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I hear all these reasons why, he is a just God, Gives us a choice etc, sent his son to die for us so we wouldnt have to go there, well, maybe if he loved us as you say he would never have made it. then you will say, only the worthy can be in heaven, God can not live with evil. well, Maybe God shouldnt ask so much of us, he made us this way, dont ya think?

2007-11-23 15:25:32 · 42 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

JC: thats not answering the question

2007-11-23 15:28:49 · update #1

Jeff A: many people who have killed and raped etc are going to heaven from what the christians say. I can go shoot the little boy across the street ask for forgivness and get to heaven, but the person who saved his life will go to Hell because he wasnt saved.

2007-11-23 15:31:45 · update #2

42 answers

A loving "god" wouldn't.

2007-11-23 15:28:32 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 10

If there were such a place of eternal flaming torment, I would agree with some of the above observations about God. Eternal burning torture was manufactured by God's enemy the Devil and taught as fact by the God-dishonouring churches to frighten the masses into submission. This question has been covered so many times in other answers. However the reasoning I like to use is this: Would an intelligent being with the power wisdom and will to create such a beautiful immense universe with all it's physical and visual wonders, a being with the intelligence and generosity to intricately design and manufacture incredibly enjoyable variety of life/food/animal company on this little speck of dust called Earth, someone who, right down to the molecular level, has designed life for his beloved creatures to be happy... would someone like that create a monstrously cruel place of perpetual pain just because certain recipients got the rules wrong over a period of a few dozen years. Even human courts would not dish out such unfair terms. The fact is Hellfire is poppycock. Hell is another lie, a creation of the lying devil, the person who doesnt want you to know the truth about our loving, generous, wise, and kind heavenly Father.

2016-05-25 04:18:50 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Why do people feel that they have the right to live life with out ever believing in, or turning to God, and that there shouldn't be any consequences for it? God doesn't ask a lot. It may seem that way to those who choose to think that way, or to those who are self righteous, and think that they don't need to believe in God to get to Heaven. There is always consequences for our actions, why should God not have them to? God made us with a mind of our own, and free will. We make our selves into what we eventually become. You can't blame God for that. God is a loving God, why do you think He gives us a choice. You have a choice whether to break the laws of the land, and pay the consequences if you do break them. You don't get a get out of jail free card just because you think you should. So why would you think you should have a free ride about Heaven?

2007-11-23 15:43:24 · answer #3 · answered by jenx 6 · 1 0

Just look at the answers you get here for a start... ignorance, pride, outright rejection, people insulting you just for asking.... etc.

Then you take it to the Hitlers, Stalins, Mao, rapists, murderers, drug dealers, pornographers etc.... they have taken evil to heart and are unfit for heaven.

Then you have the proud and the arrogant that outright reject God's existence, not to mention God's love and the sacrifice of his son, like the Richard Dawkins, Bertrand Russels and that group.

That leaves the indifferent.... if they don't care about God's love and God's one opportunity to get into heaven then God is Holy and cannot just ignore the sins... off they go too.

The only path that is left open is those that have accepted God's gift of the payment for their sins through the blood of Jesus! It is called the narrow path and is often a lot harder than the wide and easy road. Just look at the show Survivor I watched about 10 minutes of it at the beginning and the Christian Radio host was the only one that wouldn't bow down to the idol... what is that 1 in 20 or so... Yeah for her!! The other 19 chose to bow to an idol.... it was their choice too... so is heaven and hell, God's love is there for everyone but as Paul wrote it is up to us to endure to the end.... a winner never quits the race until it is over!

Here is a vision of he** that is a best selling book I hear.
23 minutes in he**

I will take the path that Jesus offered when he said no one can come to the father but through the son! Don Piper was declared dead for 90 minutes.

May you find the good road!

2007-11-23 15:52:15 · answer #4 · answered by Pilgrim in the land of the lost 5 · 1 1

First, you have to do more than just say "please forgive me" to get into heaven. God didn't make anybody evil. Like you said, everybody has a choice in their life. Do you think God wanted Jeffrey Dahmer to go out and kill people? Of course not, but he had a choice. And it's very possible he is in heaven right now. Also, God does not ask "so much of us". He just asks that we accept Jesus. That's not too hard to do.

Come on, bring on the thumbs down!

2007-11-23 15:36:19 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

1- God made us in His image, to walk with Him perfectly.
2- We messed up and sinned, not God- free will
3- Hell is eternal separation from God- why if He loved us would He create hell in the first place? Because, my friend no one is worthy of heaven.
4- God loves us SO much that He sends His Son- He is the worthy one , not us.
5- If we got what we deserved, we'd all be in hell
6- Heaven is for those who acknowledge their sin, and accept Christ as full payment of our sin
7- God did not ask much of us, His son paid the price, we just have to accept the gift

2007-11-23 16:04:58 · answer #6 · answered by AdoreHim 7 · 2 0

Though God loves all people, He just can't simply let go of the fact that people deserve what they choose. Yes, God is love. But God is also just (ever heard of that?). He will not allow the wicked to just get away with their sins. God has forgiven us of all of our sins through His Son Jesus. But one has to ACCEPT His offer of forgiveness by confessing and repenting of his sin and accepting Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior. Where we end up in our afterlife is OUR CHOICE. People ask questions like yours so they can have a sorry excuse to "FREELY" live a sinful life.

2007-11-23 15:47:48 · answer #7 · answered by bLaNe 2 · 2 0

God will never ask more of you than you can give. God will never allow you to be in a situation w/o a way of escape. God didn't "make" us anyway. We choose our path ourselves. We choose Heaven or Hell. If we follow the plan of salvation we'll go to Heaven. If not, Hell. Why would God be obligated to allow sinners into Heaven. When others have earned it by living a holy, pure, and upright life before the Lord and the world.

2007-11-23 15:34:46 · answer #8 · answered by paula r 7 · 2 2

God is like light, evil is like darkness. Both cannot occupy the same space. Like north and south. He really doesn't ask us for anything but to love him and love each other. Love and hate cannot occupy the same space either. And remember, Satan does not rule hell, he is a common prisoner there. Have you ever known someone who didn't like you? Maybe that's what God uses hell for.

2007-11-23 15:37:37 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

1 Corinthians 2:9
But as it is written: “ Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,Nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”

So if God has created a place for those who love Him, why would He not create a place for those who do not love Him? Let's call these His enemies. What sort of place would you propose He create for those, His enemies, who reject Him?

And remember that hell was not created for man, but in Matthew 25:41, Jesus says to His enemies (those on His "left hand,") “Then He will also say to those on the left hand, ‘Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels..."

2007-11-23 15:37:50 · answer #10 · answered by he_returns_soon 3 · 2 0

Put in perspective,Would you defy your parents willingly and spitefully considering they were very benevolent parents.Would you allow someone to spit in their parents face.
God provided a paradise for us and it was thrown away.I can't illustrate it well enough to be convincing,however why do you harbor such resentment.Why do you place such restrictions on God,do you not believe in punishment.
Perhaps you should look inside and ask why are you so angry toward God.Perhaps you can ask Him.He'll be glad to talk to you.
Good luck and God bless.

2007-11-23 15:44:38 · answer #11 · answered by boobooloo 4 · 2 0

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