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Or is that person condemned to the eternal fire pit for eternity x 2?

2007-11-23 10:32:26 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

23 answers

so you have a tattoo then?

2007-11-23 10:38:45 · answer #1 · answered by PJ Morris 7 · 2 0

Just what about the tattoo is unChristian?

God is more concerned about your faith, love and compassion than about a picture on your behind.

And why is yoga evil?

You might want to check out a book by Marcus Borg called the 'Heart of Christianity'. It is fairly short and very readable - and presents Christianity in a different way than you seem to have encountered up to now.

2007-11-23 10:46:50 · answer #2 · answered by mr_fartson 7 · 0 0

Praying probably wouldn't help much. God looks at a person's heart and not at their body so He probably doesn't care a whole lot about what a person did before they turned from their sins and trusted in Jesus for their salvation when it comes to things like tattoos.

Hebrews 10:11 And every priest stands daily at his service, offering repeatedly the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins. 12 But when Christ had offered for all time a single sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God, 13 waiting from that time until his enemies should be made a footstool for his feet. 14 For by a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified. 15 And the Holy Spirit also bears witness to us; for after saying, 16 "This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, declares the Lord: I will put my laws on their hearts, and write them on their minds," 17 then he adds, "I will remember their sins and their lawless deeds no more."

2007-11-23 11:34:28 · answer #3 · answered by Martin S 7 · 0 1

i have some very strange tattoos that i had done before i became a christian,i try and keep them coverd mainly at church,but most folk have seen them and laugh at them.Praying will not remove them,praying for the money to get them removed mightn't!.What you do before you become a Christian is all left behind and forgiven when you become a Christian its the start of a new life with God.

2007-11-23 10:40:09 · answer #4 · answered by sas 4 · 0 0

Praying isn't going to remove the tattoo, but there are places to get a tattoo removed. It can be expensive and painful though.

Most people, including most Christians, don't believe that you'll go to hell if you die with a tattoo.

2007-11-23 10:39:42 · answer #5 · answered by Judy 7 · 0 0

unchristian tattoo christian praying tattoo removed

2016-02-03 12:23:58 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Anything you did before becoming a christian God forgives.
then hopefully a lot of stuff you do after you become a christian. Christians are not perfect just forgiven.
When you scar your body it is just that a scar. You did it and if you killed someone prior to becoming a Christian God will not bring them back to life. He will not undo what you have done. But he will help you to not make the same mistakes

2007-11-23 10:43:42 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I've got 3 tattoos and I'm a Christian. I'm not going to hell because of it. My tattoos don't determine my salvation. My belief and faith in Jesus Christ does that.

2007-11-23 10:43:24 · answer #8 · answered by tracy211968 6 · 0 0

Only living a Christ-less life and then you die, sends you to Hell!
Look, God gave us a brain to use laser surgury to have that sucker removed, or, get it tattoo'd over by another tattoo!

2007-11-23 10:45:08 · answer #9 · answered by Martinicus the mighty! 6 · 0 0

That tatto can't keep you from the Lord's loving hand on you. That old tattoed body will be exchanged for a wonderful new body.

If you know Jesus that is all that is necessary for everlasting life. You don't need to worry about the fires of hell; you are Heaven bound if you know Jesus.

2007-11-23 10:40:06 · answer #10 · answered by Jeancommunicates 7 · 0 1

I don't believe that God really cares that much.
But if you're that worried about it, God will forgive you even if the tattoo is still there.

2007-11-23 10:41:18 · answer #11 · answered by abbbijo 7 · 0 0

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