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4 answers

1. Eating after "x" time of day causes you to get fat.

It's not when you eat but what you eat and in what quantity. the metabolic rate actually increases during the 1st sleep cycle then steadily declines lower and lower until it reaches it's lowest point right before awakening. the amount of muscle mass that a person has determines the decrease from the resting to sleeping metabolic rate. the more muscle mass that a person has the less of a decrease there is from the RMR to the SMR.

2. leg lifts, bicycle kicks, etc. target the lower abdominals.

there are no lower abdominals. muscles either contract as a whole or not at all. because of this it's physiologically impossible to target part of a muscle.

3. excess proteins get stored as fat.

the body does turn amino acids into glucose but not at a great enough rate to promote fat storage. 1 molecule of fat can generate 146 units of the cellular energy source ATP. an equivalent molecule of glucose will provide less units than that more like 120+ units of ATP. where as one gram of amino acids will provide 1 unit of ATP. the body expends more energy converting amino acids into a lipid then into ATP then it gets in return. the human body does not readily waste energy.

I highly doubt if anyone wanting to make money would invest $100 to get $1 in return, same principle.

2007-11-23 09:32:20 · answer #1 · answered by lv_consultant 7 · 2 0

1.) Myth: If you eat less you'll lose weight -

Fact: Intially you may lose weight by eating less.But the weight you're losing is muscle weight as your body breaks it down to create additional energy. But the most dangerous part about this is you'll lose you muscular definition and your metabolism will slow down since you have less muscle.. Thus you actually begin to gain more weight.

2.) Myth: I can get as big as I am physically capable of getting by eating three square meals per day.

Fact: It takes 5 or 6 meals a day, each with an array of food groups, and each with an appropriate balance of fats, carbohydrates and protein, to ensure maximum growth. And let us not forget training!

3.) Myth: I will be healthier if I stay away from fats, sodium and sugar.

Fact: Unless you are diabetic, have hypertension, or retain water, there's nothing wrong with unsaturated fats and sugars! Moderation is the key. As for sodium, seek medical advice before eliminating it from your diet. Sodium occurs naturally in foods and serves many important functions in the body.

2007-11-23 17:46:03 · answer #2 · answered by tempowht 3 · 1 0

~drinking water will make u bloated an heavier {False} humans are machines that are fueled by water, we are 75% water, the best thing to speed up ur motabilisim, get engery an rid ur body of toxins is to drink 8 glass of water a day

~going to the gym every day will make me get fit sooner {False} studies show people who push themselevs too far get in a standstill, an their body actually steals protien from the muscles to make up for enegry its losign in ur exerction, its better to go to the gym every other day to allow the rips in ur muscles to heal

~starving urself will make u lose weigh {False} when u starve urself, ur body begins to grab everee drop of fat an send it off to ur fat stores because tis in starvation mode, when u do stop starvign urself, ull gain it all back and more


2007-11-23 17:41:06 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

chcolate will give you spots - it doesn't but i forgot why its not true but hey. also spinach would give me a hairy chest, why my friggin teacher thought i would be encouraged to eat my greens i dont no(this one speaks for itself), and i cant think of another, sorry xxx

2007-11-23 17:28:44 · answer #4 · answered by Smile <3 5 · 0 0

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