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2007-11-23 00:37:03 · 34 answers · asked by April 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

34 answers

I would like to see the play restored to the way it was ORIGINALLY written.

I think it is ironic that a MINISTER wrote the pledge WITHOUT the words "Under God" and POLITICIANS inserted the words "Under God" into it.

However, I won't lose any sleep over this one, as long as no one is FORCED to say those two words, and as long as no one is FORCED to say the pledge if they don't wish too.

It's not the worth the violence that would break out, if those words were taken out.

However, I don't appreciate it when people use the re-written version of the pledge to "prove" that America is a Christian Nation, or to deny atheists their citizenship, which is what Bush Sr did. He said that he didn't consider atheist to be patriots or citizens, and concluded that statement with "This is one nation under God.

Wilma F -- If we left the pledge exactly how it was written, the words Under God would not be there. The original version did not contain those words, they were edited in later for political purposes.

2007-11-23 00:43:03 · answer #1 · answered by queenthesbian 5 · 6 2

Just trash the whole pledge. All it is ever used for is making school-kids repeat it over and over again each day in an immoral attempt to brainwash them.

If you want people to feel allegiance to a country, it is wrong to try and do it by brainwashing people as kids. If we want people to feel true allegiance to the US then we should make it a country that is WORTH feeling allegiance to.

Unfortunately, with leaders like Bush, this country has become so rotten that only the very most brainwashed, narrow-minded, mentally incompetent morons would be able to feel any pride in it at the moment. As long as the US is full of fundamentalist trash that pushes crap like their god and pledges of allegiance on kids, while at the same time electing corrupt retards to office, this country will continue to go downhill fast.

2007-11-23 00:54:15 · answer #2 · answered by Azure Z 6 · 2 1

I don't care. It's not important to me. I don't see why that's important to anybody. I never said the pledge as a kid but a few times. Even then, it didn't matter. You'd have to be really crazy about the integrity of everything you say and do to care, and nobody is that strict on themselves. Especially when you never have to say the pledge again after High School.

2007-11-23 00:42:19 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Just before, and for a brief time during WW11, schoolchildren, when reciting the pledge of allegiance at the start of the school day, would give the Nazi salute. That was stopped when the powers that were realized that it paid homage to a bloodthirsty monster-Adolf Hitler. The words "under God" in the pledge today pay homage to another bloodthirsty monster, only this one called God, fortunately, is imaginary.

2007-11-23 00:47:45 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 5 2

I am atheist.I really think we have more important issues than a vague reference to a god in the pledge.

Wilma:If you check,you will find that the words "under god" are not "exactly how it was written"

I am more concerned with keeping ID out of schools and educating our children.We handle the BIG STUFF like that,I won't sweat the "under god"in the pledge

2007-11-23 00:47:33 · answer #5 · answered by reporters should die 5 · 4 2

Yes. Restore the pledge to how the original author wrote it:

"I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation indivisible, with liberty and justice for all" (Francis Bellamy, Baptist minister,1892).

'Under God' was added in 1954 in response to a campaign by a Roman Catholic men's organization, the Knights of Columbus.

2007-11-23 00:44:03 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 6 2

Well it wasn't in the pledge originally... The words "under God" were added to the Pledge of Allegiance in the mid 1950's.

2007-11-23 00:39:43 · answer #7 · answered by Christy ☪☮e✡is✝ 5 · 10 3

Yes. It should never have been put there in the first place. After all, there is no god so what are we really saying. One Nation under "some non-existent entity that lives only in the hearts and minds of believers?"

2007-11-23 00:42:50 · answer #8 · answered by Rocko Barbella 4 · 5 2

I can hardly even remember the pledge, have not said it on a regular basis since elementary school.

2007-11-23 00:41:06 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

Who's God?

Thats the point

Who's God, or lack thereof.

No it shouldn't be in there. But I'm not wasting time about it. Its just one of those annoying things that really doesn't amount to much. Except people like to divide their country over this kind of crap when there are a hell of a lot more important things to deal with.

Like our future, and our children's future which we are doing a pizzzz poor job about.




2007-11-23 00:45:42 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 6 2

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