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the big bang theory is honestly, retarded and stupid. so many scientists have changed their view because the more they study evolution, the more wrong they find it to be. who honestly believes we evolved from apes? come on people. someone made us, who was here from the beginning of time. who rejects it?

2007-11-23 04:24:11 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

adam- that 98.whatever% is SO unrealistic. whether you made it up to make me sound stupid or got it off of someone unknowelegable, i dont know. but it hasnt been proven. all the comments on here are like "your stupid. duh its been proven." if your going to make a bold statement like that,. or if your going to try to convert me to your beliefs, your gonna hafta do a little BIT better than that. sorry, honey

2007-11-23 04:32:42 · update #1

i honestly LOVE to see all thses little comments on "oh God hasnt ALWAYS been here, someone must have created HIM." but actually God is uncomparable to our puny brains. he made our brains. he knows you more than you even know your self, let alone he knows SOOOO Much more than we could ever know or imagine. God is outside of time. God holds everything in his hand. God is eternity, and eternity is forever. time does not exist with him. its hard for us to comprehend because we are only human. but you see, the problem with us is that our brains are so small and unknowlegable, we cant know everything about time. but isnt it more realistic to say that a CREATOR was outside of time and made us than to say "that little peice of dust is outside of time, has extensive knowldge, and decided to burst one day and create the details of the human body and animals and..."
this just overwhelms me on how STUPID people are sometimes. sorry,

2007-11-23 04:38:05 · update #2

21 answers

What evidence do you have of a divine creation? Our existence? Because that's not good enough evidence.

The only way we could have come from a speck of dirt is by the Creationist theory.

The Big Bang Theory suggests that Matter was created from a massive burst of energy, from which particles formed matter by combining with each other.

You should get your facts straight, and focus on them rather than ancient mythology.

This question is an insulting rant and I've reported it.

2007-11-23 06:11:51 · answer #1 · answered by Maitreya 3 · 2 0

Big Bang is a description of what happened, not an explanation. It's well-supported scientifically.

It's also got nothing to do with Evolution, which describes how life on Earth changed over time after both already existed.

Humans and apes share ancestors in common, that's a different assertion than saying the former evolved from the latter.

I don't know why there's a Universe with people in it, but that doesn't mean I should fall for unevidenced assertions about "who" made it, especially from a person such as yourself who obviously is so ignorant.

2007-11-23 12:34:38 · answer #2 · answered by Hera Sent Me 6 · 3 0

I have to agree with you on the point of scientists changing their views, because every time they dig up some new evidence that does not fit with the theory. Then the theory has to be tweaked, modified or rewritten.
NB the creation truth does not change, it will always fit the evidence.
Can no evolutionist see the enormous gap between humans and animals. Ever seen an animal talk, show emotion, build cities and transport systems or even show signs of conscience?
Oh they might say but our DNA is 98% similar to apes.
Then I could add well add we have 70% similar DNA to a cabbage, so why arn't we all green, standing in rows and rooted to the spot?
Big bang followed by evolution is mans pathetic way of removing God from the scene so that he (man) answers to nobody.
However there is an appointment that we all shall keep, we cannot avoid it, that is at the judgement seat of Christ, where we all shall be judged according to our lives here on earth.

2007-11-23 14:36:20 · answer #3 · answered by Robin.S 3 · 0 2

Doesn't the Genesis story say that God created man from dirt?

If this is apparently too retarded and stupid to believe, then what alternative do you have?

Very, very few people who have actually studied evolution have changed their view and found it to be wrong.

As for the view that human evolved from apes - every piece of physical evidence we have - from our genetic similarities, to comparative morphology that puts our physiology virtually identical to the great apes - right down to the unique cusp morphology of our molars indicates that not only did we come from apes, but we ARE apes.

Do you have ANY evidence to indicate otherwise, other than your own personal preferences as to how things 'ought to be'?


The 98.9% above is actually very low. The number of professional biologists who accept that evolution is a fact is much, much closer to 100%. The number that do not accept the theory is considerably below the margin of error of any sampling method used to measure the phenomenon.


It's not more realistic to say that the Creator is outside time. With absolutely no evidence that such a being exists, it is far more realistic to say that the Creator doesn't exist at all - outside time or not.

2007-11-23 12:33:04 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

It's abit arrogant for you to claim the Big Bang theory is "retarded" considering most of the world's eminent scientists, and even the Vatican, consider it true. Unless you have evidence that outmatches several thousand people who have dedicated their lives to this research, then you're just another crazy uneducated fundie who has probably forgotten his crazy pills.

You know how I know you have absolutely no clue what you're on about. Well, evolution isn't connected to the Big Bang without making rather big interpretations; and it doesn't say anywhere we evolved from apes. Maybe you should listen to scholars in their field rather than the guy who shouts at people on the street corners.

2007-11-23 15:12:18 · answer #5 · answered by Equinox 5 · 0 0

The estimate most favourable to creationists I have seen for the number of scientists who dispute the theory of evolution is 5%. It is more commonly something like 0.15%.

You might care to ponder the fact that Genesis contains two accounts of creation which flatly contradict one another. According to Genesis 1 the animal creation came first, followed by humans. According to Genesis 2 it was precisely the other way round. Do you think that the compilers of Genesis failed to notice that fact? It didn't bother them because they at least knew that what they were reading was not a literally true account of creation.

The theory is that birds, not flies, evolved from dinosaurs.
The chances of proteins against proteins evolving by accident are pretty huge. Even so, the figures on the websites you give seem to be a case of make it up as you go along.

Do creationists believe a hand came down out of the sky to plant the first man and woman on earth, or is that too far fetched even for them?

2007-11-23 12:57:20 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

you obviously do not understand evolution! nowhere in the theory of evolutinon does it say: "we evolved from apes." evolution asys that all living things adapt and evlove to their surrounding. this is undeniably true! so if it is true now, then why wasn't it true in the past? No one has ever said that we evloved from dirt, ever! the big bang theroy has flaws, but it makes an extreme amount of sense. life was created when certain particles (atoms0 bonded in a way that was partainlly oragnic. these particles eventually grew so that they could decompose and to become more efficiant, the evolved into cells. this is all, of course, by chance, they did not "decide" that they wanted to evlove, that is silly! these cells grew and bonded and eventually evoled into us. you do not believe this because your self-esteem couldn't handle it if we weren't always the dominant species on the planet!

It is so unbelievably clear that man created god, not the other way around. before we could understand things like we do now, man needed a way to explain what happens around us and how we came to be. This gave rise to religion. it is my belief that nw that we can explain these things, religion will slowly die out!

2007-11-23 13:17:55 · answer #7 · answered by Narry 3 · 2 0

> the big bang theory is honestly, retarded and stupid.

LOL. Retarded and stupid eh?

> so many scientists have changed their view because
> the more they study evolution, the more wrong they find
> it to be.

First of all. No they haven't. 2nd. What's that got to do
with the Big Bang?

> who honestly believes we evolved from apes?
> come on people.

No one.

2007-11-23 12:50:43 · answer #8 · answered by Alex S 5 · 1 0

Then who created God? I love when Christians argue this because they always say "Well he has always existed." Now, I'm not very educated in the finer workings of the Big Bang Theory, but I know it had a lot to do with different elements and gasses mixing together and compressing to create the Earth (Much like a star is made). Now, if God could always have existed, why couldn't these elements have always existed? Vicious Circles...

2007-11-23 12:30:56 · answer #9 · answered by tb19891989 3 · 3 1

I do not reject the theory of creation, i oppose the idea that a man in the sky created everything and that he has the ability to intervene but allows little children to be raped and severely violated. He furthermore condemns you to an eternity in hell if you don not believe in him and he will damn your children and their children, but he loves you. Sounds like a religion created by a very confused man. A man that suffers from a superiority complex. The Earth created humans and the Earth is our god. The universe is the Earths god because it is from there that the Earth came. Now your place in the order and you will be truly enlightend. Good luck!

2007-11-23 12:32:45 · answer #10 · answered by Natural Order 2 · 1 1

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