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I work for a small company, we do not have many procedures. My problem is that me and my one co-workers jobs are intertwined. She seems to miss a lot of work (30 sick days this year) and she has been off for another month so far on personal leave as she hurt her hand at home (totaling 60days and counting off of work). Now all these days she has been of all her work gets dumped on me. I have to put on 50 hrs a week & still can't keep up (I am not being paid overtime and am paid on an hourly basis). I have asked my boss when we can expect her back to work as I am getting overwhelmed and he doesn't know and says he will call her, then doesn't. I ask him again and he blows me off. She has yet to produce any proof that she did indeed hurt herself. I am feeling very taken advantage of here and would like to know what my options are if any to make them resolve this, either by hiring a temp or something. Anyone else gone through something like this?? Help!!!!!

2007-11-23 04:25:58 · 9 answers · asked by lapp562 2 in Business & Finance Careers & Employment Administrative and Office Support

9 answers

Can you go over your bosses head? I have only done this once in 15 years, but it was worth it. My boss was failing to move on something and it was causing me much strife. I wish you the best. Sounds like this girl should be fired, unfortunately.

2007-11-23 04:32:17 · answer #1 · answered by Paul S 6 · 1 0

I don't know how old you are or how many other companies you have worked for but suffice to say welcome to the world of office politics. Is this small company or a family company and is the woman in question a relative of some sort. Or are there possible romantic ties with the boss. Examine your situation and tread carefully. The pay thing is what gets me the most. For any hours over 40 you should get at least time and a half, or 1.5 x regular pay $. With it being a small company they may not have an effective Human Reasoures Department. Also, the boss sounds like the type to fire you if you push the issue. Talk to the Umemployment Office and find out the laws. If you get fired you will have to know where it is anyway.

Here is what I would do though. Have you ever tried arguing with a tree or a rock. Or have you gone swimming and screamed underwater. Nothing happens to the tree, rock, or water. Each of those things has a differtent property but they all respond in the same way- they do nothing. The tree will bend and rustle its leaves or say "I will get to that..." and then don't (quietly). The rock just sits there. Nothing. Nada. Zip.
The water engages the person, fully envoples them and aborbs the question, the commands, the yells, the cries. And end the end you are still wet. Nothing happens. You must realize you work for them and they do not work for you. But, you can be smarter. I carry around a little peice of duct tape- it reminds me to keep my mouth shut.

Also, by you doing all the work, the boss is getting more worth out of you single than if he had 2 people there. He doesn't care about your "feelings" only about the results.

2007-11-23 12:56:45 · answer #2 · answered by misfitter 3 · 1 0

1) Try going to higher management
2) Only do what you can in a reasonable 8-9 hr day. What doesnt get done can wait until the next day if no help. Your only one person
3) Your boss probably is stuck due to this individual being excessivly tardy or not at work.
4) Focus on your work and your attendance and performance. Even though this person sounds like a real slacker, be better, not try to point out the bad in her. Your boss may think that even though your saying you need help
5) Find another job as soon as you can with less stress and more work
6) Report them to labor laws. You are entitled to a break and if the company does not pay overtime or extra for over a 8-9 hr day, leave and start fresh the next day

Good luck. Dont stay if it continues. Then they will be out of 2 people. If you do leave, line up another (better) job and give a 2 week notice.

2007-11-23 12:37:35 · answer #3 · answered by Doz 5 · 1 0

If you are in the US, your boss is required by federal law to pay you overtime at time and a half for hours you work over 40. This isn't necessarily the law in other countries.

It sounds like you have done about all you can do in talking to your boss. I'd look for another job - doesn't sound like he's doing anything to fix the problem.

In the meantime, you could talk to him once more - tell him you just aren't able to keep up this schedule any more, and will only be able to work your normal 40 hours a week, and ask him to prioritize the tasks you have so you are sure the most important things get done, since not everything will. I'd go in with a list of what YOU think the priorites are, and ask him to make any changes he wants to.

What's he going to do, fire you for saying this? I don't think so.

2007-11-23 13:08:07 · answer #4 · answered by Judy 7 · 2 0

I've worked in several toxic workplaces and it sucks. You rarely get the support expected from management.

If your company has an HR person you might talk to them informally about the situation. Running up the management chain usually comes back to bite you. They perceive it as a threat, criticism, or 'trying to be the boss'.

Instead, focus on your side of the situation and what you need to be effective and minimize your stress level. If you have too much work then get your supervisor to give you clear priorities on what needs to get done in the time you have. If you are hourly you should be paid in accordance with the local labor laws.

Communicate to your boss when things aren't going to get done by a deadline. If your workplace allows it document it with e-mail or written memo and include other stakeholders. Stick to the facts, keep it simple and very short.

2007-11-23 12:57:58 · answer #5 · answered by Pixie Stix 2 · 0 0

Your situation is very sticky and reminds me of something I went through 6 months ago. My coworker did the same things and got away with it. We were treated just like you did. No explanations or dismissed with more work when ever we brought her unexplained absence or lateness to my boss. We could never understand why till we looked closer @ the situation...my boss and coworker had became best of friends. It got to the point where any coworker who complained about her absense or work load got fired. We did everything we could to help and got her desk up to date and got fired once my boss realized that all her backed up work was completed. She returned to work shortly after that. The rest of my coworkers also left the the job becuase their work load increase with no OT pay or anything. I say start looking for a new job then speak to your boss again. Let him know that it's unfair to you and you have no problem assisting with the backed up work but theres only so much you can do. And it is unfair especially since you're not getting paid OT.

2007-11-23 13:47:15 · answer #6 · answered by Shanice 1 · 0 0

sweetie you are doing a remarkable job at yours and hers this is why he is blowing you off. you need to start at 9am and stop at 5pm. leave at your departure time on the dot. not a minute before of a minute after. dont come in early anymore dont stay late. and certainly dont work the weekend. you are supposed to get paid OT all hours after 40 hrs. per week. once they see that you mean business and that you are not doing it no longer by yourself they will find someone. ONLY WORK 8HRS a day REGARDLESS of whats left. than if that dont work go to HR than if they dont do anything consult with an employment lawyers because am sure they are breaking laws by not paying you OT. than once the lawyer say you have a case start looking for another job. GodBless

2007-11-25 21:28:48 · answer #7 · answered by Crystal G 5 · 1 0

You need to talk to your boss and tell him/her, that you are doing 2 peoples jobs at the moment and feel that you can not keep this up. He/she needs to find either a temp or somehow resolve this situation since work is left undone and you can not do justice to 2 jobs.

2007-11-23 12:36:31 · answer #8 · answered by petra 5 · 1 0

I would talk to you HR person.

2007-11-23 12:34:24 · answer #9 · answered by Brenda 4 · 1 0

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