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My family just recently found out our house is being foreclosed.
We don't know where we're gonna live.
I'm a junior in high school with a 3.9 GPA, but no money to go to college.
I am basically raising my little brother.
I'm in love with my best friend, and it's a really screwed up friendship, because she's not sure if what she wants.
Whenever my friends make plans with me they back out last minute.
I'm in a "I don't care about anything" phase right now, just because I'm pissed about everything that's going on and I think it'll be easier to just forget about everything and live life alone.
I don't want to talk about any of this with my parents because they try so hard and none of this is really their fault.

2007-11-23 10:39:46 · 26 answers · asked by ryansamuel 4 in Family & Relationships Family

26 answers

You are totally stressed out and overwhelmed understandably.
1st...Tell your parents to go to www.modestneeds.org They maybe able to help with some of the debt.

2nd...Don't look at your lil bro as a burden...Cherish every minute you have with him and help him grow ( I just lost my bro and it's hell)

3rd... If she's your best friend then chill...give her time and let it work itself out...At least you have each other to talk to.

4th...People ALWAYS back out of stuff- that will go on for the rest of your life- Don't dwell on it or take it personally- Other people have issues they are dealing with too.

5th...I know you feel numb because it's all too much but try looking at what's going on in this world...People are starving, getting blown up, being oppressed all over the world...It could always be worse.
Try volunteering at a soup kitchen or senior home or something once in awhile if you can...Seeing what others go through can be a major wake up call and big motivator.

I wish you luck...keep your chin up:)

Oh and PS...If your parents are having a hard time financially, you should be able to get federal and state grants...and with your GPA, you will qualify for scholarships...don't give up that dream!

2007-11-23 10:51:40 · answer #1 · answered by :) 6 · 0 0

First of all... turn your head around... there are ways of exploiting this situation. You won't turn the situation around by projecting those pissed-off vibes to the universe. Start by looking at your assets & blessings... number them and feel good about them.
You have taken a "hit" but you are made of much sterner stuff.

Your "best friend" is an immature twit... wait until she grows up before trying anything with her. Find more mature friends to hang out with.

The foreclosure is your parents' problem, even though it would interfere with your plans somewhat. You will still have a roof over your head and meals on the table. You may have to downsize living standards for the time being.

You can still go to college. This being your junior year, you need to start looking at your options anyway. Start with the school guidance counselor's office... they know about the standards for financial aid, and how to access the various funds. The fact that your parents don't have the money may actually mean that you will have access to funding that is only accessible for "poor" people. You may have to start out by working your way through community college, but you can transfer UP. Even an Associate's degree is an entry to a better job.

See if you can find a job after school so you can put some money away. Get onto this early before all the kids startlooking for jobs in the spring/summer.

2007-11-23 11:01:25 · answer #2 · answered by revsuzanne 7 · 0 1

Unless your parents squandered their money or quit their jobs or tried to live above their means it isnt their fault.Their hours may have been cut, they may have had medical bills you didnt say Why the house was being foreclosed and I guarantee they are worried too.
Turn to the LORD, HE can and will see you through anything, as far as your grades go, GOOD JOB!
As far as college goes, they have grants and loans.
With your grades you should be able to get something ,also talk to your counselor at school about "mentoring" for a college scholarship. They can help.For your g/f problem, act like she is the least of your concerns, she will either show interest or not bother with you at all.If she quits having anything to do with you then she didnt feel the same way and chances are she doesnt but doesnt want to hurt you.Tell her you just want to be friends and nothing more, if shehas a fit then ask her why she acts like she does, if she says ok, then thats what she was hoping for.
You wont be sorry for looking out for your little brother later.

2007-11-23 11:08:57 · answer #3 · answered by Joe F 7 · 0 0

1. Junior high? You still quite young... too young to worry about college right now.

2. Talk to a school counselor... or principal.. or teacher you trust... someone at school, so that they understand the situation you are dealing with right now... so they will be aware of how the situation might affect your grades.

3. When you get to high school, use all those smarts you have to keep your GPA up... good chance you can get a scholarship to pay all 4 years of school. So, college options really are wide open for you at this point.

4.Friends and girlfriends will all fall into place if you stop fretting about those things and just concentrate on school and family right now.

2007-11-23 11:06:25 · answer #4 · answered by scruffycat 7 · 0 0

It may be hard but look around for the good things in your life..I'm sure there are many good things that you just take for granted =) Do your have enough food to eat, is there a roof over your head at the moment? A room? If the basics of life are in place, the rest is what you work at.

You may not put all of the pieces together as quickly as you wished..but you have to stop hoping something will change you life. It is you and only you that will make the changes. Dont give up.

Good luck.

2007-11-23 10:46:34 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I do hate my life like a lot since i was like 9.But i get on with it and keep thinking if i don't fight each day they'll win and i won't be remembered.I never have a tight grip on reality and don't know what's real or not sometimes but i keep thinking that in the future it will all be better and i'm still here so i think its working.

2016-05-25 03:37:49 · answer #6 · answered by susanna 3 · 0 0

You need to talk to someone. Try talking to your school counsellor. They may have some ideas for you. Scholarships are available for kids with good grades all the time. There are options. As for your anger and frustration, there are options for that as well. You may be in love with your best friend, but things aren't going well for you so it may be for the best to put that on the back burner until things settle down for a while.

Although none of this is your parents' fault, I bet they'd like the chance to talk to you about this. They're probably feeling upset and confused about what this is doing to you. If you talk to them, you have a chance for all of you to pull together and work at getting through this as a family. I think they'd like to hear how you're feeling even though you think they're carrying a big load as it is. Think about it.

2007-11-23 10:46:03 · answer #7 · answered by dstluke 4 · 0 0

im a junior too and i kinda have the same problem, you should have a conversation with ur parents and just tell them what is going on, dont blame them just talk. dont push ur friend, just try to repair ur friendship, she'll come around some time, but dont seem desperate. and for the college problem, work hard, with a 3.9 gpa you shouldn't have a problem getting in to college just study for the sat/ maybe get a job thats close to home. remember community college is just as good as an ivy league school.

2007-11-23 10:47:43 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

just go on with life-- i feel like you do xcept im not raising my 2 little sisters and i still hav a kinda big house so its pretty understandable that u would be feeling that way -- just hope for the best -- maybe you can try to get a scholarship so that when you get older you will have a job that can support you and you wont have to live how you are right now -- just think of the best for the future

2007-11-23 10:44:46 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Congratulations on your GPA. You will get scholarships and loans for college since you have no money. You need to study how to apply for them. Get a library book on scholarships that are available or go online to learn. Regarding the friends backing out of plans, everyone has that problem and thats how you decide who not to be friends with. Your 'in love' friendship sounds usual since women cannot make up their minds but dont let her manipulate you-move on when necessary. You are to be commended for raising your brother-It is educational for you to see what the responsibilities of parenthood are so you can make a wise choice later in life as to whether you want to be a parent. I dont blame you for the state you are in as you are probably scared . But you have those good grades and there are so many people willing to help you. I know you dont want to burden your parents but that is their job. They are there for you and if you were a parent and learned your child didnt want to talk to you about his problems wouldnt you feel sad? Im not telling you to talk with them but I bet you would be surprised that they might calm your fears. Is there another adult with whom you might speak? Lots of people are having their homes foreclosed but you have each other's love and you will get through this and look back with pride on your survival. God Bless You

2007-11-23 10:52:53 · answer #10 · answered by barthebear 7 · 0 0

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