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This is hell, here, Society is hell. We created it. Society built up this idea that hell, is with this devil, in a fire place, that you serve eternity in, if you sin. They use this to get power. They would tell people if you don't listen, you have sinned and you'll go to hell. The biggest one, I absolutely hate is that if your gay, lesbian, or bi, you're going to hell. That pisses me off so much. We put up this idea of love, love each other, yet you turn around and put hate on those not like you. You're counter-dicting your-selves. Why would he deny his children. We are put on this earth to learn, so we can become higher spirits. And to learn what real love is about. To do so we must go, through regections, losses, etc. Without hate, we would not know what love is about. Without weakness, we would not know what strength is. Without failure, we would not know what succeeding is. so ya i guess you can say there is a hell...its here, no more than the dirt and hate that we created

2007-11-23 02:30:33 · 19 answers · asked by ? 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

No im not lesbian, i have a boyfriend, and love him so deeply. im mad at that issue because i have friends that are gay, lesbian, and bi, and it hurts me to see them get denied and pushed away just because they may not like the opposite sex. i personally dont believe in be attracted to the same sex, but it doesnt mean i deny them either

2007-11-23 03:11:34 · update #1

in addition, when i said, that this is hell, that society created hell, i mean the hate, and the pain. earth is a mixture of happiness and pain. Thats what makes us human.
If there is a hell, then i dont fear it, because as long as my belief is strong, with god and angels, i feel like it cannot take the best of me.

2007-11-23 03:18:37 · update #2

19 answers

Society Hell? Living is a gift. Good question-- Hell -- I wonder how many definitions their are for Hell. I am going to go find out.
Oh and no one puts hell on any one else according to many faiths Hell is earned by one's own behavior. Hell is not waiting for anyone. It is a designation for those that chose evil.
Hell does sound like a fantasy, I agree with you on that but a thousand years ago mankind would never believe in the miracles of today's technology--so just because they do not believe it to be true does that make it false?

2007-11-23 02:46:32 · answer #1 · answered by Ms Blue 5 · 1 0

Okay, calm down please! I am 13 years old and christian, and we don't hate these people! My next door neighbors were lesbian, and they yelled at my dog from across the fence, but I didn't hate them! God loves them too, and he knows we all make mistakes and sometimes do hate people, but he ultimately forgave us all and continues to today. I just want you to know that we're not all like the media portrays us, and we live with these people. Some think we hate divorcees too, but my own family has a lot more of that than the norm, and I would do anything for them! I believe there is a hell, but I also think the world is a lot better a place than the hell I believe in. God made it that way so, as you said, we can learn and grow as people and experience life. I have had really hard times, but the world isn't always as bad as it looks, and there is still pleasure in life. It's just harder to see amongst all the hate, and it's what real christians, not the foaming-at-the-mouth fanatics on Fox News, are trying to ignore through the way we live our lives.

2007-11-23 02:38:49 · answer #2 · answered by mradrz4evr 2 · 2 0

We have all through our harpoons into the white whale and are complaining that it is thrashing around destroying our ship. More harpoons are not the answer. Just ask Capt Ahab!
The nature of hell is attempting to control nature without understanding nature in the first place, Religion and faith are not anti-nature.

2007-11-23 02:38:15 · answer #3 · answered by Real Friend 6 · 0 1

I think hell is in the mind, what you actually design for yourself. Like many people who have no hope, on drugs, alcoholism, etc., they have nothing to live for until they realize they are a part of God and are gods and can develop a better life for themselves.

2007-11-23 02:36:50 · answer #4 · answered by freekin 5 · 0 1

I think that both Heaven and Hell are a state of mind. Meaning they are whatever we want them to be. Basically to me, the version of Hell that Christians created is simply to scare those that aren't Christian into conversion.
Disturbing really.

2007-11-23 02:38:13 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Hell is temporary -- not permanent.

Hell is a therapy -- not an imprisonment.

Hell is a consequence -- not a punishment.

Hell is a washing machine -- not a furnace.

I believe in hell. I think of it more as a refiners fire that purifies not tortures.

2007-11-23 02:46:55 · answer #6 · answered by PROBLEM 7 · 0 1

Hell is real because there is always an option, and the best in this case is hard to get.

2007-11-23 02:35:59 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Your first assessment about Society being a Hell we created has some truth in it, but only because you are unhappy with society and what this world has become and mankind is certainly the cause of misery worldwide.

Your second assessment that people use Hell to get power is not rational since there is no power in telling people about Hell. If Hell existed and people believed it sincerely with all their heart and would not warn people about it that would be the most ignorant thing anyone could do. Why would anyone want someone to live in torment forever if they really cared about them?

Your third comment about gay and lesbian leads me to think you may be in that group and you are offended because of the comments made by people who believe it is sinful to be part of that group and do what they do. You seem very angry about that.

Your assessment of love leads me to believe that if you are part of the lesbian and gay community you mistake sexual intimacy and feelings for love. Love is not feelings based at all but a lifetime commitment with someone whether you feel good about them or not. This is true of friends as well as life mates.

If you were to objectively read the Bible you would find out that sin is part of every human life. That includes stealing, killing, lying, hating others, sexual sins like fornication, adultery, and homosexuality and lesbianism, sado-maschistic, bi-sexual, transexual, beastiality, sex with little children, rape and on and on.

God intended that His children be happy but he put laws in place to keep us from self-destruction. Stealing leads to prison if you get caught, same with murder and kiddie porn.
Lying hurts people and every lie told requires another lie to cover the first one. Adultery has caused broken marriages and murder when a jealous spouse catches their mate with someone else. Fornication, lesbianism, homosexuality, beastiality, transexual relationships, and other sexual outside of God's plan has resulted in rape, murder and disease among other evils including abortion - the murder of innocent babies in their mother's womb.

Hell is reserved for those who will not listen to God when it comes to His warnings against these things and choose to do what they want in spite of His efforts to prevent them from destroying themselves. He made a way of escape for those who will choose it when Christ died to deliver mankind from sin, death and Hell.

In spite of God's generous offer to us multitudes refuse to believe what He says and sign their own death warrant and the devil, who hates them bitterly, fools them into rejecting their greatest gift in favor of sinning and suiting themselves rather than obeying God.

Now some in this room will make their insidious comments because they are blinded by the deceiver mentioned above and will harden themselves against truth. You don't have to follow their example. God wants to heal your hurts and give you a wonderful life free of condemnation and filled with the peace He alone can give.

Everyone must make the choice for themselves whether to believe or not. Our eternal destiny and destination depends on what we choose to believe. I pray you will not harden your heart against the truth and will seek out God for yourself as I did years ago when I was full of hate and attempted suicide as a way out. I am glad I didn't succeed because now I know the truth and live to share it with others.

2007-11-23 02:57:23 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hell is in the spiritual realm, and like spirits, it does not occupy space. Hell is eternal seperation from God, just as heaven is eternal bliss in union with God. If you seperate yourself from God, that is your own doing.

The eternal nature of hell is stressed in the New Testament. For example, in Mark 9:47–48 Jesus warns us, "It is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than with two eyes to be thrown into hell, where the worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched." And in Revelation 14:11, we read: "And the smoke of their torment goes up for ever and ever; and they have no rest, day or night, these worshipers of the beast and its image, and whoever receives the mark of its name."

Hell is not just a theoretical possibility. Jesus warns us that real people go there. He says, "Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is easy, that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard, that leads to life, and those who find it are few" (Matt. 7:13–14).

The Catechism of the Catholic Church states: "The teaching of the Church affirms the existence of hell and its eternity. Immediately after death the souls of those who die in a state of mortal sin descend into hell, where they suffer the punishments of hell, ‘eternal fire.’ The chief punishment of hell is eternal separation from God, in whom alone man can possess the life and happiness for which he was created and for which he longs" (CCC 1035).


2007-11-23 02:33:17 · answer #9 · answered by Swiss Guard 2 · 4 3

If the afterlife is real, I've always thought that there is no need for a place worse than this one.

2007-11-23 02:50:16 · answer #10 · answered by Subconsciousless 7 · 0 1

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