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I mean surely if god is real and all powerful he can do this again. He did perform this "miracles" in the past so why can't god come down to earth turn dirt/clay into a person and settle this whole argument once and for all?

2007-11-23 14:16:13 · 49 answers · asked by Imagine No Religion 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

weasel: So what you are saying is that a person should never question religion? Is that what you are saying? Cause that is what it sounds like and if so; it only goes to prove my point with a question I asked about two weeks ago.

2007-11-23 14:20:04 · update #1

I seek proof not cop-out answers.

2007-11-23 14:22:38 · update #2

so seeing god will kill me? then why did he show himself to the people in the past?

2007-11-23 14:24:27 · update #3

49 answers

Because he doesn't exist.

2007-11-23 14:18:03 · answer #1 · answered by Ode to the Damned® ÆA NR 6 · 2 8

Well, can we not likewise say "If we are evolving why do we not see more spontaneous creations?" Surely some animals have been around long enough to warrant a change?

I understand your frustration (if that was what it was). Who would not like a sign? Or to witness a miracle. When I was younger I used to stand by the side of the Sand Pits near my home. The water would be so calm I would pray "God please let me walk out on the water." But, unlike Peter I never took a step in faith. I could not get past worrying about where I would end up if he allowed my selfish request. Likewise I have been too cowardly to reach out my hand in healing the sick. What I am getting at is you need true faith to do miracles and few people qualify.

I know this is not exactly what you were looking for. You want to demand the God of the universe to prove to you that he is real. Nothing on Earth that you have seen can convince you. I wonder were he to do it for you would you really change? Not all the Jews did. The Bible is full of people that came in face to face with God and yet they still turned away. In the end I do not think it matters what we want but rather what we need and he has already done that and repeat shows are not scheduled.

2007-11-23 14:44:50 · answer #2 · answered by crimthann69 6 · 0 1

God created man. Think about your possibilities. GOD CREATED MAN: Look around you and in you. What do you see? An amazingly complex set of components that work amazingly well together. We see the Cell, which is the simplest of living organisms yet very complex. We see the Human body, which is so efficient that even scientist with all our technology, still can't recreate the simplest functions as efficiently as our body. We also see attempts to recreate the storage system of DNA (DeoxiRibonuclaic Acid (wrong spelling)), which can store so much data in so small of a space that it can store the "recipe" to create life inside every cell. Scientists can't even imagine how to figure out how to do that yet each of our cells know the exact way to do that! Scientist also calculate that we could fit the worlds library on one computer if it was stored in that format. 1 computer! MAN CREATED GOD: You have 2 options on how we came about if God didn't created us. Big Bang: How can you fit into a point the size of a pen tip? How can you plus the earth, all other people, the sun(which is actually one of the smallest of the stars), all the stars that we know of in our galaxy, and beyond that it is estimated that we don't see over 1,000,000,000,000 stars in our galaxy alone. And then we have to count all the other galaxies that we can see which is about 10-15 I think. All as big as our own, and then you have to estimate how many others are there that we don't know, which is estimated to be over 100. And all this has to fit into a point the size of a pencil tip. How can this be? It is IMPOSSIBLE! It cannot be done. Evolution: How can you believe in that evolution junk? I mean, where did the "simplest" life forms come from? How long did it take for those "simple" life forms to get complex enough to what we have today? How many years old is the earth? If Evolution happened, then Niagara Falls would have gone around the earth at least once if it were true, according to scientists. If you believe that some chemicals were electrically charged and that created life then, where did the lightening come from? Why did it do it there instead of earlier? What chemicals were used? Haven't evolution scientists proven that theory wrong? If you believe that we were just there and never started but was just there then, what started the evolution process? Where did it start? Why did it start? When did it start? Why didn't it start sooner? Many people say that "Scientists have calculated that the amount of years it takes for the closest star besides the sun would be much longer than 4000 years." Have you ever thought that God made the earth so that it was like it was going on for awhile before that? He didn't make Adam and Eve babies and let them grow. Did He? No. He made then adults. Did He make all the trees in the garden start out as seeds? No. He made them full grown trees. Did He make all the animals babies? No. He made then as adults with experience and the ability to reproduce to what we have today. True, there are many types of humans. People that feel things colder than other people, and people that feel things warmer than what most people do. We have smaller people and taller people. Fatter people and skinny people. That's because of the environment that their family lived in for years. Humans, over many generations, will adapt to their surroundings so like Adam and Eve lived in a lush environment probably got a little chubby before God kicked then out of the garden. Then they got strong. People that have too much food will get fat. Families that lived in California for a while and then go to Oklahoma will probably think it is a cold environment in the winter because they don't get snow usually in Ca. But that doesn't mean that they can tun into a fish for instance. I mean really? Have you ever seen a human that looked more like a frog, or a dog, or a fish, or even looked like he was starting the process? Have you ever met a human that had a baby chicken? NO!

2016-05-25 04:08:53 · answer #3 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Who said that he couldn't. The only argument is who is Sovereign over the earth. Who has the right to rule this planet once God's Kingdom arrives. Who are willing to be under this rule. God has been taking care of this dilemma since Satan screwed things up in Paradise. He questioned Eve's belief in God's power. He instilled doubt through a little white lie and satan has been lying ever since. He is the Father of the Lie and he instills doubt in non-believers. If you are a non-believer then why would you even expect God to show you anything. Soon everyone will see.

2007-11-23 14:24:22 · answer #4 · answered by black57 5 · 1 1

Oh wow. It looks like another person has figured out the flaw with the whole God thing. Yep. "Why doesn't an all-powerful being feel the need to constantly prove himself and perform like a circus act?" is the very question which will rock the foundations of the church.

Hey, if you refuse to believe then it is you who ends up losing out in the end if all of it is true. So what is His motive to constantly make everyone know He exists? Because that is what He'd have to do, go to each individual that ever gets born and do this little "trick" of yours. So since you're the one who gets to benefit or not, then it would seem He should be requiring something of you in order to obtain that benefit. A little faith isn't all that much if you look at it that way.

2007-11-23 14:23:13 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

I hope you brought some marshmallows. No use letting the flaming go to waste.

The act would have to be repeated for every generation because kids don't believe their parents.

Seriously, though, wet clay does seem to be the precursor medium to the first self builders. Who knows how long a day was then. Maybe it was 600 million years per day and then the beaker got dirty and big rocks had to clean up some.

2007-11-24 03:46:29 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

"If" is a huge word. "What is God" has a unique definition to every one so that would result in just as many possible answers.The creation of mankind as being a "good" thing is a matter of opinion. "If" this miracle performing idea of a God being responsible for our existence is accurate. Then maybe we need to define what we think is good. Seems to me , humankind is the most destructive form of life ever known to the abundance of life other then human life, past or present. And I also think if you look closely around you, you will see many miracles or worlds and life of many creatures existing along side us. Are these lives less of a miracle then life itself? Actually, life did begin with just the basic elements and so forth......

2007-11-23 14:43:39 · answer #7 · answered by 2K 4 · 0 1

Because God is pleased by our faith in Him. Think about it....if you told your friend you would do something big for them and they didn't believe you and wanted proof that you would come through, how would that make you feel? If they had faith in you, wouldn't that mean so much more?

God performed many miracles and we now have them recorded in the Bible. This is now what we rely on for our faith. Miracles no longer need to be performed (even though they are every day). We now have to put our faith into action.

2007-11-23 14:21:51 · answer #8 · answered by ? 6 · 0 2

Because before Jesus came he did speak and perform miracles and people screwed up anyway......so much that God destroyed the world with a flood. Then Jesus came and gave his life for you......now the rules have changed.

You must "believe"....God has charged....it is a matter of Faith by definition.

****And to JUAN.......do you understand the concept of infinity? Where does time start and begin.....where does outer space begin and end?

Juan deleted his answer....guess he couldn't take the heat.

2007-11-23 14:23:58 · answer #9 · answered by Kevin 3 · 1 1

It's kinda like people who believe in evolution with the apes turning into humans-if that happened a long time ago, then why isn't it still happening? God doesn't make people out of "dirt/clay" anymore because he already made people to repopulate in the beginning.

2007-11-23 14:24:29 · answer #10 · answered by Megan 6 · 1 2

Jesus said that if a person wouldn't believe in God through what the Prophets of Israel had taught, they would not believe in God if God raised one from the dead, either. So the answer is: he'd be wasting his time. You would believe it was a nice trick I expect, but you would not trust in God because of it. Plus, God equates faith from particular (and sufficient) demonstrations to righteousness. He requires faith. If he kept on proving himself with physical miracles over and over and over, you might follow him but not trust in and love him deeply.

2007-11-23 14:28:30 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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