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Okay as a family sometimes we all go to church together...well i am a christian but i don't like going to church and or expressing my beliefs....welll i didn't go to church last sunday cuz of all reasons i didn't want to...well my mom told me that i can't get out of going to church every sunday and so bascilly she will make mee go to church and i have told her i don't like going for all the reasons i have already named...i just wanna know if it is me that is mis-understanding all of this or my mom

2007-11-23 01:03:12 · 27 answers · asked by Hispanic Bratttt 1 in Family & Relationships Family

27 answers

Until you are of legal age, you should respect your parents wishes.

2007-11-23 01:12:14 · answer #1 · answered by mapleguy 7 · 2 1

it sounds like your problem is not church nor your mom, it sounds like your problem is that you are not really commited to your faith. It has been documented that most young people that go to church, wind up leaving it by the time they go to college, and the reason for this, is that when they gave their lives over to the Lord, they really didn't know what they were doing at the time. Your mom, is just following the commandments of the Lord, which is to "train a child in the way they should go, and when he grows old, he won't depart from it". You have to develop an intimacy with the Lord, your mom cannot force it on you, although once you do have children of your own, you will be glad that she did make you, you might not see it now, but the benefits far outweigh the consequences.

2007-11-23 03:21:01 · answer #2 · answered by Eddie 2 · 0 0

Hi Cristina,

I think it could be useful for you to set an appointment with your pastor and have a talk with him. Tell him how you feel... You need to be honest and respect the pastor enough to be fully truthful. Quite possibly you pastor may have a good answer for you. At the least, if your pastor is aware of a problem a prayer chain can be done to help you to sort out where you stand with the Lord in your walk. It sounds like you are muddled and need some clarification. Do you read your bible at home? Do you pray? Do you offer thanks daily to your Lord and Creator for every wonderful blessing? I know you are bored, don't want to go, and say you are shy. This is no reason why you can't keep good friends with the Lord. And in the meantime, let the brothers and sisters of your church pray for you. You are not the first kid to feel this way. Rebellion is a normal state in a young person's mind. The why should I? And you can't make me...

All this is so normal... but it does have deep consequences. Trust me I know. It is so easy to go off the road and lose years of blessings and it is such a hard road to come back. I know for sure than when you hit the lowest rock bottom in life, you never sit in your room and just sit. You turn to prayer. We all do. Non-believers and all. We pray "Oh God, please help me." It is probably the most sincere prayer we ever say.

Your spiritual life is important. Don't just let it slide because you are feeling the usual teen rebellion.

Strive to know yourself as The Lords precious favoured child. Learn to love the Lord with all your heart. It is so worth it. I can guarantee it.

Christian love and greetings to you.


2007-11-23 16:30:24 · answer #3 · answered by Lisa 6 · 0 1

OK, mine is an answer from the heart. I'm a mother who goes to church every Sunday because I like it very much. The thing is, when mi kid was little she used to come to church with me and that made me very happy.
Once she turned 14, she decided that going to church was boring and didn't want to go any more. I know I shouldn't force my believes on her, but it would make me very happy if she could come with me to church!!!
Your parents make a lot of sacrifices in life (some you don't even realize they do) to give you the best of life. You should try doing some of that too. You will find out that making other people happy (specially the ones around you) will make you a very happy human being.

2007-11-23 01:25:43 · answer #4 · answered by Karin H 3 · 1 1

Well, you are exactly like me.
I was all church crazy when I was younger cause my mom forced me to, until one day when the pastor said "If your parents force you to go to church, then don't bother coming".
I was suprised, but I guess it was true.
I wasn't into the 'mood' or the 'holy spirit' thing,
I finally concluded the only reason I'm going to church is because my parents force me to and I'm want to please them.
Now I'm a lazy pig at home all alone on Sunday mornings, enjoying the peace and quiet of home.
But seriously, I know alot of teens at church swearing at every single sentence, making me less sure of why there are such people like that at church.
I mean, it's totally against our belief right?

Well, these are my reasons of not going to church.
1. The teens are foul mouthed.
2. The pastors are not all that cheery.
3. The people there are very social concious.
4. I hate singing and standing up. I hate socialising with all the fakes there (no offense).
5. The people there go to church for church sake. Not for God, but for friends. I mean, going to church is to praise God right? Not yourself.

Well, there are certain churches which a good out there.
All the best.

2007-11-23 01:13:59 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Its a bit weird to not want to go to a group/family happy worship activity, are you maybe embarrassed at your beliefs? Christians have fought so hard for so long for their rights to their free worship, it kind of goes against the whole meaning of being Christian, its not some secret lonely thing practiced in the secret and dark anymore. Part of the believeing is the expressing. You could ask if you could go to church alone, maybe for some of the quieter evening services if your Mom will trust you alone for a few hours. Tell her how shy you are and that its a real and big thing for you, and you hope she can be kind to you about it.

2007-11-23 01:17:59 · answer #6 · answered by Wonderwoman 7 · 0 1

I've had the same problem myself. I don't think you should be forced in going if the only thing coming out of it is you taking up space in the Church. If your heart isn't in it, what's the point? I skipped a few masses and my mom was really hurt. It wasn't such a big deal to me to just go and make her happy, though, so I did. Eventually I got to the point where I really wanted to believe as much as she did, so I keep going now to see if that will help.
If you really feel so strongly against going, try talking to your family again, but do it in a calm mature way or they won't take it seriously.
Good luck!

2007-11-23 01:08:21 · answer #7 · answered by slick_3501 4 · 0 1

If you live on your own, it is your choice, just don't go. But if you live with your parents that is a different situation. In the Bible it says for paretns to take their children to church (not in those exact words). In a parents home what they say goes whether you like it or not. As an adult I understand that now. As a child and teenager I did not. One day you will understand. Hang in there

2007-11-23 01:16:56 · answer #8 · answered by catwoman 3 · 1 1

Well if your christian, your set so, theres no reason why you don't have to go to church every morning as long you know whats right inside of you, you sound like a cool person, so your parents should understand that, if not I wish you the best with dealing your parents. Josh of FL

2007-11-23 01:09:21 · answer #9 · answered by Josh R 3 · 0 2

You're misunderstanding. A true Christian knows that they need to go to church. It's the house of God.

2007-11-23 01:18:32 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

well, parents just want the best for their child according to their own tought and experience. and sometimes opposite to what their child like. if you feels that going to church is something you don't like then of course your mother worried about you coz she may think that you might lost in your life as a result of lack in religious knowledge. but seriously i too think that going to church is a pain in the *** hehe..

2007-11-23 01:11:36 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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