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2007-11-23 00:09:19 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Law Enforcement & Police

17 answers

by force,taxes!

2007-11-23 00:12:07 · answer #1 · answered by mr. y 5 · 0 0

The majority of them I do but I also like to see the bad ones pay for breaking the laws and confidence of the people. Just because a few do things wrong doesn't mean they are all bad.

And don't forget they are human just like you. They have the same problems at home, the same emotions to deal with every day and on top of that they have to deal with irresponsbile criminals who don't want to obey them.
Have you seen an officer cry because they found a dead child who had been abused by their parents or someone else?
Have you seen the anguish on their face when they had to shoot someone who was trying to kill them or someone else?
I have, many times. They hurt because of the criminals who disrupt the lives of the innocent all the time.

And think about all of them who have sacrificed their lives for you and others to have a safer life.


I lost alot of friends when I worked at a large PD in OH because of those who couldn't be respectful and obey the laws.

One guy died in his burning cruiser while 2 from the Sheriff's department stood by in horror, watching a comrade die because they couldn't get to him and save him. Check out Sgt Marc Muncy's post at the Columbus, OH PD and read the comments that have been posted. They are mostly by his wife as she shares on the site how their 6 month old son and two year old daughter have had to grow up without their dad.

Yes, I support most of them and their job is far more dangerous than any fisherman !!! What an insulting comment. The fisherman doesn't have to worry about someone shooting them through the eye and killing them 6 months after they married (Chris Clites) or a robber gunning them down when they are trying to guard a bank (Bryan Hurst) or being hit head on while in their cruiser.... "on purpose" ....by a criminal fleeing from the police (Roger Brown and Michael Smith) or an officer who is writing a ticket and has the speeder grab his gun and shoot him (Gordon Joseph Rich).

Joe didn't know they had just robbed a place so when he stopped them for a traffic infraction on the freeway, the guy shot him and then fled with the other scum and tried to hide out.... thankfully they were caught and taken off the streets.

We all have a choice. We can either support the police where the majority are trying to keep us safe or we can support the criminal who doesn't give squat who he kills or hurts or how many. Just because a few officers do something wrong doesn't mean we should turn our backs on those who are good.

2007-11-23 09:54:46 · answer #2 · answered by KittyKat 6 · 0 1

Yes definitely i support the police. Society has a tendency of promoted the negative in police.

2007-11-23 14:58:50 · answer #3 · answered by Lawman 2 · 1 0

I want to think that there are good men and women in the police force. Its a shame that greed, power trips, and politicians get into the way of good decesions.

Recently my friend was pulled over and arrested for small amount of mariquana. He had $500.00 on him his phone, MOVADO WATCH, and a few other personal items. He now is going to classes, probation, calling the dope line everyday and of course paying all fees, fines etc...When it came time to get his items from the property room everything was there except the $500. and Movado watch. Now where did it go? I don't think that money was put into some trust for a good cause. Most likely it was put into the officers pocket.

What percentage of police officers really care about the good of the community. What percentage really care about the money and getting another star or medal on there uniform.

Its seems there are these cases of unsolved murder cases of "drug deals gone bad." I guess if you die around around drugs you are not a human being with a family. Who cares that a 17 year old girl dies. She didnt have anyone who loved her? Thats why her 34 year old boyfriend still walks free and her death certificate reads UNDETERMINED. I dont think Mr. Obvious that a 17 year old girl getting ready to recieve $200,000. at age 18 is going to kill herself. So what happened. No one seems to care. Just another drug deal gone bad. I dont think drug addicts or people who die around drugs wake up one day and say," Gee I am going to grow up and be doper."

Hamilton Avenue murders in Indianapolis is another example of a possible bad cop sitituation. You have a police officer upset at that the neighbor who got his girlfriend. Officer has history of robbing drug dealers by having his friend set deals up and cop comes along and takes there dope but doesnt take them to jail. Well the neighbor guy with the police buddy tells the whole block that the mother has just cashed a $30,000. check. Makes sure some real undesireables hear about. That night 2 men go in and murder 4 CHILDREN, 3 ADULTS, thats 7 total.

I hope that I have made my point. I guess it like everything. There is always one bad apple that makes it bad for the whole bunch. Just how many bad apples are out there that we dont even know about.

2007-11-23 08:56:26 · answer #4 · answered by malloryknock 2 · 0 2

Of course!!!! They are mostly good people who'd be willing to put themselves in harms way for me if I were in trouble. A few bad apples don't spoil the whole bunch dude! Where are the clips of the thousands of good honest cops in this country and all the brave and good stuff they've done? Did someone forget to film that?

2007-11-23 08:18:50 · answer #5 · answered by saturdays child 4 · 5 0

Only a lawbreaking turd would have a reason not to support the police. It's easier to blame cops than it is to accept responsibility for what you've done.

2007-11-23 08:17:56 · answer #6 · answered by "That One" 5 · 4 0

We all support them through our taxes.
That doesn't give them the right to treat citizens like dogs. They need to stop tasering citizens. People can die from falling from a standing position and hitting their heads on the pavement.
I notice in videos cops never try to stop their fall.
Cops also need to stop screaming at citizens. Citizens have every right to ask why they are being stopped and even why they are being arrested.
I also have seen videos where cops are standing around joking about someone being tasered. Are they getting some kind of sick rush out of hurting people?

2007-11-23 09:16:02 · answer #7 · answered by sister_godzilla 6 · 1 2

There is good and bad in every segment of society. We're all human and all subject to our built in imperfections.

Police officers are not, as a rule, corrupt or abusers of their authority. Besides that, they are the first line of protection between society and criminals.

2007-11-23 08:12:24 · answer #8 · answered by sincityq 5 · 1 0

I support the idea of policing and the need for it. However, I do not support individuals dressed as police just because they wear a uniform. I do not support the court system, the parole and probation system, and all lawyers ought to serve time whith their clients.

2007-11-23 08:46:07 · answer #9 · answered by rico3151 6 · 0 3

i support them all the way, i even where a t-shirt to my local boozer, the kings head, A.K.A the slit throat, because its so rough, apparently, i even have the police number stored on my phone under speed dial number 2, and also i can say the name and my phone calls them i have them stored under HELLLLLLPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,

yes the police and me are like 2 peas in a pod

i am constantly wearing a wire, and helping the police in there matters,

2007-11-23 08:15:55 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

No. It is a service that I pay for, that is where it ends.

Being a cop is NOT the most dangerous job on earth. That goes to swordfish and lobster fishermen, who can't call for backups when things get rough.

Who do I call in an emergency? The cops, of course. I already pay for it. It does not empower them to abuse their authority, though.

So I claim my constitutional right to videotape a dubious interaction with a cop, and file a citizen's complaint when I did not get the public service I pay for, to standards of respect and decency.

2007-11-23 08:50:16 · answer #11 · answered by TURANDOT 6 · 1 3

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