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Those who promote homosexuality often tell us that science has determined that homosexuality is innate and biologically determined. However, I have yet to see any sexual liberal actually present this supposed scientific evidence. What scientific discovery overthrows the past consensus that sexual interests are learned?

2007-11-23 12:18:25 · 20 answers · asked by Bruce 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Tourist of the Mind cites twin studies, the best designed of which show a 38% co-occurence rate. But if homosexuality were predestined by genetics, why aren't 100% of the identical twins of homosexuals homosexual?

2007-11-23 12:35:15 · update #1

Heretic Savant, you spin a plausible explanation, but you don't provide scientific evidence.

2007-11-23 12:38:40 · update #2

Meissen97, whether or not some animal species practice homosexual behavior does not provide evidence that homosexuality in humans is predestined.

2007-11-23 12:41:11 · update #3

Ljay2000, what is the evidence for a genetic origin of homosexuality? Can you identify a gene or gene combination so that everyone who has it is homosexual and everyone who doesn't is heterosexual? Again, a plausible explanation is not scientific evidence.

2007-11-23 12:44:38 · update #4

20 answers

i doubt that there is any

i think homosexuality, hetrosexuality and bisexuality are all just labels indicating our preference as to which gender we choose to have sex with.

speaking for myself i am hetro if i want to label myself however i am attracted to both men and women although sexually i choose not to be with women cos i think basically im not as curious about the female body as i am with the male body.

homosexuals - same as me - attracted to both men and woman though sexually chooses to be with same sex

bi-sexual - same as me - attracted to men and woman though sexually chooses to be either depending on i dont know really but whichever hits their fancy.

i do believe it is a choice. as a hetro i can choose to be with a woman sexually but if i ever did i would still lable myself as hetrosexual.

i know sue me but i do believe it is a choice and some make this choice as early as 3yrs old apparently and how a 3yr old can decide which gender they choose to be sexually active with is beyond me.

i just cant see how homosexuals and bi-sexuals are any different from me a hetrosexual and i cant with all truthness claim i was born hetro as i doubt i had the capability to decide a preference. the choice comes later when we are more aware that we have a gender.

Sinners like me: to stop short of telling the FULL TRUTH is a LIE. your answer implies there is no forgiveness for all those sins you mentioned. Heaven will be full of FORMER fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, HOMOSEXUALS, sodomites, thieves etc etc. There is only one sin the Lord will not forgive - those sins you mentioned are all forgivable

2007-11-23 12:53:38 · answer #1 · answered by Orita 3 · 1 1

I'm not sure about homosexuality as still a mental disorder but I do know for a fact that gender identity disorder is in the DSM IV. First of all, homosexuality and gender identity are two very different matters. One might think they are the same but one is same-sex attraction whilst the other is gender identity (whether one believe he/she is male/female). One reason pro-trans groups have voted to keep GID in the DSM is so that it may be consider a health issue and would qualify for insurance coverage for those wishing for an SRS, sex re-assignment surgery. By the way, how does this matter relate to receiving AIDS or not? While Dr. R. Spitzer was one of the leaders in removing homosexuality as a mental illness from the DSM III, he is also noted in several researches done after that mentions how he sees that some people are able to change their sexual orientations.

2016-05-25 03:52:56 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

"Predestination" is not a scientific concept. It's a religious one, and not a very good one either in my view.

I am not aware of any "consensus", past or otherwise, that "sexual interests" are learned, although specific behaviours might be. Behaviour is not the same thing as orientation.

Although there is evidence of at least some genetic influence on sexual orientation, no one is claiming it is 100% genetic. Twin studies clearly demonstrate there may be some genetic influence, though. Other known biological factors include birth order, which suggests that prenatal hormones may have some influence. I suspect it is a combination of both, with some other as yet unidentified factors.

The credible evidence for social learning in the origin of different sexual orientations is zip. The strongest adherents to such hypotheses gave us the "refrigerator mother" theory of autism and the "double bind" theory of schizophrenia, now thankfully conveyed to the dustbin of bad psychoanalytic ideas, along, one hopes, with the "seduction theory" of sexual orientation.

These odious theories should make us cautious about psychoanalysts that try to use the same methodologies to support their dogmatic speculations about the origins of variance in human sexual orientation. Yes I'm talking about that fringe group called NARTH, who despite their name have done no empirical "Research", and who advocate a "Treatment" which is universally condemned by mainstream mental health professional organisations, and which is entirely unsupported by credible empirical evidence (pace Fr Spitzer).

This, of course, is pathonemonic of the "clinical" practice of charlatans.

[Edit err Christiandefenderfaith, I don't think citing the "Family Research Institute" really helps your case. This is a hate group from Colorado Springs consisting mainly of disgraced former psychologist Paul Cameron and his son Kirk (no relation to the Growing Pains actor).


2007-11-23 15:08:06 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The absolute biologic roots of homosexuality have not been scientifically proven (ie. the gay gene)
There is a consensus in the medical community that it is an inherent behavior. This consensus has come about through careful studies of gay individuals, psychosocial histories and analysis.
The cause of left handedness is also not scientifically proven, yet there are left handed people.
I have several gay friends that I have known since they were small children, and even as small children they exhibited behavior not typical to their gender and are now gay adults. It is obvious to me they didn't choose to be gay.

edit: My first paragraph may be misleading. I do think there is a biologic origin of homosexuality. Probably not as a single gene or group of genes, but an interaction with genes and in-uteruo hormone exposure.

edit: You are wrong about genes even though identical twins have the same genes. Their gene expression is not the same, and in-uteruo hormone level are also not the same.

2007-11-23 12:31:23 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Sexual behavior, like all behavior, is multiply determined. Thus, the notion of predestination or predetermination is one of the false memes that cloud our thinking about sexuality.

There is clearly strong evidence that homosexuality is learned.

The usual way homosexuality is learned is in formative sexual experiences. When teenage boys awakening to sexuality have early experiences with other males, the powerful pleasures of orgasm become linked with homosexual experiences. In surveys, early homosexual experiences were cited by homosexuals as reasons for their homosexuality more than any other cause.

One clear instance of learning homosexuality is in prisons.


2007-11-23 15:25:51 · answer #5 · answered by christiandefenderfaith 4 · 1 2

We do know that genetic factors do play a large roll in sexuality, perhaps even larger than experiences, and this is backed up by countless peer reviewed studies involving identical twin pairs beginning in the early 90s.

Bailard and Pailey, in 1991, is a common cited study as it was on of the most comprehensive of its kind.


2007-11-23 12:25:09 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

They lie again! It's simply a choice that the wicked heart loves.

“ The heart is deceitful above all things,
And desperately wicked;
Who can know it? Jer. 17:9

Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor HOMOSEXUALS, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. 1 Cor. 6:9-10

2007-11-24 04:50:24 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Tendencies towards homosexuality in males are increased if the mother is incapable to provide the child with a sufficient amount of the chemicals needed to "masculinize" the child, often resulting in a brain structure that has portions that more closely resemble a female's brain structure than a male's. Their brain is structure so that physiologically react to males as heterosexual males would towards females. This usually leads to being unable to feel romantic affection for females, but a capability, upon hitting puberty, of feeling that affection towards males.

2007-11-23 12:25:40 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

God wouldn't condemn you for something you are born with. Sin is in our life when we know good and evil, and we decide to do evil. Homosexuality is learned, as well as heterosexuality.
Since there are religious connotations on your question, I would say it's no wrong category. Great question!

2007-11-23 12:27:47 · answer #9 · answered by garyenbaxter 2 · 2 1

What scientific evidence is there that it isn't? By the way, science doesn't deal with hooey concepts such as 'predestination'.

Edit: Mean Gene learned disgusting and hateful prejudice very well, I see.

2007-11-23 12:24:19 · answer #10 · answered by I'/\/\AZILLA2 3 · 5 3

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