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I just read a question that asked if anyone that doesn't have autism didn't get vaccinated. One person i work with had 2 sons both which are autisic, this scares me so bad that i have not vaccated my daughter she is 17 months old, can some one please tell which one it is, because i feel like i am being made to have a vaccinated against my will.

2007-11-23 08:27:59 · 11 answers · asked by babyblue218513 2 in Health Diseases & Conditions Other - Diseases

11 answers

Any of the vaccines can give an adverse reaction. If you are concerned about metals and toxins building up in your child, this is what you can do. Test both the biological mother and father for metal toxicity using a 24 hr. urinary prophyrin test.
My autistic son's test showed mercury and lead. My doctor says he could have inherited the inability to get rid of toxins so I'm having every single member of my family tested. This is a genetic link explaining why some kids start to regress after numerous vaccinations. The metals ( like mercury and aluminum) in the envrionment and vaccines start to accumulate and cause neurological damage leading to developmental delays. I found this link to my son's autism this year after extensive testing. You guys who think vaccines are so safe are dead wrong!!! My son should have never been vaccinated according to the schedule. I certainly would have picked a better time when he was older to vaccinate against a few but not all. Autism now effects 1 in 94 boys and 1 in 150 kids. A safer plan for vaccinations needs to be implemented immediately.
The MMR is the one some feel is causing autism but I think its the total effect of all vaccinations that is contributing to autism. I'm not anti-vaccine and just think that the vaccines could be made safer. MMR is now available as three separate vaccines. Space the vaccines out so that if there is a reaction, you will know which one did it. Hepatitis B is not neccessary until the child reaches puberty. Hepatitis B is mainly spread through contaminated body fluids so before your child gets body piercings/ tattoos, etc. it would be a good idea to give the vaccine.
Good luck. You are doing the right thing to wait unitil your child's immune system has a chance to mature. I suggest doing a family background check for any signs of illness that may suggest metal poisoning, mental illness, weakened immune system ( cancer), digestive problems, or allergies.
This will give you a better idea on what your daughter inherited.

2007-11-23 11:55:52 · answer #1 · answered by momwhoknows 4 · 0 3

I'm usually at odds with "Momwhoknows," but she has figured out a perfect solution to this problem. She suggested that you wait until your child is past the critical stage of psychological development--27 months. Then, if your child has a bad reaction to the shots she won't get autism.

You might have noticed that the big evidence for the belief that shots cause autism is that typically autism develops at age two at the same time shots are administered. But there is no evidence that elements in the vaccine has any sort of residual effect. This has been demonstrated by long-term studies in Denmark where vaccines are optional and a natural control group exists.

However, it has been demonstrated that occassional traumatic reactions to vaccines result in autism when a child is too young to handle any kind of trauma psychologically, so he regresses. This is where the naive thimerosal crowd gets its ideas. It's dumb.

If you insist on being super-cautious, though, simply wait for ten months. Then get the vaccines.

Of course, if your daughter doesn't get the vaccines, and instead comes down with mumps or measles or rubella within ten months, she will probably get autism as a result of THAT trauma.

Life is a scary thing, but you can't hope to protect your child from life!

2007-11-23 14:00:01 · answer #2 · answered by larry L 5 · 0 0

I am not convinced either way. There are compelling arguments on both sides AND compelling evidence for both sides. I have chosen to get my children vaccinated, however, at a slower pace. Vaccinations CAN make a child sick though. My son was vaccinated with the Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis... vaccine and he was sick the next day. I didn't think anything of it until he broke out with a nasty case of eczema. We brought him to an allergist because it was thought that it could be an allergy and the testing showed no allergy to food or environment. About a week and a half later the eczema just cleared up on its own. I asked the allergist if something in the vaccination could have caused this and he said absolutely. My son could have had a sensitivity to something within the shot itself that caused the outbreak of eczema.

2016-04-05 05:09:55 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

My grand daughter was only given the Hep B by the hospital on accident. My daughter had requested she not be given any vaccines in writting. Her older brother was diagnosed with autism. This is the only vaccine she ever had. She became autistic at age 15 months. We used Dr. Alan Ketover a D.A.N. Dr. and she is now better. We are still working on her older brother.

2007-11-23 15:12:24 · answer #4 · answered by Sharon F 1 · 0 0

I have 7 children, all of whom are fully immunized, but only 2 are on the Autism spectrum. Both showed signs of Autism before they had any shots; I think there's more genetics than mercury damage involved. Please think carefully about immunizing, as a lot of the diseases that children get shots for can cause brain damage, physical disability, or even death. Btw, thimerosal (mercury) is no longer used as a preservative in most childhood vaccines. You can ask your pediatrician just to be sure.

2007-11-23 10:58:25 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Not sure about Autism but when my mom was in college for Early Childhood Development she interviewed a woman in this town who's daughter received the Dtap shot as a baby and woke up with a really bad fever, anyway she's in a wheelchair now and has been mentally and physically challenged all of her life. My son has had all of his shots except his 9month ones because he's sick right now, and has been fine. But I think vaccinations should be up to you. Hopefully your daughter doesn't get severely ill though being unvaccinated.

2007-11-23 08:41:21 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

It is the MMR (measles mumps and rubella) vaccine that has been linked to Autism.
You need to think very carefully as by not vaccining you are also risking your daughter catching some damaging illnesses. It is possible to pay and have the vaccine done as individual shots.
Don't be bullied into having something you don't wish your daughter to have----but do a little research to help you make up your mind and if needed pay to have the single shot vaccines.

Good luck with your choice. xx

2007-11-23 08:45:04 · answer #7 · answered by essential.peace 2 · 0 2

NO vaccines have been proved to cause autism, none at all. You should think about it carefully and go talk to your doctor about your concerns. They should be able to reassure you, and there should be options on different types of vaccine if you are still worried.

2007-11-23 08:35:31 · answer #8 · answered by catgirl 4 · 3 1

My brother has autism. He started showing symptoms before he ever had any shots.

2007-11-23 08:36:24 · answer #9 · answered by pennypincher 7 · 3 0

The cause is supposed to be the mercury they use with the shot
and it is not only one type of shot


2007-11-23 08:36:01 · answer #10 · answered by sego lily 7 · 0 2

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