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well give me some feeed back but pliz dont answer in only one or two sentences. pliz preovid legitamet answer.
thx for commenting ,,\/(^.~)

2007-11-23 09:54:21 · 19 answers · asked by Yujie (^.~)\/,, 2 in Politics & Government Military

19 answers

You will find the vast majority of Liberals cannot get past the oil.

The facts are that most of the world believed that Saddam had WMD. If you do honest open research you will find this as fact. President Clinton believed that Saddam was still attempting to produce WMD. So did Senator Kerry and Senator Clinton.

The Russians and Germans were also convinced along with many many others.

Now do some easier research and see how much of our imported oil actually comes from Iraq. Last time I saw a figure was a while back but it was a whopping 4%. I doubt it has changed much.

Now, answer your question. is 4% of our "imported oil" worth it?

I don't think so and I doubt that the President would think so.

2007-11-23 10:05:29 · answer #1 · answered by SFC_Ollie 7 · 3 1

Energy powers modern life: Farming & delivery of the produce, manufacturing & delivery of the product, Entertainment these days requires electricity or some type of fuel even to get to an event, Consumer goods = the computer you are using, the clothes you wear and again the delivery of those goods.

Does the US rely on Middle East Oil? No. Europe, India, China, Africa, Japan do.

If you turn off the oil for too long everything comes to a stand still or at least slows to a point where life becomes miserable.

Can you skin a rabbit? Pluck a Chicken? Gut a fish? Willing to fight to the death for something to eat?

Energy keeps the worlds economy moving. Oil is the big factor now.

Maybe in 30 years we will look back and say "Those pathectic morons in the middle east, Venezuala, Nigeria and Russia have all that oil and no one to sell it too" "They priced themselves right into the next technology and now they have nothing".

The absolute best result is that the price of oil is sparking a mad dash for it's replacement. That will come before 30 years passes. The DOE began Fusion research in the 60's as a replacement for current nuclear reactors. Auto manufactureres are working together on hydrogen fuel cells. Scotland has a wave farm off it's coast producing power from wave action. Bio Fuels, solar, wind and old tech nuclear are coming again bigger and better. Coal gasification plants are being designed and built in the eastern US.

It's a pain in the butt now but reality is the morons are slowly putting themselves out of business!!

Democracies unlike Dictatorships are stable=stable markets=people going to work=eating=retirement etc etc

2007-11-23 10:27:15 · answer #2 · answered by Stand-up philosopher. It's good to be the King 7 · 1 0

i could be dumb on here and talk about how the whole war is all about oil because bush is in the oil busisness or that the war was all about terrorism since Hussein supported terrorist which he did the simple truth is that nothing is ever that clear cut. Bush was into oil im sure that weighed heavily in the decision so did the terrorism but the reality is we needed bases to strike Iran and control the middle east. Saudia Arabia wants us off their land and Russia does not want us on any terroritory they once held with that we would then have no bases in the middle east unless israel let us station full time their. My guess is it was all three their are always going to be conspiracy theories or people blindly believeing what they are told just keep an open mind and dont think it has to be all one side or the other lifes to complex for that

2007-11-23 10:06:34 · answer #3 · answered by Footballer54 3 · 2 1

Only in-so-much that every modern war has been about oil. That's using Greenspan's logic, as some have already used his book in their answers. I'm pretty sure I can relate any modern war to oil using his logic.

Yes, one mission is to protect Iraq's oil so that the government of Iraq can access this key source of income. I was in Iraq for fifteen months, and never once heard of any oil tankers en route to the US.

Further, if we were after oil, we'd have it by now and let the rest of the country go to hell. It doesn't take four and a half years to drill and store oil.

2007-11-23 11:12:08 · answer #4 · answered by DOOM 7 · 0 0

The countries that are more worried about the oil are actually the countries who don't want the US to be there.

And also all the countries that have under the table deals goin' on with Iraq and probably Iran.

2007-11-23 10:03:07 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

The has nothing to do with the oil, I can't believe some people actually believe that kind of stuff.
Ask 95% of our soldiers and they will tell you that they are not fighting for oil, and while your at it, tell them how much you don't support them.
Going so low as to blame Bush for wanting the oil, don't you even know want your saying???
If our president was that stupid to just want oil, then this country wouldn't even be on the map anymore!!! Come on people get it through your thick scull and start actually....... THINKING!!!

2007-11-23 10:39:44 · answer #6 · answered by Master Chief 3 · 3 1

do some research there is plenty out there telling you what the reasons are,but don't go to the left wing news and group they will only fill you with what they want you to believe. go find the facts. it is not about oil.

2007-11-23 10:30:24 · answer #7 · answered by darrell m 5 · 1 0

Yes but no because oil = national security. So one may have to war because of it to protect our n. s.

2007-11-23 10:00:24 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Like any war in history, it's about a lot of things.

It's about control.
It's about oil.
It's about justifying the existence of so many bureaucrats and military 'leaders'.
It would take several books to discuss all the reasons a bunch of fat-cats want to risk the lives of a nation's youth for their own, sometimes incomprehensible reasons.

2007-11-23 10:05:22 · answer #9 · answered by Spacer C 3 · 1 5

Sure that's why the price of gas keeps going down.
You neocons will never get it, will you.
To keep the price of gas down we have to keep making up reasons to stay in the Middle East and controlling the oil fields.

2007-11-23 10:01:08 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 6

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