That is a good question and it deserves a good logical rational answer... but also it depends on whether you REALLY want the answer. Many people ask this question not because they want the answer but because in there heart of heart they are looking for reasons to continue to run away from a God that they ALREADY KNOW exist.
Now I tell you with much much love (agape love) and respect, that you know with in your self that Gods exist. The question is not which one exist.. its which one are you willing to trust your life too.
Let me dive further :o)
God is a God of love, beauty, he is transcendants above his creation, all powerful all knowing, he is also a God of peace, and at the same time he is just and moral and this is the Christian God
Now I say you already know this, not by looking in the bible, but you know this simply by looking within your self and the world around you.
How is this true?
You said you don't want anyone to say "because the bible or the church pastor says this, that....or the other"...well how about if we use science (a systemized knowledge derived from observation and study) and anthropology (the study of the characteristics of human beings) to show you that the Christian God meets all of the articles I stated above.
What is one of the scientific principles involved in the scientific method (a body of techniques for investigating phenomena, acquiring new knowledge, or correcting and integrating previous knowledge. It is based on gathering observable, empirical and measurable evidence subject to specific principles of reasoning).....
One of the principles of the scientific method is anything created is always a derivative of its creator but not an exactant or in emperical or meta physical equality with its creator. (in laymens terms a bird cannot create and be a bird at the same time and all in the same relationship). A bird can produce (pro-create a bird) but a bird cannot be and create it self at the same time. Something has to trancend above a bird in order to create a bird.)
Now this principal applies to ALL created things. Science through the scientific method has ages ago proven that humans are NOT self created. Something has to had transcend above and beyond a human in order to create a human.
I say that something is the Christian God.
Let me continue along the lines of science and anthropolgy and I am still not quoting one scripture or church sermon :).
When you look at what has been created and then look within the human psyche you see the Christian God.
How do I mean?
We know that we are created (that mean we have the attribute of creaturliness) and we know that we are not self created and according to the laws of the scientific method, our Creator (I say the Christian God) transcends us. Hence the Christian God is trancendant above his creation (1 article).
When we look within ourselves we see that we love thefefore our Creator knows of love (hence we are not self created). The Christian God is a God of love (2 article)
We look still further in ourself we see that we recognize a sense of (a )right and (a) wrong (although all societies are not in agreement on what it considers right and wrong) nevertheless all human beings unless they are victims of psycholgical abnormalities) recognize some since of (a)right and (a)wrong.
What does it mean to have a since of right and wrong? Its a recognition that there is such a thing as law ( rules of established conduct by an authority). We know that we are not self created we have a since of law (right and wrong) created in us; what is one of the first things that students of judicial law are taught?
"if there is a law then there MUST BE a law giver" If humanity recognizes a uniform law (all humans has a since of (a)right and (a)wrong) then there must be a ultimate law giver, hence the Christian God is moral (3 article).
We look further still within ourself and then out beyond our self and we recognize human beauty and beauty in nature, therefore our Creator knows of of beauty. The Christian God is beauty.
We can thank Albert Eisteins Theory of General Relativity, when in 1916 the scientific community discovered that the ENTIRE UNIVERSE IS NOT ETERNAL but it has a definate beginning. This discovery was definately reconfirmed in 1927 by Edwin Hubble (name sake of the Hubble telescope) that the universe is expanding from a single point of singularity from a distant past, thus the universe is a part of the CREATED ORDER and has a beginning. Looking back at the principal of the scientific method (Anything created is always a derivative of its creator but not an exactant or in equality with its creator.) we now have to submit to yet a another scientific principal which is the Law of Causality,(the fundamental principal of science) EVERYTHING that has a beginning has a definate cause. If we can quote (not the bible) but the father of modern science Francis Bacon "science is a search for cause",
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth Genesis 1:1 (I had to throw that in lol). God is all powerful (4 article).
Also this dispell anyone who says the universe or nature is God ....GONG wrong answer science says it isnt. coincidentally so does the bible. Evolutionist call that point of singularity "the big bang" but once again science disproves the RELIGION of evolution thanks to Newton's First Law of Motion and the Law of Inertia "anything at a state of rest will remain at rest unless and or until acted upon by an OUTSIDE motion" so the question now is "who casued the Bang or who moved? I say the Christian God.
Lets pause and see who else says the Christian God
After more than two centuries of facing the heaviest scientific guns that could be brought to bear, the Bible has survived —and is perhaps the better for the siege. Even on the critics' own terms—historical fact—the Scriptures seem more acceptable now than they did when the rationalists began the attack. (source) TIME Magazine Monday December 30, 1974 "The Bible:The Believers Gain.
WOW that was written over 30 years ago... how much more evidence with the advancement of science have been uncovered that support the Bible since 30 years ago?
Lets continue cause you said you want a good answer.
What is the definition of the universe?
its defined as the summation of all particles and energy that exist and the space-time in which all events occur. Based on observations of the universe, physicists attempt to describe the whole of space and time, including all matter and energy and events which occur, as a single system. (source) any of the thousands of scientific encyclopias out there---just take your pick they all say the same thing :o)
This mean that everything that exist in the realm of space and time is apart of the universe, the universe is created meaning it has a creator, hence the Christian God is all knowing, (5 article)
How is the Christian God all knowing? well lets use the scientific principle of deduction. Past-present-and future is apart of time, which is apart of the universe which is created which according to science MUST have a trancendant creator. I think you can figure it out from here :o)
We look still with in society, and we see that humanity which is created by a creator, has a Law, a penial system, judges and lawyers when we are violated we demand justice, Where did that come from? if we recognize justice thefefore the Creator knows of justice, hence the Christian God is just (6 article) although our justice apart from God is flawed. But nevertheless we creatures recognize the principle of justice.
I say that the Christian God is as real as this computer screen you are looking at right now based on the same principles and reasoning that a majority of humnity will live and die for.
What do I mean by that?
Well what normal mother will not give her life for her child? Why is that? Its because that mother loves that child. Well how do we know that, that mother loves that child, we cant see touch feel, smell or hear love.
No we cant be we know that love is Real by the results and actions that love produce and cause.
Just like we cant see, touch, feel, hear, smell touch hate, but we know that hate is real by what hate produces and cause. We cant see touch feel hear or taste passion but we know that passion is real by what passion produces and cause. We cant see touch feel smell hear energy but we know that energy is real by what energy CREATES and CAUSE. And by the way the forumula E=Msquared is not the essense of energy. We cant see touch feel smell hear gravity but if we jump out a air plane we will definately have a parachute because this thing that we cant see touch feel smell or hear is undoubtedly REAL. We cant see touch feel smell hear the mind but we know the mind is real that same mind that uses your brain to process the information you are reading right now in Yahoo answers.
We cant see touch feel smell hear God, does that mean he is not real. Not at all because we can know of him by what he has created and caused. I say that is the Christian God.
Now the ball is back in your corner becuasue God is transcendant above his creation but he has revealed him self through special revelation and that is the bible. There is even more scientific, historical, biological, archeological, prophetic evidence that exist that validates the Christian bible as an authentic historical reliable book.
The question is do you really want to discover what you are ready know to be true.
When a person by a car they assess all the information for its reliablity before they make a decision to trust (have faith in) that vehicle that they are about to invest in. Well this also applies with the bible or any religion becuase at a certain point of time, after all of the data has been studied and analyzed then one has to cross into the realm of faith. THATS APPLIES TO ALL RELIGIONS INCLUDING THE FAITH THAT IS REQUIRED TO HAVE NO RELGION even that requires faith. The question then becomes who or what are you going to put your faith in, and is it authentic and reliable. No one wants to put there faith in something that is a Fraud and a phony.
After more than two centuries of facing the heaviest scientific guns that could be brought to bear, the Bible has survived —and is perhaps the better for the siege. Even on the critics' own terms—historical fact—the Scriptures seem more acceptable now than they did when the rationalists began the attack. (source) TIME Magazine Monday December 30, 1974 "The Bible:The Believers Gain
John 14:6 Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me
You dont want the bible or the church pastor: Try these scholary sources.
"I dont have enough faith to be an Athiest" Dr Norman L Geisler & Frank Turek
"The Case for the Real Jesus" Lee Strobel
"From God to Us, how we got our Bible"
"Icons of Evolution: Science or Myth Why most of what we teach about evolution is wrong"
"Darwins Black box the biochemical challenge to evolution"
"The Historical Jesus" and "The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus" Gary Habermas
" A History of the Christian Church 4th ed"
"Bakers Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics" (for non-Chrisitan historical eyewitness evidence of the bible)
International Varsity Press "The Historical Reliability of the Bible"
This is just the beginning of a list of sources 1000s upon 1000s that proves the validaty of the bible. Many people are unknowingly jaded and as the late Malcolm X has said "bamboozalded" despite the hype and the media the non-biblical scientific, historical, cosomological, archeological sources set the bible on a plain that NO OTHER RELIGION can even begin to think about comparing it self to is mind boggling. From the beginning of the scientific enterprise, not once has even an ounce or shred of evidence that has been discovered uncovered or investigated has ever contradicted the bible but infact it validates supports and strengthens the bible. NO OTHER religion can TRUTHFULLY make this claim.
So the question is why does so many people not believe?
The answer is because it has NEVER BEEN an issue of information, it is always and issue of the heart. No matter how much evidence you present a person, if they donot WANT to believe they WILL NOT believe.
Now I must quote the bible
Romans 1:18-26 The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who SUPPRESS THE TRUTH (theres a difference between lack of knowledge and supression of knowledge) by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is PLAIN to them, because God has MADE IT PLAIN to them. For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been CLEARLY SEEN, BEING UNDERSTOOD FROM WHAT HAS BEEN MADE, so that men are WITHOUT EXCUSE.
For although THEY KNEW God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for idols.
Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.
John 14:6 Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life, No one comes to the Father except through me.
2007-11-22 10:58:30
answer #1
answered by KATHY D 1
Though there are many different religions which many differ from each other on small things. However, whichever is the religion they all beleive that there is a Supreme Being and is called God. There is an English saying that goes' every road
leads to Rome', and so it is with the religions. Whatever they think what God is, at the end it is the same God.
So there will remain the debate of which is the real or not how you call it. Whatever religion you have, if you live up to
your conscience and do what is good, especially loving your neighbour in his needs you will surely be doing God's way.
You want to know if there is a God, just look at yourself and see the wonderful things you have in yourself, the senses of sight, hearing, smell, touching and how your body works. Isn't that enough to admit that there is a Supreme Being who created this. Don't tell me that they just happened. Just take a nerve of your body, does science with all its wonders is able to make one. Not even just an egg. If that is not enough look at the nature around you, the trees, flowers, animals, insects even to the smallest one, the fish with all their variety which only you can't even think of. And speaking of thinking have you never thought or read about your brain and mind which we
just make use of a small part of it? Think and look around you and also find quiet places where you can think, and let this God touches your heart to at least beleive that there is a loving God, for above all God is LOVE.
2007-11-22 07:32:09
answer #2
answered by domenic x 5
What makes me believe that The God of the Bible is the real and only God ? Prophecy: The Old Testament was written before Jesus was ever born. The New Testament was written by the men who knew Jesus, who walked with Him, ate with Him, and learned from Him. In the O.T. there are prophecies concerning His birthplace (Micah 5:1-2), that He would be born of a virgin (Isaiah 7:14), that He would be rejected by His own people (Isaiah 53:3), that He would be betrayed by a close friend (Isaiah 41:9), that He would die by having His hands and feet pierced (Psalm 22:16-18), and that He would rise from the dead (Psalm 16:10, 49:15). In the N.T. all these prophecies, and many more, are fulfilled by Jesus. Now, this is the question you must answer: "If the Bible is not inspired from God, then why does it have so many fulfilled prophecies?" How is that possible if the Bible were not from God? Only God knows the future, has power over it, and can look into it to tell us exactly what will happen. In the Bible we have the fingerprints of God: fulfilled prophecy! Wisdom: The Bible is full of the greatest truths about man and God, sin, and salvation. The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5) is beautiful in its wisdom, humility, and love. The Psalms are incredible poetry of great depth and beauty. The N.T. epistles are great descriptions of love, forgiveness, longsuffering, kindness, etc. (Even if you don't want to become a Christian, studying the truth God has revealed in the Bible will greatly help you in your life.) The aim is not to merely get the person to use the Bible as a guide to good living, but to encourage him to read it. This way, he will at least be reading the Word of God, and be that much closer to conversion, because God's Word will accomplish what He wants it to (Isaiah 55:11).
2016-05-25 00:58:36
answer #3
answered by ? 3
I love switches answer
"It takes a certain amount of maturity and wisdom for someone to truly be religious. Something atheists do not have; they see only the small picture and never venture outside the box. They are denying themselves of any pleasure once dead. If you were a perfectly happy atheist here on earth, and you found out after you died that you did not believe His word, and you did not live up to His expectations, and therefore you would not be granted passage into His kingdom. You would be really angry with yourself. Full of regret. How ignorant (atheists) does one have to be to risk burning for all eternity, just so they can have an easier life here on earth?"
(Switch, Athiests don't have to worry about burning in hell because we know that our lives are finite and being a good person is good enough)
So funny and so mature.
Realistically, think of it this way
Either there is a god or there isn't
If there isn't, then there's your answer
If there is, either he's watching us or he's not
If he's not, then no problem, he doesn't want your attention.
If he's watching us, then either he cares about us or he doesn't.
If he doesn't, then there's no problem, he doesn't care about you.
If he does care about you, he either wants you to care about him or he doesn't.
if he doesn't, no problem, you are meeting his expectations.
If he does, then he should prove, once and for all of his existance instead of the manmade dogma that is presented, often by naive, blindly following parents and presidents.
The fact is, if there was even a microbe of evidence that there was a god, everyone would believe in the same thing.
If you were god and you cared about us and you wanted us to care about you, wouldn't you do something so concrete that it couldn't be anything else but you????
The truth is that in the 2000+ years since man invented the christian god, nothing have ever been presented that even remotely suggests it was an inspired creation.
You even have really rich people offering millions of dollars for proof of a god's existance and you know what, the bounty still hasn't been claimed.
Teaching religion is like teaching hate, it's addictive and very often passed down through the generation without a reasonable reason to do so.
2007-11-22 07:16:21
answer #4
answered by brettj666 7
The fact that there are many doctrines, many religions and many gods shows that no gods exist. And, the fact that these doctrines, over time, adapt to the changing cultures once again shows that no god exists. If there was a reigning god, it would have one doctrine, one religion. And all people would believe the same thing.
To Switch - you are an idiot. Being an atheist means being outside the box, to be a freethinker and to believe in something that isn't held by the mainstream. You pose the flawed argument of Pascal's Wager. How do you know that the god you believe in is the right one? Maybe you're wasting your time believing in a god that is false and you will be judged by that and..well.. I'll see you in hell, too. Huh?
Just a thought.
2007-11-22 07:17:24
answer #5
answered by umwut? 6
The fact that there are many doctrines, many religions and many gods shows that no gods exist. And, the fact that these doctrines, over time, adapt to the changing cultures once again shows that no god exists. If there was a reigning god, it would have one doctrine, one religion. And all people would believe the same thing.
2007-11-22 13:47:37
answer #6
answered by ? 2
I believe that all deities exist because those who believe in them give them the power to exist. Every god and goddess ever heard of in history does indeed exist. I personally do not worship them all but I do acknowledge the validity of each and everyone one of them, even if it is sometimes a reluctant acknowledgment.
One of the fundamental principals of magick is that if you concentrate on something you give power to it. We create with our minds all the time weather we realize it or not. I believe it is the same with deities. When you give your energy to a certain god or goddess then it is real, at the very least it is real for you. This entity can then influence your consciousness on its own whenever you tap into that energy.
2007-11-22 07:11:32
answer #7
answered by Khimaera 3
your question is an entirely subjective one....I am a Catholic, and I will cite my upbringing, my own study of the Bible, and my own personal life experience as reasons why I believe in God (in the Judeo-Christian sense). My life experience has also caused me to believe however that I have no way of "poving" to you that my God exists.... in short, there is no way I can answer your question, but that will not stop me from believing in my God.... you might as well be asking "How do you know when you love someone?" Everyone on earth has a different answer to that question and none of them would be wrong.
2007-11-22 07:09:07
answer #8
answered by Jon C 2
well thats just the thing, you can never really know and when ask this kind of question its almost impossible to tell. but for me, i believe in god, or otherwise known as Allah, the most merciful and kind, the one and only, which nothing can replace or imitate. you just need your faith, whats within. that might sound corny, but its true. God is that voice in your mind thats always trying to tell you the right thing to do, to seperate the wrong, the one you look to when all hope is lost. He is not a material thing you can see in that kind of existing way, but is invisible to the eye. I could refuse to believe anything is Islam, but I don't. In my heart, I know its all true and thats all I need. You can just tell when something is right, and thats how i know God is real. But this is something you need to find from experience in real life. thats all i have to say.
2007-11-22 07:11:58
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Explain our existence, and dont say because science says so and other crap. Then you will have your answer.
Why do you think that just because there are many religions, there are many Gods. Can they not all worship the same God, just with different names?
2007-11-22 07:05:44
answer #10
answered by TNguy 6
there is something bigger, but it's too profound for our human minds to fathom. That is why every culture made up a religion, to try and explain it.
It's like your dog. Your dog doesn't understand what's outside the house. He knows there is stuff outside, but even if you told him that those lights in the sky are other planets and suns...he couldn't possibly understand. It's the same with us. We are not capable of understanding the complexity of what we call God.
2007-11-22 07:07:16
answer #11
answered by Mr.Jim Lahey 4