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I will always tell my kids their only gift is a roof over their head. Things shouldn't just be handed to you.

2007-11-23 09:50:01 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

17 answers

It isn't the act of giving that should be questioned, but more the gifts that are given.

I like to give my kids gifts that we can use and do together. And they love to give too. We like to make gifts for everyone and it's actually more fun to see the look on a child's giving face than it is to see a look on a child's receiving face.

We just love homemade gifts and not just for Christmas. I especially love gifts that include pictures. Giving a memory and a smile is worth everything to me!

I found this easy to use product where you can actually make

a calendar
a deck of cards
memory cards

and all you have to do is add your own pictures and print.

This year I am making all my nephews their own set of memory cards with pictures of everyone in our family playing together! I'm going to get them laminated so they can last through spills and baby's mouths, etc.

It's so easy anyone can do it, even me :)
And the second the product arrives in your inbox is the same second you can start using it.

Visit http://www.squidoo.com/memorieslearningfun
and you'll be on your way to unique gifts.

Consumerism, especially overconsumerism, should be questioned, but giving is a wonderful thing to teach our children.

2007-11-23 14:18:47 · answer #1 · answered by Piscotta 2 · 1 0

I feel bad for your kids then. I don't feel compelled to buy my kid gifts, I want to buy him gifts. He deserves them, he is a good kid and I love him. I enjoy seeing his face christmas morning and when he opens his gifts and I enjoy seeing his excitment when he plays with his gifts or reads his books.

I do not buy exceive amounts, I try to stick to 10 gifts, he gets plenty enough from his family. And I do not spend a wicked amount of money. This year he got two wooden train sets, about 5 books on trains and a couple Thomas wooden trains. Other than that he really do not have anything else.

We are also christian and we celebrate christmas, part of that is giving and being thankful. You can not really be thankful if your never given anything. Kids need to be kids, I hate when paretns try to take a childhood away from them.

2007-11-23 17:57:51 · answer #2 · answered by becky q 5 · 2 0

Well kids like to get things, all of us are that way. We like to make our children happy and the spirit of giving in Christmas is for kids to enjoy while they young. When you DO have kids, you'll realize that there's a little thing called being unselfish, and giving your kids little luxuries, and how are you going to make your very young children understand that they aren't getting anything "besides a roof over their heads" We all have wants and needs and that's what Christimas is about, and that why us parents shower our children whom we love so much, with some little extra things for them to have, we do what we can afford. It's not about spoiling them, and a roof over their head if not something that they "earn" or something that they need to learn a lesson because they have it, it's something that you as a parent have to provide because you took the resposibility to make the child.

2007-11-23 17:57:30 · answer #3 · answered by Corgis4Life 5 · 2 0

I can't really blame you, it's gotten disgusting. When I was a kid, we each got one gift that we really wanted and then maybe some coloring books, or a little bit of candy.

We also did chores though, we washed dishes, swept floors, cleaned our rooms and helped take care of the animals my family had. We had horses and raised labrador retreivers.

I remember the year I called my mom a stupid ***** 2 weeks before christmas. She took my present back to the store. At the time I thought she was so mean, but now I think it was good for me. Too many parents are rewarding their children for being nasty little brats.

We're doing homemade presents this year. My husband and I are a bit artsy so maybe it's easier for us, but christmas is supposed to be about spending time with your loved ones and letting them know you care. Not about buying the latest gadget because "But daddy, I WANT IT!!!"

2007-11-23 18:11:20 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hello Mr. Scrooge. Christmas is a time a sharing, giving, and caring. Parents buy their kids presents because it make them happy and its fun to watch their little eyes light up when they get something they've wanted all year. Just because you don't want to spend a couple of bucks on your kids, doesn't mean the rest of us shouldn't. Parents aren't compelled to do anything, we just want to so that our kids can have a fun holiday.

2007-11-23 17:55:43 · answer #5 · answered by Kiri Silvren 2 · 3 0

i think kids should get something for christmas, you know the whole spirit of giving thing. but i think many parents go overboard. this teaches children to not appreciate what they get. i think it is sad.

this year we are going to buy 1 gift for each child, and even then they will be family games (i have 4 children 7 and younger) they love to share!f we will buy little stocking stuffers etc, but nothing extravagent. we are also going to take them shopping for toys for tots and have them pick out, wrap and drop off the gifts. we want them to learn more about giving than getting this year!

2007-11-23 17:54:51 · answer #6 · answered by Havanah_A 5 · 0 0

do you skip their birthdays too?? The reason I get my children anything at all besides what they need is because its a nice gesture and they deserve it. I love my children and want them to be happy(granted they would be happy even with out the material things) I mean if you can afford it why not get them some thing they would like!!

2007-11-23 17:56:39 · answer #7 · answered by LizzyB- Its a BOY!! 5 · 4 0

It's the right thing to do.
People could be worse off because if your parents are evil like mine are they might be using telekinesis to make gifts for you. I remember one time my father made a Fischer Technik toy for me. They also gave me a DVD player recently which I think might have been counterfeited.

2007-11-23 18:21:23 · answer #8 · answered by Peter D 1 · 0 1

because they want toys and stuff to make them happy.a house is a great present saying if it is a 3 story and has like 12 rooms,get them something i beg of you that might be the happiest day of their lifes thats what happened to a kid i know she ended up stealing but i bought her like 10 toys and she returned every last thing and payed for every thing that was out of the box or damaged(email plz plz and tell me what they you decide,emaraldbabe@yahoo.com :)

2007-11-23 18:21:39 · answer #9 · answered by LUV TWILIGHT 3 · 0 1

You are a bit of a scrooge but I see where you're coming from. Kids are spoiled these days.

Christmas has become far too commercialised and our kids far too materialistic.

2007-11-23 18:03:08 · answer #10 · answered by gill79 4 · 0 0

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