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my fundamentalist friend says he did not.
when i show her the bible passages she claims it must
have been just grape juice...becuasei drinking wine is a sin.

2007-11-23 02:44:25 · 28 answers · asked by S i r i 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

28 answers

He made it. He drank it. When He made it the Bible tells us that it was the best wine, better than the first stuff that was drank at the wedding.

Think about it, in Christ's time they had no refrigeration, no pasteurization, no chemical preservatives. 2 days, fresh grape juice is "Lite Wine". 5-14 days it's full-strength. The alcohol in the wine is a natural preservative, saving most of the nutrients and micro-nutrients in the grape, and also fermentation creates some new ones.

Have a glass! And thank God for the wonderful gift.


2007-11-23 10:31:36 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

Sure he did... and if he didn't why would he have made his first miracle turning water into wine and lift the cup of wine to represent his blood just before his crucifixion and tell us remember him that way throughout the ages? So sorry - it wasn't grape juice - the writers say wine.
I am a Christian and this is a big peeve/misunderstanding that is church-initiated not Jesus-initiated. Jesus was fine with wine drinking, almost certainly did himself and obviously thought it was ok (and encouraged it) in his first miracle.
Some people need to get over it and read what the Bible actually says and indicates. It also says in Proverbs no "strong drink" - which is liquor, but I am sure beer and wine are ok. And Proverbs also says all things in moderation - if it causes a problem in your life you should stop it.
Tell your friend she is stretching what is not there to meet her needs and that Jesus drank wine - it's ok.... really. And in moderation it is NOT a sin. He thought dancing was ok too (David), and as Pauls' writings say. Paul also said to not cause another to stumble, don't let anything you do harm another, especially if they are not mature enough to handle it even if you are. (or drink in front of an alcoholic) - I have had a beer a few times with my Pastor on camping trips (Get over it already).
The "new wine" answer below is hilarious (it doesn't say that, she needs to read the Bible account)... "new wine" is a metaphor for new life in Christ (and is not in that passage about the miracle at the wedding)... see what I mean?
This is immature, misdirected Christianity.

2007-11-23 02:52:34 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Ask her to show you exactly where it is stated "drinking wine is a sin". In those words.

Getting drunk, yes. Plenty of places, including a very emphatic passage in Isaiah. But from Biblical times throughout human history (until certain branches of protestantism declared it sinful) wine -- considerably watered-down at times, but still wine -- was what people drank with meals. As a matter of practicality, the alcohol content made it safer to drink than plain water from any but a purely artesian source.

"Must have been grape juice" is an interpretation. Fundamentalists pride themselves on taking the Bible literally, so call her on this one.

2007-11-23 03:07:59 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

It grew to become into actual wine. in all probability dry wine. the explanation why i'm asserting that's simply by fact back then people did no longer drink grape juice purely approximately all drinks had an alcoholic base simply by sanitary situations on the time. keep in mind water can carry fairly some germs and viruses. Alcohol has a tendency to kill out maximum of those. additionally in present day-day Passover Seders wine is favorite over grape juice for one in each and every of those religious motives i'm no longer able to conceive that Jesus could drink grape juice.

2016-09-30 01:08:30 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

The Greek word for wine is oinos , and the Latin vinun. It is, by definition, fermented. This is what Jesus drank, as a Jew, on Passover and at the last Supper. It is what he turned water into at the Wedding in Cana

There was no such thing as "grape juice" before Dr. Welch came up with the formula in the 1800's to keep "grape juice" from turning into wine.

In 1869, Welch discovered a method of pasteurizing grape juice so that fermentation was stopped, and the drink was non-alcoholic. He persuaded local churches to adopt this non-alcoholic "wine" for communion services, calling it "Dr. Welch's Unfermented Wine." His son, Charles E. Welch, also a dentist, promoted the sale and consumption of grape juice and helped found Welch's Grape Juice Company. Thomas Welch also founded a dental products company and began a dentistry journal.

Welch was a Methodist and staunch Prohibitionist, who actively worked to reduce or end the sale of alcoholic beverages in New Jersey and adjacent regions.

He died in Vineland and is buried in the Siloam Cemetery there.

2007-11-23 02:50:20 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 10 0

Yes he did, Matt 11:18,19

If it was a sin just to drink wine why did he turn water into wine which was his first miracle. John 2:3-7.

Only being drunk with wine or any beverage of alcohol is a sin.
1 Cor 6:9,10.

2007-11-23 02:48:27 · answer #6 · answered by ray_clrk 5 · 3 0

Your "fundamentalist" friend is far short of fundamental truths. You are correct, to think Christ drank wine. He didn't get drunk from it. Drinking in moderation is NOT a sin. It's when you drink to get drunk, that makes it a sin.

When people twist scripture to follow their "religion", they worship their religion and not Christ....that is idolatry and devoid of the Holy Spirit (the spirit of truth).

Many that "outlaw" drinking also try to say that Noe didn't drink wine....it was grape juice (they say)....the argument is void of understanding, Noe got drunk (as did Lot and others) from this "grape juice".

Paul and said that we could mingle a little wine with our water. People with your friend's mindset, try to say that was just putting wine in your water to kill germs...they blame it on bad water. Two big problems with that idea:

ONE: wine will NOT purify bad water.

TWO: The Bible gives the reason for drinking a little wine and not water only.....to ease your
infirmities (aches and pains).

Your friends "Church" doesn't have the Spirit of Christ...it has the "leaven (spirit) of the Pharisees". Christ gave them (Pharisees) an answer to the wine question....

(Luke 7:33) For John the Baptist came neither eating bread nor drinking wine; and ye say, He hath a devil.
(Luke 7:34) The Son of man is come eating and drinking; and ye say, Behold a gluttonous man, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners!
(Luke 7:35) But wisdom is justified of all her children.

By the way, "new wine" is NOT free from alchohol..

(Act 2:13) Others mocking said, These men are full of new wine.
(Act 2:14) But Peter, standing up with the eleven, lifted up his voice, and said unto them, Ye men of Judea, and all ye that dwell at Jerusalem, be this known unto you, and hearken to my words:
(Act 2:15) For these are not drunken, as ye suppose, seeing it is but the third hour of the day.

2007-11-23 03:07:22 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Jesus Christ's first miracle is well known to be that of turning the water into wine.

The participants at the wedding party who drank this wine were used to alcoholic wine and found Jesus' wine to be superior in its quality, so much so that they asked the host why he did not bring out this good wine at first. They complained that now they are too drunk to enjoy the good stuff.

I do not recall if Jesus actually drank his own wine at that party. But the bible does specifically state Jesus drank the wine at the last supper.


2007-11-23 02:47:57 · answer #8 · answered by jerrywickey 2 · 2 1

There were several different words used in the original Greek text which all ended up being translated to wine. So it is hard to tell. Given the negative effects of alcoholic beverages, I cannot see Christ drinking much of it.

But then again, I am an atheist.

2007-11-23 02:52:47 · answer #9 · answered by Ultraviolet Oasis 7 · 0 1

So many religious people are ignorant of history. During Biblical times, clean drinkable water wasn't always available and stored water takes on a funny taste but wine doesn't. Jesus drank wine along with lots of other people.

2007-11-23 02:51:53 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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