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Im a 15 year-old, spiritual female. My friends are mostly Christian, and NO im not considerring converting to fit in, i just feel like im missing out on something great. Because my friends are Christian ive been involved with quite a few Christian events and i love the atmosphere i get there.
I study philosophy and ethics and did Christianity for 2 years so i know quite a bit about the religion, The Bible ect and now i have bagan to consider converting i have begun praying ect. I feel like i dont have any personal relationship with God do i have to be christened or have any problems to feel any signs from Him? Help!

2007-11-23 08:04:57 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

16 answers

well The for side is that it is right and the only way to get to heaven.
The down side is that there are a lot of atheists that are not going to like you simply because you are a Christian

You need to read John chapter 3 and ask the Lord to change you inside so you are "born again" He is the only one that can do that..Repent and believe, but Chapter 3 of John will explain it..

2007-11-23 08:08:21 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

You have to accept Jesus and and ask forgiveness of your sins and continually repent of those sins. After that read the Bible daily, pray sincerely daily, and go to a Bible-believing church. I'm so happy to see that you are considering coming to Christ and I hope for you to accept Jesus and have a blessed life of joy and trials that will teach you to be more like Jesus and to be a better self that you could not be without the help of God.
I want to add that it is not a requirement to be baptized to become a Christian. I was a Christian for 5 years before I decided to be baptized (as a sign of my commitment to Christ.) I know God was working in me and through me during that time and that my not being baptized had no effect on my being Christian or not.

2007-11-23 18:57:59 · answer #2 · answered by Dani Marie 4 · 0 0

Let me address your last question first:

No you don't need to be Baptized or Christened first. In fact the Bible says that you first should believe and decided to become a Christian and that baptism comes after that.

The denominaitons which baptize or christen babies have missed the point.

Anyway, let me encourage you to look at the web sites I've listed below to answer your questions. And if you have questions directly for me, I'm easy to reach.

The 2nd link below is full of other links which will answer many of your questions.

After that are links to find me, if you want to.

Since you are only 15 I won't talk to you on the phone without getting your parents permission.

Pastor Art

2007-11-23 17:39:11 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

If you are going to be Christian you would absolutely need a baptism. I don't know what denomination you are considering. I am Catholic, but I am pretty sure that all the denominations of any merit require at least the baptism. Many denominations will recognize a baptism from from another church. So if you were baptized as a methodist and decided that later on you wanted to be Catholic you would not have to be rebaptized.

Being baptized initiates you into the "body of christ". By that I mean being one of his followers.

I think you are right to have studied Christianity before jumping in to it. Given that you did not understand the sigificance of baptism, my feeling is that you still need to learn a bit more about it. I would continue your studies. Catholics have an rcia program that is geared for teaching older people about the church.

Baptism would make you part of the body of Christ. But that does not mean that God would start talking to you all of a sudden. It would be up to you develop a relationship with God and for you to be in tune with how he communicates with you.

If you want to deepen your relatiionship with God I would consult your pastor and maybe seek out a spritual mentor who can help guide you on your road through prayer. I would read books about saints, the bible and set aside time to pray daily. Lean the rosary. www.rosary-center.org It is a wonderful way to meditate on the mysterys of Christ.

Good luck with your journey!

2007-11-23 16:27:14 · answer #4 · answered by Think.for.your.self 7 · 0 1

Dear Victoria, I would like too say first off that i commend your thoughtfullness and concern toward God at such a young age, that is truly commendable. Victoria, do not convert too christianty too fit in, do not do it too win a popularity contest or gain attention. there is but one reason and one reason only that we need too be saved, because we will have too stand before God in judgement. The Bible says God will Judge by the Ten Commandments, and that in that day every thought word and deed wil be brought into account. have you ever lied? ever stolen someting? ever looked with lust or used Gods name in vain? these are just a few of the commandments, but the fact is tht if we have done any of these things God sees us as lawbreakers and he will have to give us Justice (hell). I know that al of this seem's very extreme, But I beg you too listne further. God who is Rich in mercy is not willing that you should end up in such a terible place as hell, He has done something for you victoria so that you would not have too go to such a terrible place. He sent his only son Jeus too die on the cross so that we might be forgiven. its as simple as this- "we broke the law and jesus paid the fine." and Now we can have the gift of everlasting life if we will confess and forsake our sin and put our full faith and trust in the savior. Now thats the reason we should come too christ, we should examine ourselves in the light of Gods law and humbly repent because God has been so mercifull too send his son. Now, about the christening, Christening and or baptism does not save us, were saved only thru confessing and forsaking our sin and putting our trust in the savior, but then were comanded as belivers once were saved too be bapstised, im sure a pastor woud be glad too do that.
God Bles

2007-11-23 16:27:01 · answer #5 · answered by Rated J for Jesus 2 · 1 0

Why do you feel a need to convert?15 is very young to make lifelong decision.Continue to explore and you will find the right path for you,it may not be the same path your friends take.Most likely they are following the paths their parents have chosen and have not made their own way yet.
I see a lot of people telling you to read passages or parts of the Bible,the proper way to read a book is to read the whole thing as it is written.I am going to agree with them, but read it as a book with a critical mind then make you decision

2007-11-23 16:22:31 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Just like any relationship, your relationship with God will grow and flourish, or not.

You are just beginning to explore Christianity, and so are just beginning a new relationship. As you explore and pray more, you will know Jesus more, as more is revealed to you.

Fors (according to scripture):
--Peace that passes all human understanding
--Salvation and eternal life with God
--Gifts of the Holy Spirit
--Comfort and guidance from the Holy Spirit
--Answered prayers
--Joyful fellowship with other believers

There are more - these just come to mind right now.

The "againsts" would be:
--People not understanding your new way of living
--Feeling like an alien in a strange land
--People being jealous of your new relationship with Jesus
--People trying to lead you astray

2007-11-23 16:21:01 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you can not find your answers with-in, you will never find them with-out.
GOD is in you and apart of you. You have GOD already. No need to look inside of a religious shopping cart.

A church or a religion or a building or a group of people can never help you see your GOD. Stop seeking. Stop looking,. Stop trying to find something to hold on to. Open yourself up and your GOD will come to you and fill you.

Taoism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Jew, Krishna, Wicca are all just different labels for the same "LIFE-GIVING" force.

God is GOD is GOD. We can call it what ever we choose. And we all do. But there is only one power. What you do with that power is up to you. There is no need to put a label on yourself. GOD is there. You just need to open your spiritual door and let him out. You can find good things in all religions. As soon as they start telling you that they are the "ONLY TRUE PATH", """""RUN""""", don't walk to the nearest exit.

2007-11-24 09:23:10 · answer #8 · answered by Buddha of Bass ): 5 · 0 1

It sounds like you are under conviction of the Holy Spirit. Read John 3:16 and Romans 10:13. I'll be praying for you. And hope to see you in Heaven one day if you make the right choice! :-)

2007-11-23 16:16:31 · answer #9 · answered by Scooterette1! 4 · 4 0

no, don't look for a sign or a feeling... confirm yourself by the Word of God.

you can't be inhabited by the Holy Spirit until you see your need to invite Him.

and personally, as a 22 year old Christian, i can attest to the joy in serving the Lord, be it ever so abundant. everyday with Jesus just gets sweeter and sweeter... everything falls into place when God shares His mind with you. and the feeling of security i have in Him, it is overwhelming, i feel like i can face anything, every day.

John 5:24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life. - the spritual birth certificate.

2007-11-23 16:13:50 · answer #10 · answered by Pulling Down Strongholds 6 · 2 0

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