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I mean, I understand if people would get upset that a CHRISTIAN (of all people) would swear, judge, or hate someone, but seriously, aside from religious things, we're all still people, and we're going to have flaws like that, big or small. I understand that being a christian, you should minimize those things+etc because it follows the christian beliefs, but it just bothers me when someone says someone did something bad, then they add, "and they call themselves a christian!"

I know that there are plenty of christians that are really harsh, and just plain don't "act like a christian," but there are a lot of christians who are trying to change from who they are and were, even if their immediate actions don't prove it.

And i'm also aware that christians aren't the only religion stereotyped, i'm just talking about htem specifically right now

2007-11-23 15:34:05 · 32 answers · asked by ? 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

to robot devil- now i know you're just saying that to be smart, because i specifially stated that i knew christians aren't the only religion that are stereotyped

2007-11-23 16:30:27 · update #1

to ludwig van- you're saying i'm crazy because i'm saying that christians are stereotyped? i DID tell you i was aware that christians aren't hte only religion stereotyped, didn't I? or were you too quick to just answer off my question, and not my details too?

2007-11-23 16:33:20 · update #2

augh. i made a mistake to ask this in R&S. too many people take human matters and blame them on religion and put people into groups because of their religoin. i mean, did you see how many people started saying that they hated how christians stereotype eveyrone else? didn't they bother to read my details and read that i said "i'm aware of other religions that are stereotyped, but i'm talking about chrisitnas specifically."

and just as a reminder, stereotypes come from people, not religion.

2007-11-23 16:42:13 · update #3

32 answers


equally as stupid is steriotyping, for example, *all* those who don't think abortion is the most positive pregnancy choice, or *all* those who think the evolution theory conflicts with science, or *all* those who think homosexualism is not a permanent or characteristic or state of mind. Often such people are all labelled Christian, regardless of what book, idea, experience, or faith or lack thereof on which they actually base their opinion, as if only the "religious" are the ones who hold such ideas, or the preconceived idea that all ideas with which one disagrees are supported by the bible and not facts found elsewhere.

Such stereotype is the product of worse prejudice than possessed by the person accused of being prejudice, more closed-mindedness than the one assumed, often falsely, of being closed-minded, the double standard of the worst kind of bigot.

2007-11-23 17:05:33 · answer #1 · answered by Yahoo! Answers 3 · 2 0

I'm an atheist and I try very hard not to stereotype anyone, however I see a lot of Christians pigeonhole me as unethical, untrustworthy, and a heathen because I simply reserve my belief in matters of religion and other forms of WOO WOO.
The really sad part is, is that these people don't even know me, but yet put these incredible assertions on me.
If Christians spent more time enjoying their religion and stop trying to force their beliefs in our public schools and into out courtrooms, I'd be less critical.
I think all of us here on R&S need to have a meeting and try to find a way to stop treating each other like dirt.
You're right, christians are human, but so are atheists and agnostics and the like!

2007-11-23 15:52:06 · answer #2 · answered by Starstuff58 5 · 0 0

Well in the bible god says judge not and you will be judge in the same measure that you judge anyway nobody should be talking anybody else no way but we as christian is going to be talked about and criticize regardless people going to talk about Christian especially if he living right and do what he suppose to for the lord some who claim to be save well I put them in god's hand and pray for them people always looking for something to pinpoint out on a christian but who care they have to pay for there sin just like everybody else it;s best to tend to your own business and let God handle it because he the only judged and jury.

2007-11-23 15:47:24 · answer #3 · answered by jennifer.silver70 2 · 2 0

It's funny how people expect perfection out of us or they have an image in their mind of what a Christian should be. I just went through that today with my mother. She was saying my daughter acts like a real Christian because she is so generous. I pointed out my son is not as generous but he obeys the law and doesn't drink, smoke, etc so to him, that is being a good Christian. It has to do with whatever God is convicting you about at the time and not image. Which of course, the world does not understand that. There is a good song by Dallas Holmes that says it all

All that matters in this life below
Is not what you are or how much you know
all the world's knowledge can make your mind smart
but the difference is made in the heart
the difference is made in the heart.

2007-11-23 15:41:51 · answer #4 · answered by sisterzeal 5 · 3 2

How about this one:

I often help strangers, and it's not uncommon for them to tell me something along the lines of "You're a good Christian" when I finish. Then, when I say something like "Thanks, but I'm an Atheist", they seem offended and a few times have gone as far as telling me they wouldn't have let me help if they knew.

And the Jesus fish used on billboard advertisements... isn't that suggesting something about the company besides they think they are going to heaven?

So why not complain about that aspect of the stereotypes also?

2007-11-23 15:44:24 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I try to get away from anyone who stereotype whatever! religion, gender, race, size, age... I think stereotyping is the best way to avoid the chance of knowing someone, and the evidence of fear in their souls and minds, the ones who do it are closeminded and won't go further in their lives.

2007-11-23 15:42:05 · answer #6 · answered by sandia 4 · 4 0

Truth is, Christians suffer from the remnants of sin. They still have their sinful nature, but we are chastened by God when we do wrong. He is our guide and, when we sin, He reproves us for it. Our sins are forgiven - past, present and future because God has already judged us through salvation in Jesus Christ; our salvation IS our judgement because He has chosen us before the foundations of the world. I, too, don't like it when someone says to me when I do something wrong, "You did that - and you call yourself a Christian?" What people like that don't realize is that Christians are no more perfect than anyone else and we too suffer from our sinful natures, but because we are saved in Christ, our sins are already forgiven us. We try our very best, with God's guidance and direction, to follow His word and obey His commandments, BUT we'll NEVER be perfect in this life. We are only perfected spiritually with Christ as our Savior. I personally don't care about what people believe or say about me. As long as I have Christ in my life, that's all that matters to me - they can say whatever they want. God will deal with them sooner or later.

2007-11-23 15:42:35 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Being a Muslim who lived in the US and have Christian in-laws, I understand your frustration about stereotyping.

To be honest:
Its Christians who should stop stereotyping other people.

What frustrate more, is that they are not welling to change their views. They just judge you, and thats it. Whatever you say to defend yourself always fall on deaf ears.

2007-11-23 15:39:08 · answer #8 · answered by Ahmed A 4 · 4 1

I hate it! I'm Baptist and people expect me to be "Miss Holy Holy" and put me down for my mistakes. I slip up and swear, I make mistakes, and I'm definately not perfect, and I wish people would stop making me feel bad for my imperfections. I'm only 16 and I know I have a long way to go. Yeah and act a nut with my friends, I listen to rap and rock, but that doesn't mean I don't believe in God and it DEFINATELY doesn't mean I cater to negativity. Happy Holidays♥

2007-11-23 15:40:45 · answer #9 · answered by music ♥ 5 · 4 1

If you have total confidence in yourself and your beliefs, such small trivialities don't matter.
I could care less about people I don't know or care about, stereotyping me. Just like I really don't care how someone else lives their life.
Live and let live.

2007-11-23 15:41:14 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

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