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is it true?
Just curious to know

2007-11-23 09:50:38 · 45 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

45 answers

They would tell you yes.....other Christians would tell you no.

Mormons believe their "religion" is Christianity restored to its proper place. Most other Christians believe Mormonism is a corruption of Christianity and likely a cult.

A good comparison of Mormonism and Christianity is here:

Incidentally, Joseph Smith, Jr., the founder of Mormonism, is was complete fraud. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Smith%2C_Jr.#Translation_of_the_Book_of_Abraham

2007-11-23 09:52:40 · answer #1 · answered by Yep! 4 · 8 5

Mormonism is a branch of Christianity.
They call themselves Christians.
They do believe in Jesus.
They don't believe in the Holy Trinity.
They believe that many parts of the Bible are translated wrong and shoule not be interpreted literally.
They believe that Jesus came to North America and left the golden plates for Joseph Smith to find, and thats how they got the book of Mormon.
A lot of people say that Mormonism is a cult.
But all religions start out like a cult. For example, Christianity. Christianity was started by one guy who claimed to be sent by God. Joseph Smith claimed to be a prophet, sent by God.
The first Christians were persecuted in much the same way that Mormons are now.

2007-11-23 10:03:41 · answer #2 · answered by abbbijo 7 · 2 2

Ok.. first, I have to say that some of the answers are really funny!!! Apparently, people who aren't Mormon know what we believe better then us Mormons. I think it's pretty funny.

Are we Christian? I say YES!!! We believe in Christ, that He is the Son of God, our savior, redeemer, friend and brother. We believe He atoned for our sins and died on the cross, that He was resurrected three days later. It is through His grace we are saved, but we have to do something to show Him we accept that grace. That thing is repentance. Not just a one time repentance, but continual repentance.

For those who say we aren't Christian because we don't believe in the Trinity, then what do you call all the people who came BEFORE the Catholic church? All the people who believed in Christ while He was alive? Are they not Christians either? The concept of the trinity didn't come into being until the 3rd century. What did they believe before that? Well, there were many different beliefs. That's WHY the council was called in the first place!! The trinity didn't even become doctrine until after the 4th century. Why was that, do you think?

People will use this to say we aren't Christian. No, we don't believe in the trinity. We believe in a Godhead. God, Christ and the Holy Spirit are three separate, distinct individuals. They work together for one purpose. Those who say that we aren't Christian because we don't believe in the trinity have limited the idea of Christian so far that no one but the people who believe the EXACT SAME THING as they do are Christian to them.

I think this calls for my duck analogy: If you think a duck is white, with a wide bill and webbed feet, we are correct. Although, that would cut out all the ducks that weren't white, say mallards, or wood ducks. So because they aren't white, they aren't ducks? What are they if they aren't ducks? Are they just pretending to be ducks?

2007-11-23 10:16:05 · answer #3 · answered by odd duck 6 · 3 2

Mormons believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ, and that salvation comes through Him, so yes, we are Christian. It is not true that most other Christian denominations consider Mormons to be non-Christian. A recent poll suggested that half of white evangelical Christians do believe that Mormonism is a Christian religion. The percentage of other denominations who feel that way is likely to be even higher.

To learn more about Mormons, visit my site at http://www.allaboutmormons.com !

2007-11-23 13:08:43 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

There are a lot of people who call themselves Christians, but are not.
A true christian believes that Jesus Christ is the Almighty God, that he was sent down from heaven not as a prophet of God, but a part of God almighty. God had to send a part of himself as a sacrificial lamb so that all men and women could have an opportunity to spend eternity with God in heaven. The devil hates the cross because of this. The devil knows about the power of the cross and is out to discredit its meaning.
The devil wants to discredit the awesome power and true meaning of the Christ! This has resulted in some organisations teaching that Jesus was just a prophet sent by God. That Jesus is not the almighty and the almighty is still to come.
This comment from some of these organisations has the devil/Satan written all over it because Satan hates what Jesus has already done upon the cross.
Jesus, God almighty, loves you so much that he sent a part of himself, his son Jesus to the earth in human form, so that all your sins every single sin you have done and will do now and in the future was nailed upon the cross and forgotten by God. Jesus came to the earth in such a humble way, not representing the sinful ways of greed and human sin.
God wanted to give all people a chance to choose eternity with him in paradise. Without the cross and Jesus we would not have that opportunity.
Thanks be to the true and faithful God!

2007-11-23 10:24:34 · answer #5 · answered by Purity 4 · 1 0

No, but they will tell you they are. There are many branches of Mormons and all are acultic. I know because my cousin came from a Mormon family. The men in the religion are treated like gods and attain to become one. The woman are nothing, but treated like slaves. The word Christian means Christ like. From an outsiders stand point you just see that they don't cuss and can't have caffiene etc., but if you become involved in it, it really goes deeper than that and becomes quite scary. For instance if you are not a mormon you may not enter into the morman temple even if your own sister is getting married. It makes me wonder what they really have in there.

2007-11-23 10:06:16 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

As a Mormon I believe we are Christians.

2007-11-23 10:23:24 · answer #7 · answered by Brother G 6 · 1 1

Let's settle this True Christian™ nonsense once and for all, shall we?

From the Oxford Dictionary of the English Language
• noun a person who has received Christian baptism or is a believer in Christianity"

• noun the religion based on the person and teachings of Jesus Christ"

The official name of the Mormon church is the "Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints". Their religion is based on the person and teachings of Jesus Christ. They are, by definition, Christians.

Sorry to ramble. I know you were just looking for info. The silly debates that spring up around this kind of thing aggravate me, though.

2007-11-23 10:04:18 · answer #8 · answered by marbledog 6 · 3 3

Mormons are "apostate" Christians who have fallen away from the true gospel message and believed the lies of a false prophet who preaches a different gospel message.

What Do Mormons Believe: The Primary Differences Between Mormonism & Christianity

What Do Mormons Believe: Divine Authority
The Mormon church uses two sources as its primary authorities: the Book of Mormon and the Bible. The Doctrine and Covenants and The Pearl of Great Price are also viewed as divinely authoritative. The Christian church uses the Holy Bible alone as its authority from God. Joseph Smith is not recognized as a prophet.

What Do Mormons Believe: The Nature of God
The Mormon church sees God as the Supreme Being of the universe. However, He gradually acquired that position over a long period of time by living a perfect and righteous life. God the Father has a body (flesh and bones). The Christian church proclaims God as eternally and infinitely supreme. He is the same today as always. He is a spirit Being.

What Do Mormons Believe: The Nature of Man
The Mormon church teaches that humans exist as spirit beings before their birth. At physical birth, bodies are given to these spirits. They are also given an opportunity for free-will choice. The physical world represents a period of probation. The status of a person in the afterlife is determined by the way that person lived their life on Earth. If the person lived by a satisfactory standard, (including the fulfillment of Mormon temple obligations) that person has the potential to become a god in the after-life. They can also produce "spirit children" to populate a world of his own (like God did with the earth). The Christian church holds that humans do not exist as spirits prior to being born into the world. Humans cannot attain godhood or populate other worlds with "spirit children."

What Do Mormons Believe: The Nature of Jesus Christ
The Mormon church views Jesus and Satan as spirit brothers and sons of God. God put forth His plan of salvation for the world, and Satan proposed his own plan. Jesus accepted the Father's plan and offered to implement it as the Savior. The Father chose Jesus, and the spirit of Jesus was given a body through the virgin Mary. He was crucified on a Roman cross, and rose from the dead three days later to establish His deity. The character and life of Jesus is attainable by anyone who performs at such a righteous level. The Christian church teaches that Jesus Christ has existed eternally as the Son of God, the second "person" of the Trinity. Jesus took on human flesh about 2000 years ago and was born into the world through the virgin Mary. He was crucified on a Roman cross for our sins, and rose from the dead three days later to establish His deity.

What Do Mormons Believe: How do we Achieve Salvation
The Mormon church holds that Jesus Christ overcame physical death and guaranteed physical resurrection to all mankind. However, spiritual death can only be avoided through personal obedience of God's commandments. Forgiveness of sins requires faith, repentance and baptism by an approved Mormon priest. The practice of baptism for the dead is an extension of this belief, in which Mormons are baptized in proxy for those who have died without proper baptism. The Christian church teaches that we are unable to live a life righteous enough to meet God's perfectly holy standard. Therefore, we establish a relationship with God by faith in the work of Christ on the cross, not by our own works. Baptism and good deeds are acts of obedience to God, but not the means for gaining eternal salvation.

What Do Mormons Believe: Life After Death
The Mormon church maintains that although there is temporary punishment for those that are most wicked, Jesus Christ will establish a new kingdom that will consist of three levels: the celestial kingdom, the terrestrial kingdom, and the telestial kingdom. The Christian church holds that there are only two possible fates after death, heaven or hell. These locations are final, both physically and spiritually.

2007-11-23 10:45:18 · answer #9 · answered by Martin S 7 · 1 2

Yes. Mormons are Christians.

Here is a link to a talk from one of the leaders of our Church from our last General Conference in October 2007.


2007-11-23 12:19:55 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Yeah, they are. They believe in a man named Joseph Smith who translaterd a book called The Book of Mormon. This book is another testimant of Christ. They also believe in the Godhead being 3 seperate beings.

2007-11-23 10:00:39 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

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