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Is this some type of disorder im going through???
Do I need to seek professional help???
im 14 yrs old..and im a total wreck.....i am struggling to get st8 A's...i have a very bad low self esteem problem...im a big pessimist, i absolutely hate everything about myself!!! i cant eat or sleep right i hate my acne on my face!!!! what should i do??? i talked to my dad about it and he says that i need to see a physcologist!! should i???? please im desperate..help!!!???

2007-11-23 08:10:38 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Mental Health

25 answers

I'd continue to talk to your parents. As far as I can see I think you have a normal case of teenage self esteem. I think a therapist is a good idea if you are worried about yourself. Don't do anything you wouldn't normally do like drink, or hurt yourself or any one else. Just get the help you need. Your parents will most likely help you do whatever you think is best for you so trust them!

2007-11-23 08:15:33 · answer #1 · answered by Described V 4 · 0 0

darling no! I had an extremely hard time when I was your age too. You are at an very difficult age right now. You do have one thing going for you thought, your talking to your dad! Just keep those who are important close to you(family and legit friendships) Don't stress about having a cool group of friends. The people you will stay friends with are people you can respect for real things like their minds or things they have done. Not looks possessions etc.

The best thing is to love and be loved. Don't worry about little ****. Oh, and by the way be sure to use the right products on your face. Don't over dry your skin or put to much stuff on it. Less stuff is always better.(generally my motto) Cetaphil soap is good and cliniques yellow lotion is great too. Both are light and non threatening to skin. If the problem is more extreme a prescription of benseclin might be what you need.

hope that helps ;-)

2007-11-23 08:20:09 · answer #2 · answered by Rhiannah 1 · 0 0

It may be a good idea to listen to your father. If your mother is available what does she have to say? Also, have you asked for the opinions of any other adults that you respect and trust? Talking to a counselor or a psycholoist may not be a bad idea provided you feel comfortable with them - there is no shame in speaking with a professional if you are willing to open up. If they are well trained they will probably just want you to talk to them and say what is on your mind and ask you some questions. You may feel better talking about this stuff and getting it off your chest and out in the open. Perhaps they can help you put your mind at ease, that you are not alone with these thoughts - they sound like very common and knowing you are not alone thinking these thinsg may help. They may also work with you to help you devise some coping mechanisms you can use for dealing with your school stress, your image issues, and help you get your confidence back so that you realize and remember what an intelligent, lovely, beautfiul person you are.

2007-11-23 08:19:31 · answer #3 · answered by christopher o 2 · 0 0


Divide into groups the problems you are facing. See each group as unique onto itself. From that vantage point you would be able to formulate a plan by which to deal with the given situation.
Some though, you will have to accept as they are. For example acne is a condition denoting the oncoming of maturity. Thus to enable that the body too, will make certain changes occur in your being.
Instead of looking at the glass as half empty, embrace the oncoming as to the wondrous things which will follow after it ;has run its course.
Academically, most students struggle for lack of planning and execution.
Having taught at many colleges and universities, I assure you the most time tested approach to education and grades is simple. Dissect each question and or problem and answer in accordance to the 5 W's (who, what, where, when and why)
Aside from making good grades you will develop a learning discipline.
You do not need a psychologist but instead, just relax, the answers are there before you.

Good Luck

2007-11-23 08:28:31 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Whoa! Calm down! It's just a phase that shows you're becoming an adult. The problem with grades is due to stress, so calm down. And hating yourself is Even worse! You want to end up like a prostitute on the street? That's what usually happens if you hate your body. Except it. Besides, if you didn't have it, how would you be here right now? Like I said, it's a phase. The acne is due to grease, so wash your face often. Just chill out. Take a vacation, go to a spa. Might I suggest if you're in the mountain area in Colorado, going to Indian springs resort? It will clear you're acne, make you're skin smoother, and relax you. And If you just seem to be extremely disturbed, go to a psychiatrist. You should only do this if necessary. Like I said, It's just a phase. I know this because I tried these before, and it works!

2007-11-23 08:26:59 · answer #5 · answered by David V 1 · 0 0

Getting straight A's is hard, it's natural for someone to struggle with that. Pessimism and negativity are a normal phase for some teens. Acne is a problem your doctor can help you get clear in a matter of a couple weeks. Exercise a little bit and sleeping should be much easier. Seeing a psycologist is the easy way out, for people too weak-minded to deal with typical teenage angst by themselves. Step back from yourself for a moment and realize that a lot of the this is just drama your adolescent mind is spinning. In short, just calm down. :)

2007-11-23 08:19:05 · answer #6 · answered by Tyler L 1 · 0 0

Dear Hanan,

Please, little darling, trust your father. He will surely support your efforts to work things out, right? After all, he's the one who suggested counselling. Consider yourself fortunate for this much! How many parents dismiss this sort of situation, and just say, 'We didn't need all that fancy stuff when we were growing up! You just need to snap out of it and get serious!'

If you are getting 'st8 A's', it proves this much: strength of character. It doesn't matter what you think of yourself, the objective proof is right there. Getting good grades is no easy joke.

You hate yourself? Who can hate a fourteen-year-old girl? How does a fourteen-year-old hate herself? Everything is so new, you have just gotten here!

Where is your mother? If she is not with you GET THAT COUNSELLOR, and choose a nice lady who has had children like you. Don't be shy for a minute to ask.

2007-11-23 08:19:35 · answer #7 · answered by hindisikhnewaalaa 5 · 0 0

Honey, you sound like a typical teenager to me! Going through puberty involves all the stuff you mentioned. Don't go to a psych doc except as a VERY LAST RESORT....all they will do is put you on mind altering drugs, that will REALLY make you go crazy.....and charge you hundreds of dollars for it....plus, then your personal medical record will permanently be "tainted" with having seen a shrink. Don't do it....believe me.....been there, done that......got the consequences now to live with....it makes you hate yourself even more...at least it did me.....I fault myself for being that stupid and for listening to well meaning people, like people in my family, who had NO IDEA what I would go through once in the hands of those
psych doctors. The acne problem can be treated with a
dermatologist, the sleep problem with natural melatonin, the low self esteem goes along with puberty....you'll either grow out of it, or stay in it.....is your decision......just know you are an original, one of a kind...there will never be another one like you, etc. etc......pump yourself up.....don't ask for drugs from a shrink to do it, please....you will just make things worse for yourself.
And struggling to get straight A's is NATURAL....it is not supposed to be EASY!!! SHEEESH! Who told you straight
A's was an easy thing to do? I got them all through my school years, but I WORKED for it, and so should you!

2007-11-23 08:22:32 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

dude, chill. you're 14 years old and its a struggle...I know, i was there like 2 years ago. I must say that i was that way kinda...like i hated school, i got straight A's (but it was hard to get them), i had horrible acne, i had trouble sleeping at night, and i ate at odd hours. I honestly didn't know what to do with myself. Just chill out, start organizing things better. Eat a good breakfast, go to school, do your homework right when you get home from school. You'll have more time after that. Take it easy, you're 14 years old! You have plenty of time to stress about other things! its awkward and annoying, just let time pass and it'll get better! hope ya feel better!

2007-11-23 08:20:00 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If your dad's gonna pay for you to see some one I definitely say do it. And the cool thing is about seeing a physiologist, therapist or counselor is that you can meet with them and pick from a several of them and decide who you'd feel most comfortable talking with..

Well... your shopping for non professional help on yahoo answers..first of all.

sure sign.. that you're wanting a well rounded experienced honest perspective and that's what a good psychologist will have supply you with.

2007-11-23 08:19:16 · answer #10 · answered by Melle 3 · 0 0

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