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Im so confused,I cant stand it anymore
I believe in God,but not religion,I know that sounds bad,thats why I asked this question,to those who feel the same..

what are we suppose to think about Jesus,Ive always been confused about?
what do you deists/agnostics think
was he a prophet,did he die for our sins
what are we suppose to think about Jesus,if the only thing we believe is that there is a GOD
please,christians,DONT ANSER THIS!!

2007-11-23 14:52:46 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

14 answers

Belive In God and Jesus

2007-11-23 14:59:07 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I believe in God but not "religion", but I am a Christian, so I guess I need to stop for you.

As far as, however, what I believe about this man called Jesus, I do believe He was a Prophet, and I also believe that He died for my sins. Since I believe He was a Prophet, I checked out what He had to say cause a Prophet 1) Declares what God has said and 2) Prophcies about what God is to do.

After Studying what He had to say I figured - 1) He was a liar, Cause the things He said would have been just plain outright lies-strike that though cause I already concluded He was a Prophet from God and that makes Him a Truth teller.
2) He was a mad man - The things He said were also the ratings of a mad man out of control and did not care what He told people and how they would react, let alone what the religious rulers of the time and the Romans Occupying Israel at the time would do to Him, but see number one above cause He is still The Prophet sent from God.
3) He was telling the Truth - Which is really the only other alternative. So now I have to decide if He is telling the Truth, then where does it leave me on my decisions about what He had to say?

He also did not teach "religion". He taught faith in God. He taught what God really wants us to think of Him, Ourselves and Others. I consider myself a Christian but not a Baptist, or a Lutheran or Episcolpalian or Pentecostal cause I believe that since I asked Jesus to come into my heart and my life that makes Him In ME, the real usage of the term Christian. Sorry. I was going to stop but I hope I may have helped a little.

God Bless You and guide You Into His Truth.

2007-11-23 23:17:42 · answer #2 · answered by xgarmstrong 3 · 0 1

Jesus is real!!! Look Jesus Christ which is the Lord told us what it was going to be like when his coming was near. The Lord said that there would be many natural disasters. What is happening today? Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Felix, many more Hurricanes, Wildfires, Draughts/floods, earthquakes, intensive heat/UV rays. The Lord also said that there would be many wars breaking out. There are alot of wars right now! The gulf war, wars between races, wars within countries, wars in the streets between gangs. The Lord also said that even fathers and sons would fight, mothers and dauoghters would fight too. There are alot of family fights going on today too! You here in thre news that a father killed his son or that a son killed his father or mother. Jesus Christ was correct and he is coming for his people soon so HURRY UP YOU DONT HAVE MUCH TIME! Jesus Christ is coming for his people and the anti-christ is going to come into power. The people left here on earth are going to suffer great tribulattion! People will think that there is peace, but the enemy will only bring war! So dont be fooled by that evil liar. People will starve, be killed by other people, People will be killed by natural disasters, people will be burned, beaten, tortured, etc... The dumb enemy is jelouse and a liar, and since he has no chance of going to heaven, he wants us not to go to heaven either. That dumb fool is not going to heaven, but you can still go so accept Jesus in your heart and get babtized. Read Revelations, David, Genesis, Psalms, Jacob, and all the books in the bible. They are all good and will show you how to live your life according to Jesus Christ and the Lord will speak to you when you read the bible. Contact and post any questions that you may need help in, or your friends. We must all preech the Lord's plan of salvation to the world. Listen to the Lord Jesus Christ and pary to him. There is no such thing as religion. Religion doesnt count. If you have no good relationship with God you are bad and your religion doesnt matter or make a difference. What matters is your relationship with God!!!!!

2007-11-23 23:20:34 · answer #3 · answered by Scientist 2 · 1 1

You can be spiritual but not religous. Einstein's religious beliefs came from Spinoza's. Spinoza was a 17th century philosopher who felt conflicted as you do. He deduced, for his own spirituality, a system that came to the conclusion that God does not rule over the universe by providence, but a God which itself is part of the deterministic system of which everything in nature is a part. Thus, God is the natural world and has no personality. Gos is in everything we are. Einstein saw this more simply as energy. Energy, the force that exists in every molecule known is all linked, and is all God, the essence of Life. This essence does not have a will, or persoanlity, or a history that involves human charaters or rules of any sort. It just kind of is what is, and that's its beauty. I think that's what you feel but that's just my opinion.

I feel that way too, and there are lots out there who do. I think this is a healthy extension on your part of individual thought and insight, much like Einstein had.

Happy Holidays!

2007-11-23 23:16:39 · answer #4 · answered by jennifer_weisz 5 · 1 0

I hate to beat a dead horse -- but this is one of those answers you actually CAN find in the Bible. It is up to you, however, whether you believe or not.

I am often times mixed, but then I find myself leaning more toward the belief in Jesus. I consider myself a Christian, but not by your terms -- I have a lot of faith in God, yet the stories of Jesus confuse me. People say you get to Heaven through Jesus Christ, but say you are not a Christian is you do not believe in God.

I guess here is how I see it -- I believe in God. Jesus is God. So maybe Jesus did exist, if God exists? It really all depends on how you look at it. You'll really need to do a lot of your own research on this topic before you are satisfied, however.

Good luck -- it's a long path, but it is worth it.

2007-11-23 22:59:57 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Although you stated that you would prefer that a Christian does not answer this...I will....and I am a Christian...but not because of religious training.

I do not believe in organized religions for the most part regardless of their teachngs because they were created by man. Even many Christian religions are simply taking their take on the Bible and making all sorts of rules and regulations based on their interpretation. Muslims do the same with the Koran (not sure I spelled that correctly) etc. Jews likewise. All in all, we are all believers in a supreme being. I have chosen to believe that Jesus was indeed the son of my creator and I have also chosen to follow his example when it comes to my behavior. I have a personal relationship with my God and He has shown me a countless number of times that He does know what is going on in my life....He does intervene on my behalf when I ask him to do so....but most of all He has shown me that He loves me. I believe that love extends so far as to cause Him to give me one last chance at perfection through the forgiving power of Jesus Christ. I am not saying that Jesus is the only person/diety that came from my creator. I don't know that to be a fact but I do know in my spirit that everything Jesus says in the Bible has held true for me. He has proven Himself.

2007-11-23 23:09:08 · answer #6 · answered by Poohcat1 7 · 0 1

Well...I can relate with you. I love God, but deteste religion. I hate that godamn thing so much! I'm not Chritian...so Jesus is not my expertise. All I can really say is Jesus and all these other prophets reallly would have wanted us to follow our paths. I mean they promoted rights - for humans.

Also, deists beleive in God, but do not think that God interferes in our matters. Ben franklin was a famous one.

I'm very confused about Jesus dying for 'our sins'as well. I just see him as someone standing up for his beliefs. People have to be accountable for what they do.

Also, if you ever do turn to the religion...becareful what you read into....most of it seems political gain-ish to me. ;)

2007-11-23 23:03:19 · answer #7 · answered by batain2002 4 · 2 1

It doesn't matter what Jesus is or was. Believeing in God is enough. (You will get massive disagreement with that statement, but I believe it's true.) I don't pray to Jesus; I pray to God--always have; always will.

There is nothing wrong with having faith in God and preferring not to follow a religion. Religions are manmade frameworks of rules used to govern faith. But faith does not need to be governed. Faith is inherent in all of us, and God is inherent in all of us.

Don't fret about following a religion or not. You've chosen the more sensible way.

2007-11-23 23:05:14 · answer #8 · answered by Chantal G 6 · 1 1

jesus is the extension of God, just as a son carries the genes of his brother. They are one in the same.

Now if by not believing in religion u mean not beliving in the Roman Catholic Church, then thats another story.

2007-11-23 23:01:05 · answer #9 · answered by In Testimony Whereof 3 · 0 0

I believe in the Lord myself and wht the bible teaches us but not what man says to do. that is the difference religion is a man made state of assairs. look up the deff in the dictionary.I think that migh help you out alot. God never wanted his word to be a money maker that it has been made into his word told us to get together and worship him, to help those who are in need. I was a member of a church for yrs and paid my ties when i fell on hard times. i went to my pastor for help, he resused because i haven;t been paying my ties to the hurch. man made rule (religion)

2007-11-23 23:45:55 · answer #10 · answered by avalonocean 2 · 0 1

You are asking non Christians to tell you whether or not Jesus died for you? Of course they are going to say no. Sorry, I'm a Christian but I have to answer.

Jesus did not believe in religion either. It was full of law and tradition, but lacked a relationship w/God. This is what He wants for us. To have a relationship-to talk to Him, to ask for advice, to cry and share w/Him, etc.

Sorry if I disrespected you by answering, but I hope my answer helped you in some way.

2007-11-23 23:01:31 · answer #11 · answered by ? 6 · 3 0

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