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What makes you so sure?

2007-11-23 00:25:42 · 26 answers · asked by MoPleasure4U 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

26 answers

Faith. God is not science and therefore you cannot prove or disprove His existence. Either you believe or you don't.

(What makes anyone so sure that there is not one God?)

2007-11-23 00:29:03 · answer #1 · answered by nowyouknow 7 · 0 2

All religions are totally of a spiritual matter and based on faith , therefore, either you believe or you don't believe in God, but all believe in something, even atheists.

The Bible states that there is only one true God and the Bible has never been proven wrong.

The Bible also states that God has given each of His children the free will of choice, and those choices have consequences, good and bad.

"It is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of
Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits,
and humbly to implore his protection and favors." -- George Washington (Thanksgiving Proclamation, 3 October 1789) Reference: George Washington: A Collection, W.B. Allen, ed. (543)

"Let the pulpit resound with the doctrine and sentiments of religious liberty. Let us hear of the dignity of man's nature, and the noble rank he holds among the works of God... Let it be known that British liberties are not the grants of princes and parliaments."-- John Adams (Dissertation on the Canon and Feudal Law, 1765)

"It already appears, that there must be in every society of men superiors and inferiors, because God has laid in the constitution
and course of nature the foundations of the distinction."-- John Adams (Thoughts on Government, 1776) Reference: The Works of John Adams, Charles Adams, ed., 427.

"Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition." (II Thess. 2:3)

Make it a great day!

2007-11-23 01:03:31 · answer #2 · answered by Hokiefire 6 · 0 1

If there would had been multiple Gods wouldn't they be busy in disagreeing with each other and this world wouldn't be balanced?
Therefore this world is completly balanced ,the sun rises and sets at time, did you know even a single leaf moves by Almighty Allah's command
First a child is born ,then he turns young then turns old and then dies, if people wouldn't be dying so this world would become conjusted,so conclusion is everything is in equilibrium since there is only one MEGA MIND behind it.

2007-11-23 03:15:08 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Very simple.if there is more than 1 God,it would be a total chaos!The sun would not rise in the East everyday and the seasons would not change by turn.The Quran(scientifically proven) also says that there is only one ruler of the universe.But at the same time its up to your faith whether you believe in God or not.

2007-11-23 01:08:37 · answer #4 · answered by Nudrat 2 · 1 1

Can you see the wind? No. But you can feel it.

Try this: close your eyes and thank God for everything that God gave you, even the smallest thing. You soul will feel much contented, giving you proof that you have communicated with God.

God is one...there is nothing to be sure of.

2007-11-23 00:38:50 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

that creation needs a creator.

comon senses too from the Quran:

42. Say (O Muhammad SAW to these polytheists, pagans, etc.): "If there had been other âliha (gods) along with Him as they assert, then they would certainly have sought out a way to the Lord of the Throne (seeking His Pleasures and to be near to Him).

43. Glorified and High be He! From 'Uluwan Kabîra (the great falsehood) that they say! (i.e.forged statements that there are other gods along with Allâh, but He is Allâh, the One, the Self-Sufficient Master, whom all creatures need. He begets not, nor was He begotten, and there is none comparable or coequal unto Him).

44. The seven heavens and the earth and all that is therein, glorify Him and there is not a thing but glorifies His Praise. But you understand not their glorification. Truly, He is Ever Forbearing, Oft-Forgiving.(surah 17:42:44)

111. And say: "All the praises and thanks be to Allâh, Who has not begotten a son (nor an offspring), and Who has no partner in (His) Dominion, nor He is low to have a Walî (helper, protector or supporter). And magnify Him with all the magnificence, [Allâhu-Akbar (Allâh is the Most Great)]."(surah17:111)

88. And they say: "The Most Beneficent (Allâh) has begotten a son (or offspring or children) [as the Jews say: 'Uzair (Ezra) is the son of Allâh, and the Christians say that He has begotten a son ['Iesa (Christ) <><>], and the pagan Arabs say that He has begotten daughters (angels, etc.)]."

89. Indeed you have brought forth (said) a terrible evil thing.

90. Whereby the heavens are almost torn, and the earth is split asunder, and the mountains fall in ruins,

91. That they ascribe a son (or offspring or children) to the Most Beneficent (Allâh).

92. But it is not suitable for (the Majesty of) the Most Beneficent (Allâh) that He should beget a son (or offspring or children).

93. There is none in the heavens and the earth but comes unto the Most Beneficent (Allâh) as a slave.

94. Verily, He knows each one of them, and has counted them a full counting.

95. And everyone of them will come to Him alone on the Day of Resurrection (without any helper, or protector or defender).

96. Verily, those who believe [in the Oneness of Allâh and in His Messenger (Muhammad SAW)] and work deeds of righteousness, the Most Beneficent (Allâh) will bestow love for them (in the hearts of the believers).

97. So We have made this (the Qur'ân) easy in your own tongue (O Muhammad SAW), only that you may give glad tidings to the Muttaqûn (pious and righteous persons), and warn with it the Ludda (most quarrelsome) people.

98. And how many a generation before them have We destroyed! Can you (O Muhammad SAW) find a single one of them or hear even a whisper of them?(surah 19)

84. Say: "Whose is the earth and whosoever is therein? If you know!"

85. They will say: "It is Allâh's!" Say: "Will you not then remember?"

86. Say: "Who is (the) Lord of the seven heavens, and (the) Lord of the Great Throne?"

87. They will say: "Allâh." Say: "Will you not then fear Allâh (believe in His Oneness, obey Him, believe in the Resurrection and Recompense for each and every good or bad deed)."

88. Say "In Whose Hand is the sovereignty of everything (i.e. treasures of each and everything)? And He protects (all), while against Whom there is no protector, (i.e. if Allâh saves anyone none can punish or harm him, and if Allâh punishes or harms anyone none can save him), if you know."

89. They will say: "(All that belongs) to Allâh." Say: "How then are you deceived and turn away from the truth?"

90. Nay, but We have brought them the truth (Islâmic Monotheism), and verily, they (disbelievers) are liars.

91. No son (or offspring or children) did Allâh beget, nor is there any ilâh (god) along with Him; (if there had been many gods), behold, each god would have taken away what he had created, and some would have tried to overcome others! Glorified be Allâh above all that they attribute to Him!

92. All-Knower of the unseen and the seen! Exalted be He over all that they associate as partners to Him! (surah 23)

27. And indeed We have put forth for men, in this Qur'ân every kind of similitude in order that they may remember.

28. An Arabic Qur'ân, without any crookedness (therein) in order that they may avoid all evil which Allâh has ordered them to avoid, fear Him and keep their duty to Him.

29. Allâh puts forth a similitude: a (slave) man belonging to many partners (like those who worship others along with Allâh) disputing with one another, and a (slave) man belonging entirely to one master, (like those who worship Allâh Alone). Are those two equal in comparison? All the praises and thanks be to Allâh! But most of them know not. (surah 39)

and yea iam soo sure

2007-11-23 00:32:15 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

There is no god at all. No allah, no christian god, no krishna... I could go on and on for hours. There have been SO many gods invented by man and EVERY follower of EVERY religion has been utterly convinced of it's veracity. Yet none of them are real.
That's funny in a pathetic kind of way when you think about it...

2007-11-23 00:31:45 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

If there were 2 Gods they would be fighting!!!! or taking credit for each others work. Then fighting over that. God's don't like competition. Big egos. So there must only be one. Merry Christmas

2007-11-23 00:29:49 · answer #8 · answered by sliverofmoon2000 2 · 0 1

Very simple has u ever seen any country having two presidents or primeministers. If it is not possible and never will be possible than how it is possible that all this universe is functioning so smoothly and without friction with any creator with devided authority. So dear ALLAH(THE GOD) is one.

2007-11-23 00:35:10 · answer #9 · answered by Islam=Peace 3 · 1 0

Chuck Norris.

2007-11-23 00:29:59 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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