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I read a question "Atheist, who were once Christians" and the responses really saddened me. I am not one to judge people on Christianity. I am not the greatest Christian in the world but I try. I read where people say (including myself) how can God let the bad things happen?well Job was put through so much with the boils, losing his family his house and everything but he still put his trust in the Lord.It is true that God only gives us as much as we can handle. I went through a lot (not as much though as others) and i have found that it has only made me a stronger person.I have found that after i put all my trust in the Lord that things have gotten so much better for me.(at least i try to put all my trust in him)Look around you.where did all these trees and flowers and all the beautiful things come from?the scientists will say some scientifical explanation about it but It all came from God.When a bad thing happens in life look at it as how is this going to make me stronger.

2007-11-23 05:30:59 · 34 answers · asked by Natalia Ann 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

34 answers

Aanndd you tie all this to the existence of a supernatural ghost, how?

reply to "kitz"-
Matthew 5:22
Whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.

Talk about irony.

2007-11-23 05:37:19 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

"It is true that God only gives us as much as we can handle"

Well that wasn't true for Job's family! They got killed.
They were supposed to "handle" that?

I can think there's no God because I used to be a sincere, committed, active, Christian but that led me to study the bible in greater depth.
You'll find quite a few here who, along with me, discovered the more they read the bible the less they could hold it to be inspired and inerrant.
To stay honest to myself, I had to become an atheist.

It wasn't bad experiences or or bad behaviour by people calling themselves Christians (which I would consider inadequate grounds, on their own, for turning atheist)

The argument for God from the beauty of the earth has to cope with the bits of it that are not beautiful...
(Human sin and the fall is usually invoked at this point, which is consistent to Christian theology, but still takes the edge off the "The earth's beautiful" idea as proof of a benificent deity)

2007-11-23 06:10:14 · answer #2 · answered by Pedestal 42 7 · 0 0

If you look at the worlds religions you can find who made them up. Creating a god to fear helps keep people in control and let's society manage more easily. God is very handy for things like that but the god that is described in most religions is just kind of silly. There may or may not be a god but religion has nothing to do with god and you can believe or not believe in god without religion. The books that religions base things on have much of the same information but vary just enough to make believers want to make war with each other and kill each other. If THAT is what believing in god does for you we're all much better off without it.

2007-11-23 06:49:47 · answer #3 · answered by MissWong 7 · 0 0

Job doesn't inspire me a bit.I really could care less that god gave him another wife,another life.His first family didn't mean anything?So,when referring to god,you think he would be great if he killed your family,made you broke,made you sick...as long as he gave you ANOTHER family?Boy,you DO have LOW expectations from a god.One must be selectively blind to think the story of Job would inspire anyone with the slightest bit of moral fiber.That is simply atrocious.

"Scientifical" is good.It's how it happened,whether "god" was behind it or not.Understand this,the scientist who could DISPROVE TOE would be famous beyond belief.There is much more to be gained by the scientist who could disprove TOE than any scientist who simply made a discovery that reinforced TOE,so an "atheist conspiracy"is simply nonsense

I do agree with your sentiment :when a bad thing happens,see how it can make you stronger"

I don't see where "god" does anything but muddy the situation

2007-11-23 05:49:21 · answer #4 · answered by reporters should die 5 · 0 1

I still want to know why someone who could love someone so much would put them on this earth to suffer. I refuse to believe God would love me more than the starving children in the world. I refuse to believe God would love me more than the person who was born into a poor, drug addict family. Why are you so special that you had the chance to become educated?Why are you so special that you were born healthy? Why are you so special that you have food everyday, a roof over your head, a few luxuries? Why are you so special and other people in the world aren't? I'm just not that conceited.

Plus I got tired of people telling me everything was a test. According to you God is playing head games with us? That's kind of mean isn't it? It's like us putting lab rats in a maze and adding obstacle after obstacle to see if they will get the cheese. It's like killing a puppies mother in front of him to see if it will survive on it's own. It's like taking food away from a child to see if they will still love you. It's like putting a baby into a home where the caregivers are not capable of taking care of it and seeing if the baby will first live then love the person who placed them there.

If people were doing these experiments they would be considered evil and immoral. But because it's an invisble superpower in the sky it knows best and it's testing us. What a load of bull!

It's a lot easier to love your parents when your parents are good to you and give you what you need. It's a lot harder to love your parents when they molest, abuse and starve you. I would like to see how all these moral Christians would be towards God if they were the ones who were unproperly treated. Maybe we could test them like God tests all the other people in the world and see if they still love their God. We could starve, them, take away their house, put them on the street, make them drink contaminated water. it wouldn't be cruel, because according to these people God is all loving and all good but yet he does this to 3/4 of the world every day!

2007-11-23 05:40:56 · answer #5 · answered by Laughing all the way 5 · 0 1

So your entire proof that there is a god is that bad stuff happened to you, and you were stronger after having gone through it?

How exactly does that prove that it was god that helped you through it.

An awful lot of atheists go through bad stuff - without help from any god, and are also stronger for it.

So either god doesn't exist, or he also helps atheists (in which case, why bother worshipping him).

And an awful lot of Christians go through bad stuff - and die. In almost exactly the same proportions as atheists who go through bad stuff.

In fact, atheists are more likely to seek medical intervention sooner, rather than relying on 'prayer', and so they tend to have higher survivor rates than Christians. Again, not much evidence to support believing in god.

2007-11-23 05:38:46 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

People can think there is no God quite easily. Jst look at the number of 'thumbs down' there are here. Actually God is not a matter of numbers/democracy, but for each person to decide by themselves.

2007-11-23 06:02:26 · answer #7 · answered by za 7 · 0 0

What is the fundemental difference between believing in "God" and believing in the "Tooth Fairy"? The fact that there is "beauty" or that the Universe is astonishing might be extraordinary, but it is by no logical means "evidence of God", especially not evidence of the inconsistent "God" of the bible. How does dying of cancer make an infant baby "stronger", exactly?

2007-11-23 05:42:42 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Very easily--No valid proof, the bible has many critical flaws in, the fact that Humans gave God the same shortcomings such as temper tantrums and anger issues. And finally a God who creates a hell and uses as a fear tactic is no God I want to be a part of quite frankly. So enjoy your faith since it has a utility in your life and don't feel bad for me I am on a different path.

2007-11-23 05:36:33 · answer #9 · answered by TSIRHC 3 · 4 1

I totally agree with Wolfechu.

How can you think there IS a god? Just blind faith?? No thanks, I prefer to think for myself rather than just blindly believe.
Do you still believe in Santa Claus just because your mommy told you he was real when you were three? Of course not, because you came to realize that he just couldn't be. It's not much different than no longer believing the god myth that is shoved down our throats when we're impressionable children.

2007-11-23 05:52:21 · answer #10 · answered by BobKat 5 · 0 0

Why do all Christians assume that people become Atheists because something traumatic happened to them, and thus warranted their belief in no God? We aren't mad at God, and try to show him off by claiming to not believe in him. We just don't believe he's there.

I was never angry at God. Nothing bad ever happened to me so badly that I had to say "Why is God doing this to me?".

I just simply stopped believing. Why? I got older, and I got smarter, and I woke up one morning and decided that it just wasn't sensible to believe in God. There were too many strings that didn't tie together.

2007-11-23 05:38:50 · answer #11 · answered by Kemp the Mad African 4 · 3 1

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