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God, after creating the entire universe and then kicking out Adam and Eve apparently got lonely and bored and wanted contact with his creation again. He recruited people such as Moses to become, like, his secretary and dictated to him his views on Life, the Universe and Everything.

A little while later, god changed his mind and did a complete back-flip on a whole lot of his opinions.

Now, for someone who is all-powerful and all-knowing this is a little peculiar, no?

I mean if god knows everything, he should at least have the good sense to formulate his views properly before he publishes them, don't you think?

2007-11-23 09:59:36 · 21 answers · asked by mam2121 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Amanda S: If you know god, “his ideals and common ground” then perhaps you would share them with us. I have read the OT and NT, although I do not have a degree in Theology. Do you? Must one have a degree in something in order to discuss it?

Further, I did not answer my question within the question, I simply mused that the set-up was peculiar. This is not an answer, so I suggest you try and vent your indignation at something more worthwhile.

2007-11-23 10:18:04 · update #1

Somebody: You are aware that it is possible to entertain a question without necessarily believing it's premise. It's often called Philosophy, Say it with me: Phil-os-o-phy. See, you too can learn new things!

2007-11-23 11:53:13 · update #2

Somebody: You’ve gone and confused yourself now haven’t you? Do you have the faintest idea what you’re even talking about? Let me break it down for you. You are in disagreement with me, remember? Indeed, if I wanted to discuss the fairness or inconsistencies of the tooth fairy I could do that too and it would be no less disingenuous or intellectually dishonest of me. Do you understand now, my simple-minded friend? Talk about obtuse!

2007-11-23 14:56:48 · update #3

21 answers

It is religion. Common Sense does not apply.

2007-11-23 10:03:10 · answer #1 · answered by What? Me Worry? 7 · 2 1

God had a plan in place and has not changed it.
God created the heavens and the earth.
Angelic beings were with him.
Satan and 1/3rd of the angels rebelled against God.
God destroyed the original first earth and heaven age.
God decided to give the 1/3rd of the angels another chance, by passing throught the bag of waters and being born by woman into the second or re-created earth.
God did this because even though His angels or children rebelled, He could not bring Himself to kill them as punishment, but gave them a second chance.
God re-created the earth a second time.
God created Adam and Eve.
Eve had a son named Cain.(and Abel son of Adam)
Satan was Cain's father.
Satan wanted to pollute Eve's descendents
since he knew that the Christ child would come through Eve's descendents.
Satan knew that Christ would one day in the future enable these 1/3rd and all of the angelic/children of God on earth to be forgiven should they accept Christ's death as their own. Remember the animal sacrifices that the Jewish people did on the Ark of the Covenant which pleased God Almighty.
Eve's descendents included Moses, Abraham and other great people - God's election or chosen people, chosen by God to bring His will to pass on this earth. Elect have been on this earth through all generations to preserve the truth of God's word and cause it to come to pass.

Eventually generations later, a descendent named Jesus was born.
We can accept Jesus Christ's sacrificial death as a substitute for our own sin, then the Holy Spirit indwells each believer.

I think God has very good sense, only humans refuse to study his book of instructions that He has made available, so do not understand.
The bible is truly all over the world now via the internet, anyone who has access to a computer can access the bible online.
www.shepherdschapel.com is an excellent bible teaching site, chapter by chapter, verse by verse

2007-11-23 18:26:11 · answer #2 · answered by good day 4 · 0 0

That's like asking, "Why are you mentally unstable?" After analyzing the statement within the question, a person must first determine the truth of the statement. Your statement then is that "god got his views wrong the first time". In order to make such a statement you must first believe that god exists. You do not believe that any god exists therefore I conclude that you are most likely mentally unstable, hence my question.


"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." Aristotle

Now note that Aristotle referred to education, not sanity. So, what's next. Will you accuse the Tooth Fairy of being unfair?

2007-11-23 19:02:41 · answer #3 · answered by TheNewCreationist 5 · 0 0

You seem to have a few of the chapters right, but have missed the chapters in between that help it all to make sense.

God kicked Adam out of the Garden of Eden so Adam would not eat of the tree and live forever in his cursed state.

God was not bored. If you continued after the few chapters of Genesis, God never lost contact with the human race. He continued to reveal himself so we know know who he was.

Through Moses God gave the Israelites a set of laws because they were moving out of Egypt to an unknown land. They had relied on the Egyptians taking care of them; through these laws they would know how to live in the new land and also how to deal with sin and wrongdoing in their midst. In essence, God created a new culture, a new society for them.

God did not change His mind regarding the laws. The liturgical laws were for the Israelites at the time, not for us. They were to continue until Jesus came, in which case faith would take over for the laws. By walking in faith and love, we keep all the moral laws.

His views have been wonderfully clear the first time out. We just have to study the whole Bible carefully from beginning to end in order to get it all.

2007-11-23 18:12:01 · answer #4 · answered by Steve Husting 4 · 0 0

From Islamic prespective, God originaly intended for man to have an earthly life.

The event in the Garden of Eden was a period of paraparation for the Adam and Eve, wherein man learns to use his intellectual strenght.

Adam and Eve are then to become moral beings.

2007-11-23 18:11:41 · answer #5 · answered by Alone 4 · 0 0

How dare you! We as people with limited and finite minds cannot understand an unlimited and infinate God. Furthermore, you don't know his ideals, his common ground, and I sincerely doubt you have studied the bible for a long period of time, let alone have a degree in theology.

And on an unrelated note, it is rude to answer a question during the question. It says that our opinions are of no value, and it a social faux pas. I would advise you to not do it again.

2007-11-23 18:11:26 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

God got it right--you just have it wrong. God's plan was initiated from the beginning of time. He knew that man would sin and be separated from God. The Bible says that Jesus was the Lamb of God (the sacrifice for sin) from the foundation of the world. God just waited until the fulness of time for Him to be born--He set up world leaders and events and also foreshadowed His coming by inspiring prophets and also setting up the Law with Moses as you mentioned. The purpose of the Law was a guideline for mankind, but was also to show us that none of us are capable of keeping it---it shows us why we need a Savior.
The whole Bible points to Jesus--it is full of symbolism and meaning for those to whom the Holy Spirit has revealed its truths.

2007-11-23 18:05:53 · answer #7 · answered by arklatexrat 6 · 1 0

You'd think. But God apparently gave us something called a free will (which doesn't include an open mind BTW). And with that we're supposed to go through the trials of life and make the "right" choices. As we strayed, he sent guidance.

Maybe he just got tired of knowing everything and decided to go at this thing blind.

2007-11-23 18:05:37 · answer #8 · answered by Higgs Boson 7 · 0 1

This quesion makes no sense. God did not change his mind about anything. It's people who changed everything! Look at the world now. You really think God 'let' this happen? We have free wills, and God doesn't make anyone do anything they don't want to do. He did have his 'views' right but mankind screwed things up. Read the Bible and see what happened.

2007-11-23 18:05:00 · answer #9 · answered by bluegirl87 3 · 0 1

I was thinking about this earlier today. It does seem like the Old Testament God is a completely different guy than New Testament God.
My explanation is that Jesus was a typical son, rebelling against the old man. Think about it. OT God is angry and vengeful, Jesus is all about peace and turn the other cheek.

2007-11-23 18:07:02 · answer #10 · answered by ImUURU? 3 · 0 1

He made 'contact' again in order to save good people. If He hadn't made 'contact' with humans after Adam and Eve then He would not be love as the Bible says.

2007-11-23 18:05:29 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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