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Does the Bible tell us how the Anti-Christ will come to Earth?

Who or what do you think he will be? A national leader? A religious leader?

2007-11-23 11:44:23 · 31 answers · asked by Zezo Zeze Zadfrack 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

31 answers

He will look like this...


2007-11-23 11:56:51 · answer #1 · answered by timbers 5 · 1 0

I think the Anti-Christ is already here. I'm not this person knows they are the Anti-Christ. It is a leader from some European county. May or may not be religious. I think when the time comes, their heart will become the Anti-Christ and the plan can then unfold. Like Judas selling Jesus for 30 schekels of silver.

2007-11-23 11:56:32 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I would think a religous leader.
Revelations is a little more specific.
The Anti Christ must arise as the Little Horn in Europe
(among the 10 divisions of the Roman Empire.)
The Anti Christ must uproot three divisions
The Anti Christ must reign 1260 years then receive a deadly
wound which must be healed.
The Anti Christ must show himself to be God or earth.
The Anti Christ must claim to be the Vicar or substitute
The Anti Christ must take to himself powers belonging only
to God.
The Anti Christ must persecute the saints.
The Anti Christ must have the number 666 in his title and
this number we find in the Hebrew of the Old Testament,
and the Greek of the New Testament, and in the Latin
of the Catholic Mass

2007-11-23 11:50:09 · answer #3 · answered by Wine and Window Guy 4 · 1 0

Very interesting question especially at this time.

Here are some facts to ponder:

1- There is a New World Order about to form a single global government. It'd the Illuminati.

In fact every major leader and 75% of all politicians are members to some degree.

Some are so powerful and don't hide their affiliations like Bush, Cheney, and Blake to name just a few of the most influential.

You can Google this and Bush--Illuminati

and anything relevent.

Also re: the mark of the beast---the already approved and in practice in Florida is the microchip implant.

Google that. It will blow your mind.

It will take you days uncovering all this underground information and it's totally academic---no spiritual input or opinionizing.

Straight facts.

The Beast will be the ruler of the New World Order.


2007-11-23 11:54:06 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

The Anti-Christ is already here. He was born in Eastern Europe.He will start by getting the united nations to have one world religion. Also to take the mark of the beast or to in plant a micro chip in your wrist .then he will begin to do miracles and make people believe that he is a God, Which he is far from he is a liar causes destruction. Its called the great tribulation get ready its coming down. DON'T BE LEFT BEHIND.......

2007-11-23 11:54:23 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

anti-christ is a religious leader because christ was against religion. no? Who the hell killed Jesus? the religious leaders. So it's like this-religious manics will take over the world but, based on the bible, they will lose and the world will be 1000 free of religion then the offsprings of the initial maniacs will take over again then the aliens are coming and people will drop their gods and allahs just like the greeks dropped their gods for wine and toilets. Read "new testament-the non-religious version." You'll understand.

2007-11-23 11:54:11 · answer #6 · answered by drumul.taberei 1 · 0 1

There is no anti-Christ. It is not a person. It is a way of thinking.
It is called athiesm.
Athiesm is the anti-Christ.
When you take the mark on your head, you take the athiest thinking. When you take the mark on your hand, you work in the cause of furthering athiesm. When you buy and sell with the mark, you are actively perpetrating it....such as taking Christ out of Christmas.
I am an Evangelical Christian and learned about this obscure interpretation of the Book of Revelations from a booklet and tape I saw advertised by a preacher on late night TV.

2007-11-23 11:51:53 · answer #7 · answered by Digital Age 6 · 0 0

The anti-christ will emerge to be the leader of the one world government. I believe that he will be born a person and become satanically possessed. Under the influence and control of Satan, the anti-christ will endorse only one religion and eliminate all others. And, if my memory serves me correctly, he will be from the Mediterranean or Carpathian areas.

2007-11-23 11:55:01 · answer #8 · answered by Sunny 5 · 0 0

The Anti-Christ is here now and she walks among us as a candidate for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States.

2007-11-23 11:50:51 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

According to 1 John, there are already many antichrists. An antichrist is just somebody who denies that Jesus is the Christ. There is no THE antichrist. There is a THE man of lawlessness, or son of perdition, which is often conflated with antichrist, and there is a beast and a false prophet, which are also conflated with antichrist.

2007-11-23 11:47:56 · answer #10 · answered by Jonathan 7 · 0 0

Here is a poem I have written about it: I cannot honestly say how accurate I have made it, but is best I can do:

A Beautiful Dream

I awoke with Israel from her peaceful sleep, the most beautiful land in all the earth. People were going about their business as usual. I thought too of Damascus how proud she had grown. How could she have known tribulation was waiting at her door? Now she is no more.

The US says to Israel disarm. Europe says disarm let there now be peace, let us build the Temple up once again in Jerusalem. And so it was done.

But who sat on its thrown? A prince who was slain and came back to life, many followed him, believing him to be the promised One, the Messiah. But it was the antichrist.

Two prophets of old came to town one called John the other Nathaniel. They were greatly feared but were slain by the antichrist.

People sent each other gifts in celebration, but when God breathed life into them again, they arose from the dead and many were afraid and followed them.

Many people died of natural disasters many were scorched by the blazing heat. A star fell to earth turning the waters bitter. All the fish in the sea died and people died from drinking the water because it had turned bitter as wormwood.

God’s people were given grace in abundance to endure these tribulations.

A red army came to attack Israel she had been humbled and was weak, but God’s Mighty strength is made perfect in weakness. Israel did not need an army for the Lord God Almighty was her Mighty Defender.

His people rejoiced at the final trumpet call and were caught up to meet Christ in the air coming with great power and glory. And there was a thousand years of peace. Christ ruled with justice on His thrown. Christ and His father God Almighty and His people are one.

After the thousand years were over Satan was let loose for three and a half years and he gathered many followers and brought much tribulation to the earth and to God’s holy people. But Satan and his followers were cast into the lake of fire and God’s people rejoiced forever more.

2007-11-23 11:55:09 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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