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Do they think that Christians will be punished for believing in the trinity and having you know birthdays and all of the things they don't celebrate. Also why don't they celebrate their bithday? Or Holy week?

2007-11-23 13:54:16 · 24 answers · asked by Lady Me 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

24 answers

JWs believe all Christians will be saved, but their idea of salvation is rather different to the orthodox Christian one! They think in terms of being saved from annihilation at the impending battle of Armageddon. That possibility is open to everyone but they rather doubt that other than good JWs will survive that catastrophe. So, if Armageddon happened tomorrow, they would be surprised if much more than 7 million or so people were saved through it.

This gives the clue as to their different interpretation of what a Christian is. Orthodox Christianity holds that there are untold billions of Christians around today, to be found in every denomination (or even no denomination). The JW definition is far more restrictive, involving being baptized as a JW, not smoking cigarettes and not taking blood transfusions etc. Whenever you read in their literature the phrase, 'Christians believe... [or do, or say...]' you must realize they actually mean 'JWs believe... [or do, or say...]' But this is not spelled out clearly. You have to be able to play their semantics game to understand what they mean.

You also need to know that they believe in two grades of Christians - 144,000 anointed with 'holy spirit' who will go to heaven and judge everyone else (putting themselves on a par with Christ, the Judge of the living and the dead); then a great crowd, unnumbered, who never go to heaven but expect to live as humans on a paradise earth, without the anointing of 'holy spirit'.

JWs believe all who think they are Christians but who believe 'satanic' doctrines like the trinity, will not be saved unless they repent of this and become JWs, before Armageddon starts. Birthday and Holy Week avoidance is trivial compared with this.

2007-11-24 00:15:01 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 4

you're splendid. we do not have faith that the only ones stored would be Jehovah's Witnesses. there have been no Jehovah's Witnesses in the process the centuries following Adam and Eve. not many of the a hundred and forty four,000 are Jehovah's Witnesses the two. We did not take the call Jehovah's Witnesses until eventually the 1930's. that's people who prepare God's regulations and cling to his teachings which will earnings eternal existence. The evildoer would be in paradise because of the fact he died. dying acquits us of our sins. The wages sin will pay is dying. whilst and if God resurrects you, you start up with a sparkling slate and are taught approximately God in the process the judgment era. Few Jehovah's Witnesses would be resurrected whilst in comparison with all people who weren't Jehovah's Witnesses. What different faith now practices what God's regulations and standards for eternal existence are? Do they pontificate from domicile to domicile to warn others? Acts. 20:20. Matt. 24:14. Do they use God's call? John 17:3. Do they not take part in pagan traditions? Christmas, Easter, Halloween and so on? Do they prepare love between themselves or do they serve in wars and kill different contributors of their own faith?

2016-10-02 03:53:25 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

The meaning of eternal life is knowing the true only true God and Jesus Christ (John 17:3) This is something Christendom doesn't teach, because they believe in a false doctrine such as the trinity. If you read the Bible in depth, you will see that no Bible writer teaches the trinity, it takes a man to "teach" it, using scriptures taken out of context.

When Jesus was on earth, he stated many times that his Father was greater than him and he told the Jews that he cannot do anything alone.

The scripture that trinitarians like to use to support the trinity is John 1:1, which states the "Word was God". The translation is translated without proper grammar. The first translation that had articles such as "a", translated similar to the Jehovah's Witnesses, and it was translated 200 years after the Bible was written.

As for the birthdays, they were not celebrated by true Christians, nor were they celebrated by Jesus Christ. The origin of birthdays was associated with pagan and demonic teachings, and thats one of the reasons why Jesus never celebrated his.

So anyway, these are just random thoughts.. :-/

Edge, you're wrong. We don't think only a 144,000 will be saved.

How can that be true when you're obviously telling a lie? We don't believe only 144,000 will be saved.

2007-11-23 14:11:05 · answer #3 · answered by VMO 4 · 3 3

OKAY, let me say this....before you answer this question about what a Jehovah's Witness believes or doesn't believe, get your facts straight people.

Continuing on....

My dear, have you thought about just having a bible study? Even if it's just one time? There is no obligation to continue afterward, but you will get your answer right before your eyes with you and that person when you both look up the scriptures together. You can use your own bible and they can use theirs.

All holidays are man-made. Most of them are derived of Pagan origin. Pagans were horrible people who were against God, sacrificed their own children by burning them in fires while they were still alive to appease their false gods. The scriptures say to keep your worship clean. To add these old converted rituals to our lifestyle does not follow that command. We are allowing the traditions of unclean worship into our lives and that is not acceptable to God.

For example, take the time with Moses came from the mountains with the tablets. He came back to his people worshiping a golden calf. They were corrected and were then told to "destroy" it. They were not told to make it into a garden ornament, or put it in the market square for decoration. Once again, they were told to destroy the golden calf and it was done. The reason, there is no room for unclean spiritual practices along with wholesome practices.

2007-11-24 14:38:40 · answer #4 · answered by barsh 3 · 1 1

They can't think that because according to them there is no place of torment and you simply sleep for eternity. Right now that doesn't seem like anything that I'd have to be saved from. In fact, that sounds pretty good. Sleeeeeeeeep. Being saved is an action...like a rescue operation. If you're begin swept away in a massive flood you want to see the search and rescue guys don't you? Without them you know you'll perish. Jesus works the same way. He is our rescue. But we must do what He tells us in order to be rescued!

Be sure to check out my six screens of the watchtower sources. It'll give you info on the holidays.

There is no hell of fire where the wicked are punished, Let God be True, p. 79, 80.

Scripture says…

But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.” Rev. 21:8

Luke 16:19-31

Besides, the trinity isn't pagan. It's found in the pages of Scripture. Read Gen. 18:2-3, 1 Jn. 5:7, Jn. 1:1, 14. The jw's still insult God by calling Him and His teachings pagan and because of the wrath of God abides on them.

It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Heb. 10:31

2007-11-23 14:43:24 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

NO – as a Jehovah’s Witness myself - I can assure you, we believe many Christians and Non-Christians alike will be resurrected in paradise.

FAQ, found at out official site:
Do you believe that you are the only ones who will be saved?
No. Many millions who have lived in centuries past and who were not Jehovah's Witnesses will come back in a resurrection and have an opportunity for life. Many now living may yet take a stand for truth and righteousness before God's time of judgment, and they will gain salvation. Moreover, Jesus said that we should not be judging one another. Humans look at the outward appearance; God looks at the heart. He sees accurately and judges mercifully. God has committed judgment into Jesus' hands, not ours.—Matthew 7:1-5; John 5:22, 27.

And as for the 144,000 only misconception.
We believe that number will go to heaven, everyone else will be resurrected in a new paradise earth.

Assuming they did not commit an unforgivable sin. The only know people without the resurrection hope are - Adam, Eve, Judas, unrepentant Pharisees, anyone judged in the flood or such as unworthy. Today’s people can’t very easily sin towards the Holy Spirit, (only sin said to be unforgivable,) so they most all have the resurrection hope.

2007-11-23 14:12:09 · answer #6 · answered by AEH101 3 · 4 3

This is a very interesting question. JW do not celebrate birthdays is because early christians did not celebrate birthdays, birthdays are mentioned in the bible but associated with something bad happening like John the baptist got his head chopped off. It is also true that there will be resurrection for the righteous and the unrighteous but the wicked ones will be done away with. As for the 144,000 that is going to heaven, if you read revelation chapter seven it speaks of the great crowd being 144000 speaking in tongue, in the heavens so this is where this number comes from. Food for thought Do you think everybody is going to heaven what about Gods beautiful earth that he created? Do you think he will restore the earth to what he created originally The Garden of Eden? And if so for what if we are all in heaven with him? I am not a JW but I am very familiar with their teachings. But as I read other religions I find myself to be very interested in their teaching. The first thing anybody needs to do is read for themselves and find the truth most of us do not want to read we like for someone else to tell us something and we run with it.

2007-11-23 15:16:58 · answer #7 · answered by Solany J 2 · 1 1

Almost 4,400 years ago, a catastrophic flood struck the entire earth. Such an event could not easily be forgotten, and peoples the world over have stories about it in their early history. Although differing in details, these stories have much in common, including the fact that only a few humans and some animals survived.
Were the Flood survivors simply individuals fortunate enough to have randomly escaped destruction? The Bible account shows that this was not the case. Significantly, God did not inform each individual about the coming Flood. Rather, he told Noah, who in turn warned his contemporaries of the approaching Deluge.
Take Comort in the fact that in this scripture "1 and I have hope toward God, which hope these [men] themselves also entertain, that there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous.( Acts 24:15)
The other Questions have been answered ad Nauseam.

2007-11-23 14:27:14 · answer #8 · answered by conundrum 7 · 3 3

My co-worker is a JW. She says they believe they will only be saved. That they alone have the "truth". They don't celebrate birthdays because in the few Bible accts. There was sin involved, sometimes even death. But, mainly its the fact that we're not directed to celebrate religious holidays or birthdays. If Jehovah wanted us to.Or if must,she said he'd say so.Many religions,including mine, don't celebrate "Holy Week". We celebrate Christmas and Easter.But not Lent,Palm Sunday, Good Friday, Ash Wednesday,etc. I quit there because I couldn't think of more.

2007-11-23 14:06:50 · answer #9 · answered by paula r 7 · 2 2

Only Jehovah God, His Anointed Representative Jesus Christ, and those appointed to judge will be the ones Judging who is worthy of life. No human can or should judge the value of another human. Can you read the hearts of your fellow humankind? Can you make a judgment of their deepest inclinations, motivations, intentions or thoughts? We Jehovah's Witnesses are not the ones judging others for life; we ourselves seek Jehovah's approval for life. If God counts you worthy that is His judgment and His alone to make.

2007-11-23 14:06:32 · answer #10 · answered by Juggernaut 2 · 3 0

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