was named?
who started it ?
who are the followers?
who does it belongs to ?
what hindu religion preach or teach
what are its basic concepts and principles?
( for eg. Ahimsa cannot be hindu pricinple though it is claimed by them, if ahimsa is hindu concept why then animal sacrifice , tantric rituals etc?)
Why so much of confusion in basic understanding of hinduism?

Why hindu gods have no history?
Hindu is claimed to be old religion, then why no evidence was found in Indus valley excavations?
Was hinduism offshoot of Sramanic religion of dravids? (sramanic religion is known as Jain)

So tell me when it started, who started, who named, what are basic concepts of hinduism?
However we can classify hinduism is not a religion but it is a social hierarchy system which certain group of ruling people made for their supremacy. Upper class aryans who were looking for human slaves , to do low class job, hinduism was created.

2007-11-23 15:38:12 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

7 answers

There exist no religion called Hinduism . This name was given by Britishers to all ancient cultures of Country Bharat whose civilisation existed in Indus & Saraswati Civilisation.

Thanks to greeks who have maintained History & cant be called as biased for they have nothing to do with India. During Alexander time Vedic Aryans had not enetered South India & specifically speaking Not a Single Claim by Hindus is proved archeologically .

Whatever claimed by Hindus alias Vedic has been its refernce from its Holy ancient Purans as myth & not any archeology evidence.

And Infact oldest Book of Hindus Manusmriti confirms that it advocates eating cow & Hindus were Non-vegetarians. Grea Scholar Lok Manya Tilak Confirmed that todays vegetarian in Hindus was becoz influence of Dravidian Shraman Culture.

Vedic Aryans used to worship god only through Yagyas & Fire . Its Vedic aryans who borrowed Jain Yaksh & Yakshis like Saraswati , laxhmi , Padmavati , Ambamataji , Ram , Krishna & fabricated them in their own stories.

At most dispute Place of Babri Masjid & Ram Mandir when a digging was carried out by Indian Governement to See what was there earlier all in commission were schocked to see that found was remains of Jain temples & soon matter was kept confidential by requesting Jain Community.

There are Lot of such proofs , And specifically Archeologically & by Western Scholars.

2007-11-25 22:43:56 · answer #1 · answered by Rodericks 1 · 1 1

Mr.Dravidian Researcher,
If you are a true researcher, you need to find out the answers.
How can you say that Hindu evidences don't exist when there is no archelogical work done like they did in Israel and Egypt to find out the history of Christianity.
Indus valley civilization is just one finding.There are several other places where excavations need to be done like Dwaraka,Rama Sethu,Madhura,Kurukshetra,Kandhahar, all these places are mentioned in the epics.The problem is lack of funds or interest.
You seem to be a Brahmin basher rather than a researcher. True research needs unbiased mind and inquisitive instincts.
You seem to be lacking both.Don't use this forum to spread hatred.I agree Dravidians are great people and highly intellectual.The funny thing is ardent supporters of Hindu traditions and patrons of very old art,dance,sculpting come from Tamilnadu and Kerala and without the participation of Taminadu sculptures(I think most of them are not Brahmins) you can't build a Hindu temple today and you are saying Dravidian Gods are not Hindu gods.
Do you want to start a separate religion and want to be a new prophet or what?
Cool down my friend.

2007-11-24 09:24:02 · answer #2 · answered by Roger 2 · 1 0

What is hinduism?
Hidu Religion
who is real god in hinduism?
when this was named?
Hindu name :-Some medivial period by Arabs
Brahmam's name:-from time immemorial
who started it ?
No single individual-It is Sanaathanam=from time immemorial
who are the followers?
1.2 billion people all over the world.
who does it belongs to ?
to 6 billion world population
what hindu religion preach or teach
There are 100s of web sites to refer.
what are its basic concepts and principles?
Same as above
( for eg. Ahimsa cannot be hindu pricinple though it is
your statement is wrong .Ahimsa is Hindu principle--"Ahimsa Paramo Dharmaha"
if ahimsa is hindu concept why then animal sacrifice
Animal sacrifice is not in main Stream of Hinduism --It is in other Indian ETHNIC Religions.
Tantram simply means Action"Silent communication" by gestures" etc with "Divinity" is Taantric-Black Magic is NOT Taantric.
Why so much of confusion in basic understanding of hinduism?
Only you are confused 1.2 Billion Hindus have NO confusion at all-They have a very clear understanding and it is on the RISE.
Why Hindu gods have no history?
No other Religious God has any History -only Mythology is there in other religions also.Hindu "Avatharams"ike sri.rama and sri.Krishna have History (Aithikaasam).
Hindu is claimed to be old religion, then why no evidence was found in Indus valley excavations?
How do you know there is No evidence?What has benn excavated is only a microscopic part A lot remains to be excavated.In Hastinaapuram excavations Mahabharatham evidences are there..
Was hinduism offshoot of Sramanic religion of dravids? (sramanic religion is known as Jain)
Jainism is 2700 years old .Vedic(Hindu) Religion is 6000 years old (Please refer Max Muleer and sir .Monier Williams.)
The portion of India below Vindhya mountains is "Draavida Desam"--above Vindya mountain upto Himachalam(Himalaya Mountain) is "Gauda Desam" they are just Goegraphical Regional names--Politically twisted..

Upper class aryans --"Arya" simply means Noble person.It is not a Caste Name.Even in England Noble persons --Duke -Earl etc--House of Lords are there."Arya is just a similar name.--Politically twisted..

2007-11-24 10:58:09 · answer #3 · answered by ssrvj 7 · 0 0

Do you know my history, especially outside of this forum, including physical evidence of my existing?

To not know about something in exacting detail is no proof to its non-existence.

Hinduism is many religions, and other social traditions brought together under one umbrella title, Hinduism, with many conflicting social traditions, yes, but that doesn't prove more than that many religious, and social traditions, can all become one thing in name, still practiced in many ways.

That is the very goal of religion, to unite things. The term religion means "to bind together"... So under the very definition of the word religion, Hinduism, by being an umbrella religion, is validated to the extent it succeeds in it becoming more one, even though its diversified still... The more comprehensive, the nearer to the all-encompassing truth, yet contradictory things should not continue to exist, but instead new emergent realities should become known which comprehend all, but contradict nonthing but impermanence.

Sectarianism, no matter the name, dividing humanity in ways which do not bring good fruit, is irreligious... and any name may be the emblem of true religion, or irreligious acts claiming it's religion... To see abuse and vice does not disprove beneficence and virtue; to see dirt does not disprove water, especially when the dirt seen is because the water has washed it off the body...

Allah'u'Abha [God is all-glorious].

2007-11-23 16:19:41 · answer #4 · answered by Gravitar or not... 5 · 0 1

Please read well before you start your research. Framing hypothesis before reading around the subject area is a grave mistake in research.

Jainism is the offshoot of Hinduism
Jainism began about 2,500 years ago in India.

Found by Nataputra Vardhamana, known as Mahavira.
Their major scriptures are The Jain Agamas and Siddhantas.
There are two sects. The Digambara ("Sky-clad") sect holds that a saint should own nothing, not even clothes, thus their practice of wearing only a loincloth. They believe that salvation in this birth is not possible for women. The Svetambara ("White-robed") sect disagrees with these points.

Jainism does not consider it necessary to recognize a God.

I think that you want to prove that Aryans are Bramins who took over temples and Hindu rituals and Bramins spread Hinduism.You want to prove Dravidians were originally Jains.

Infact, when Jains spread Jainism in South India,particularly in Tamil Nadu,Dravidian Saints like Appar, and the great Thirugnasambhandar chased them out for the only reason that the Jains disapprove the concept of God and suppressed women.

2007-11-24 14:44:21 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

This question is in some way focused on Braminism rather than Hinduism.

Why do you guys look differently at BRAMINS?They are also normal human beings like you.

If Bramins discriminate you-you discriminate them
If Bramins dominate you-you dominate them
If Bramins do not touch you- you do not touch them
If Bramins do not allow you in the temple-you build your own temples and prevent them entering your temples
If Bramins do not talk to you-you do not talk to them
If Bramins look down at you- you look down at them
If Bramins do not employ you-you seek job elsewhere
If Bramins do not like you-you turn away and mind your business
If Bramins do not respect you-you do not respect them.

Why do you think that Bramins are superior to you? Why do you think that you are inferior to them?

Not only Bramins, Hindus who are one-sixth of the human race today, with grand solidarity from all walks of life practice Hinduism.

Do not bring any unsupported theories to question the origin of Hinduism.

2007-11-25 18:52:52 · answer #6 · answered by Adi 2 · 0 0

What is hinduism?

A religion widely adopted by most of our states' (tamil Nadu) population. It dosen't seem to have any unifying goal though.
Religion also adopted by numerous in the world..

who is real god in hinduism?
hundreds and thousands of them.....

In tamil nadu, it was primarly brought in by Aryans. NOw it is used as a tool to oppress, through caste system...

who started it ?

Noteable historians believe it was started by a small sect of Jains and Buddhists and spread it through TN in historical periods of Choza and Pallava to obtain power. Choza kings were converted to hindus, hence hindunism established root in TN.

who are the followers? Many of worlds population...

what hindu religion preach or teach
what are its basic concepts and principles?
( for eg. Ahimsa cannot be hindu pricinple though it is claimed by them, if ahimsa is hindu concept why then animal sacrifice , tantric rituals etc?)
Why so much of confusion in basic understanding of hinduism?

Principles and concepts of hinduism are indeed bit grey....some thing along the lines of 'be a "good" person' maybe...

Why hindu gods have no history?
There are thousands of avatars, with many names....its hard to understand any one of their particular history! Even if known, how do we believe it is of this God..not the version in the next street..

Hindu is claimed to be old religion, then why no evidence was found in Indus valley excavations?
Was hinduism offshoot of Sramanic religion of dravids? (sramanic religion is known as Jain)
So tell me when it started, who started, who named, what are basic concepts of hinduism?
However we can classify hinduism is not a religion but it is a social hierarchy system which certain group of ruling people made for their supremacy. Upper class aryans who were looking for human slaves , to do low class job, hinduism was created.

The class system introduced by brahminical society (especially in the past) has need left a scar in our society. The major division of Brahmins, Shatrias, the vaisikas and the sturas were created. It is said that the Brahmins came from the head of God Brahma, the Shatrias came from the shoulder of Brahma, the vaisikas from the thigh of god Brahma and the lower caste from the foot of Brahma.

Then the lowest of caste, panchamar, the last fifth class came from the lower god 'perumal'. They became untouchables and the so-called dalits. ....

These social system were created by Aryan division through hindiusm...

2007-11-25 10:25:56 · answer #7 · answered by sivadevi 1 · 0 0

Hinduism- Syn: Brahmanism

The general name given to the socio-cultural-religious system of the Indo-Aryans (who migrated in India just before the dawn of history) In its essence, Brahmanism advocates:

1. Maintenance of the 4 castes (which assures the supremacy of the priestly cast, the brahmana).
2. Appeasement of the Gods by means of rituals derived from the sacred Vedas (which have to be performed by brahamana...)
3. Fidelity to the theory of Karma and reincarnation (almost Universal in India), with rebirth in heaven seen as the final goal of earthly life. From brahmanism also emerged various popular sects, which worship anthropomorphized gods, such as Brahma, Visnu and Siva.

Despite the ascetic nature of Hinduism at its higher level, the religion contains a strong element of fertility rites and beliefs. The widespread worship of the lingam and yoni (male and female sex organs is atypical example. This is in contrast to buddhism, where chastity and self-reliant in all matters are considered the most effective awy to end the cycle of birth and death) (by eliminating desire, the root cause of suffering).

2007-11-23 16:10:35 · answer #8 · answered by maia 2 · 1 1

I don't know. they just have so many gods, millions of them, they make their GOd by themselves, lolz, they pray to COW, fire, snake, elephant, monkey lolz every other thing.OH MY GOD. Hindus should study now . their religion is more like cartoons. no offense. colorful statues, ....... get a life~!

2007-11-23 21:18:02 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Originally Bharat(india) belonged to dravids who were following sramanic system(jainism) who has well known history of 8000 years atleast. Aryan invasion and brahmin supremacy however practicing vedic religion entered in india, who wanted to prove their indegenousness, adopted most of things from Jainism. Concepts like Vegetarianism, nonviolance, Karma, Nirvana, Moksha, Idol worship, Swastika, Aum, Bull, Adinath( later brahmin renamed as Siva) were slowly merged with vedic system . As Brahmins were very intelligent to accept good things of every society and claiming as their own.. As cunning brahmins grew strong with their virtue of their control over social hierarchy, they started control dravidian temples, dravidian heritage, dravidian literature and started labelling as their own. Many mythological gods, literature were created to suppress dravidian religion (jainism-sramanic) and started brainwashing society with mix of mantric, tantric, miracle luring acts. Around 800 a.d. most of Jain heritage, literature were destroyed, converted. Most of dravids were renamed as dasyus (devils), and untouchables. Because brahmins wanted to control temple business and control society they created many superstions and scared people with mythic fears and gods. Casteism, Sati system (burning widows), untouchability was penetrated in society.

Today what we see Hinduism is refined version of Brahminic religion whose major concepts , pricinples, literatures were derived from Jainism. Hinduism is self contradiction in itself,At one place they talk about animal sacrfice, offerings to gods and other place they talk of non-violance and karma theory. this in itself is blunder in basic pricinples of Hinduism. HOwever hinduism is not a religion , but it is a social hierarchy order created by brahmins, and later it is renamed by britishers. Under this social system any community, any religion of this country is known as Hindu. Hinduism cannot be however known as religion, because there are millions of imaginary gods, deities etc. Gods of South Indian Hinduism are not even heard or known in Northern Indian HInduism, same with east, west etc.

Many deities were accepted from Jainism while converting jain heritage into vedic heritage, for the fear of calamities and other disaster, as deities are considered to be living gods. Where as most of Thirthankars were thrown out of the system.

Today there are 1000s of abandoned and destoryed sites of dravid jain heritage, which speak volume of Jainism. Some of these sites are poorly maintained by Archaeology survey of INndia , which are kept uninformed to historians and rest of world to serve brahmin interests. Places like Kazhagumalai, samanar malai and around 100s of hills around madurai has some sort of jain archaeological evidences in the form of carved idols in caves, stone scripts in brahmi, stone beds. Such things can be found all over india in orissa, m.p. maharashtra, karanataka, pakistan, rajasthan, north india, which are as sold as 4 th century b.c. but never incorporated in history and most of them are on the verge of destruction.

the answer of this question is HInduism (which is renamed around 500 years ago) is offshoot of Sramanic principles which were followed by dravidians from atleast last 8000 years ago. There are no evidences of vedic /hindu gods found in indus valley (harappan, mohanjodaro)excavations, however some fake claims have been made which have been busted by Michael Witzel.

Hinduism evolved from Brahminism and brahminic concepts were refined from Jain priciples, jain gods, jain literature. No wonder why most of South Indian temples were originally jain temples of Dravid culture.

Americas are known as white countries nowadays and around 400 years ago it belonged to aborginals, but today they are not even heard or part of social system. Similary in Indian aboriginals (dravidians) were sidelined and their civilization was ruled by nomad aryans who bought along concepts of Ram, vishnu, brahma, Ganesh and later Siva was derived as god of destruction from First Jain thirthankar Adinath. ( interestingly Adinath's symbol was bull and birth day for both the gods falls on same day). We know very well that Saivist and vaishnavites were enemy of each other till 800 a.d.. There is no mention of siva in any original purana or rig veda, but later included to merge certain elements of society into dravidian civilization.

2007-11-25 08:00:36 · answer #10 · answered by Raj 2 · 0 0

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