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Assuming that a god exists, and that he created me to be rational and discerning, why does he not reveal himself to me as he has to the people who claim to believe? Couldn't such an all-powerful being give me knowledge of his existence that takes into account the way he designed me? Doesn't his failure to do so mean either he can't, he doesn't exist or that he actually wants me to not believe?

2007-11-23 10:25:37 · 32 answers · asked by russj 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Already the answers are ignoring the entirety of the question. If a god is all-powerful, all-knowing, why wouldn't he cater his revelation to take into account the skepticism he designed me with? Why would he use methods to reveal himself to me that he knows will fail?

2007-11-23 10:31:27 · update #1

Gees, I didn't think this was so hard a concept to grasp. I'm not talking about testing god. And as for only revealing himself to believers, isn't that redundant? Many Christians claim to have had a revelation that CONVERTED them to Christianity. That means they weren't believers before the revelation. My question again, why does a god only reveal himself to a select group? Why doesn't he reveal himself to everyone in a manner fitting to the way in which he designed each individual, after all, my scepticism is, according to Christianity, a god-given trait.

2007-11-23 10:36:44 · update #2

Did you just say God has more important things to do than to save my soul? Girly, why don't you go and find out the basics of your religion before typing.

I give up. Not one of you is actually answering the question. All you are saying is that I'm not listening. My question was why wouldn't a god reveal himself to me in a way that I would listen to? Why would he use a method that he knew would fail? I must assume then that he WANTS me to not believe, he WANTS me to suffer eternal damnation. Thanks for your ignorance you people of faith who answered this question.

2007-11-23 10:44:37 · update #3

~Pink~ : Thank you for at least being civil and speaking as if to an adult, not a child. I have read the bible, it is now one of the main reasons I don't believe.

I'm not asking for a visitation from god. I'm asking why such a powerful, omniscient being would use methods of reaching me that he knew would fail. Wouldn't a god that wants me to be saved use a method he knows would work? Wouldn't such a being be capable of catering his method of revelation to each individual, especially as we are supposedly created by this god. How could an omnipotent, omniscient being fail to reach me if he truly wanted to. Not even the excuse of Satan deceiving me works. A god would blow through Satan's deception without breaking a sweat. I can only conclude that if he exists, he doesn't want me saved. The only other conclusion is that he doesn't exist.

2007-11-23 20:04:48 · update #4

32 answers

Most of these answers are really well meant but horrible at really answering your question. Why? Because there is no answer.
Lets, as you said, postulate there is indeed an all knowing, omnicienct, omnipresent God who created us all. But this very posulation, rational arguments become moot because we as humans are incapable of grasping what would be simple concepts to such a being. Eternity. Oblivion. Creation from nothing. Where/what was god before creation?etc etc.

The answer you personally reach for those questions you pose is dependant on how you answer different questions, again assuming the original postulation. What is God's purpose for us? Why create a sentient race for the sole purpose of seperating good ones from bad ones when you created them to begin with, why not make them all good and in heaven with you right from the start?

Personally my my belief in the merging of sciences view of creation and religious view of creation leads to my personal belief in God's purpose. First, the biblical story of creation in genesis, matches very well with sciences version of creation, heavens and earth first, separation of water from land, life in water, then land, then man etc, just the time frames are different, however, if you assume the writers of the bible, god inspired or not, didnt understand million and billion year timeframe, you can see how the biblical "days" of creation were just placeholders for epochs. Now, that above is a fairly common belief of many rational religious people. What follows is unique I belive. If you compare the time of gods creation of man to the other creation time periods it is very very short, so I think that last time period is still ongoing. God created man in his own image. We obviously are not very like God yet, so I think life, our progression through it, is all some long evolution bring us to be like God, in his image. Sentient independant beings who ultimately may reach a state in which we can commune with Him on more or less equal footing, In essense, god is lonely and is trying to make some friends. Its overly simplified, but if you think about it, it ties in concepts from every major religion, redemption, learning, becoming better, reincarnation, nirvana etc etc.
So, to your questions again, why does he do it this way? Maybe its a long drawn out way of weeding through, tossing out bad, rewarding good ove and over, trying to create out of man what he wants us to be?

2007-11-23 10:48:40 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

When Jesus was here he manifested all kinds of proofs that He is the Son of God. Besides his parables and teachings, which are incredible, he healed the sick, raised the dead, and fed the multitudes. Yet there were so many that would not believe despite the miracles. We are the same today. There are proofs everywhere yet we cannot see the forest for the trees.

Can you look at a flower, or tree, or blade of grass even and not see an infinite creator behind it? One of love, and beauty, and so much more when it is all put together, from the microcosm to the universe and beyond.

Someone said that a coincident is God working anonomously. I think that says a lot.

2007-11-23 10:37:05 · answer #2 · answered by Jann 3 · 2 1

Jesus will reveal himself to those that will be needing to know of his existence within a short time after.I got an email that says that a man asked god for a flower and a butterfly and he received a cactus and a caterpillar ... after a time he went to look at his simple gifts thinking that God was too busy for him, and found that the cactus had bloomed a beautiful flower and the that the caterpillar had turned into the most beautiful butterfly

2007-11-23 10:32:04 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

It isn't God that is stop you from connecting with him, it is Satan.

Satan has the power of influence and blinding. He blinds the minds of the unbelieving (2 Corinthians 4:4). He prevents the gospel from entering their hearts (Matthew 13:19; Luke 8:11). Satan speaks through fortune tellers (Acts 16:16), cult leaders (1 Timothy 4:1-2), and false preachers (2 Corinthians 11: 13-15). He seeks to deceive about his existence, his purposes, his activities, and his coming defeat. He is the deceiver of the whole world (Revelation 12:8). His ultimate deception will be in the anti-christ (2 Thessalonians 2:9).

God gave us free will to decide our spiritual path in life, Satan does everything in his power to stop us from seeing and hearing god in our lives..YOU have the power to overcome Satan and seek out Christ and a relationship with him. All you have to do is talk to him and I mean really talk to him, from your heart. Ask him to reveal himself to you in your life and to help protect you from satan and the doubts he has created. Talk to him about what you have just asked here. He is always available for you, just have to speak to him and be WILLING to hear him.

"Ask, and you will receive. Search, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened for you." Matthew 7:7

Read the bible and you will understand much better.

Its really simple, but it sounds like you don't really understand god and are expecting to actually see him or similar.

Updated answer, yes God and Satan are very very real. I have been visited by a demon, and I don't mean in human form I mean as a demon. It is not a fairy tale.

Being a Christian is a huge learning experience and a life long journey. I have only recently begun my journey with Christ, even though I grew up going to church. There are answers to your questions and I have tried with the current knowledge I have to answer them for you. You would be wise to seek out an experienced and knowledgeable minister, and speak to them about these questions. They WILL answer them for you.

Good luck and don't give up if you truly want to know, you will!.

2007-11-23 17:58:01 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hello russj.. :)

God does reveal Himself in many ways..

But..yes, there is a but..LOL

If we choose to ignore those that have shared the Good news with us..then how can He reveal Himself to you..

Jesus came, healed many, spoke in parables to many..some listened and believed while others did not.. :(

If those that met Jesus and witnessed all He had done..were not willing to believe..imagine how much harder it is now for us to believe..

But..yep, there is that word once again..

Jesus said Blessed are those that do not see..yet Believe.. :)

If anyone truly is seeking after the Lord with a "sincere and longing" heart..you will find Him..

He is waiting to hear from you..So He may reveal Himself unto you.. :)

I am here for you anytime.. :)

Here is a video you can listen to:


In Jesus Most Precious Name..
With ~Love~ In Christ.. :)

2007-11-23 10:46:30 · answer #5 · answered by EyeLovesJesus 6 · 0 0

God reveals himself to everyone. The select few you mention are those who chose to accept, in faith, the works of God. There is evidence all around everyone- people walking away from car wrecks that should have killed them, people with terminal cancer recovering, and people who used to deal drugs turning to a life of love. This is where faith comes in- you have to believe that it is from God, not try to come up with some explanation to make you feel better.

2007-11-23 10:31:45 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Of all of the people in this world, approximately 95-99% are 'Martha' types ... they 'believe' on faith alone, with no 'mystical contact' from God. The rest of us are 'Mary' types ... we have the 'mystical experiences' as you seem to want. Believe me, it's much EASIER to be a Martha than a Mary ... and God CAN 'reveal himself' to ALL of us, but many of us just 'don't know how or which direction to look' for him in this world. I'm a Mary, and I have 'direct experience with God' and so does my husband, who is also a Mary. You are probably a Martha type person ... but if you pray to God, and 'ask for a sign' then YOU must be willing to take the responsibility to SEE that sign when God sends it. Then you, too, can be a Mary type ... but it is not always 'FUN' and it's very 'soul shaking' to have 'direct experience' from God ... even if it's 'for the good' ... so THINK before you pray!

2007-11-23 10:33:19 · answer #7 · answered by Kris L 7 · 1 1

You don't believe in God because his existence is limited to what people tell you and what you feel, funny how that's exactly how much proof you have that you exist. I guess you live day after day, because of faith after all. Some place their faith in God, you place faith in yourself. The only sad part is that God's followers have given their lives meaning and your mortal life is without purpose. Everything you've ever done will be forgotten along with anyone that you have ever known and loved.

2007-11-23 10:40:08 · answer #8 · answered by Adversity 3 · 0 1

God reveals Himself to everyone through the Bible and His creation. But many people choose to reject Him. God will not continue to push religion down people throats if they continue to reject Him. But the people who accept Him and give Him a chance to reveal Himself, will get to know Him on a personal level.

So there is the general evidence that He gives to everyone equally, and once we accept it, He gives us personal evidence to base our belief's on.

It's all a matter of giving God a chance to reveal Himself. Once we do that, we will not be disappointed.

I recommend reading the study guide called "We Can Believe in God", which explains this in more detail. -- http://studies.bibleinfo.com/discover/start.php

Is There Anything Left You Can Trust? -- http://www.amazingfacts.org/FreeStuff/BibleStudies/StudyGuides/tabid/105/ctl/ViewMedia/mid/453/IID/2-1/LNG/en/SC/R/3/Bible/Default.aspx?7=Is-There-Anything-Left-You-Can-Trust?

101 scientific facts found in the Bible -- http://www.understandthetimes.org/101scientific.shtml

2007-11-23 11:03:16 · answer #9 · answered by Vilaro 2 · 0 0

He's already shown himself to you, you're not willing to acknowledge Him.

If you're expecting Him to reveal himself to you the way He has to great prophets, then you're just being arrogant.

Our skepticism is a result of original sin. If you don't understand that first, then your question is moot. If you don't believe in original sin, then why are you asking about God?

edit-Ive answered already, but to be totally concise for you, here it is:

God doesn't need to change for you; you need to change for God.

2007-11-23 10:32:47 · answer #10 · answered by kujigafy 5 · 1 0

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