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Why do sOme Abortion protesters and sOme pro life Extremists, seem to miss the big picture.What I mean is that after the baby is born they don't seem to care what happens to them after they are Born, suffering and in foster Care.


I work in Social Service, and have never seen a pro life protester adopt or protest to promote to adopt an Orphan baby that really needs care and love .

Why are they only picketing outside a clinic and harassing people ....what a waste of their energy.Why not do something more productive like help the children that are already here on this Earth....What is the real reason for abortion protesters to protest and picket, when they can be way more productive and protest to save babies that are already here.....Or for that matter Innocent Endangered animals that are on the brink of Extinction.MAKES NO SENSE TO ME!

Is it true that Pro life Extremist and abortion protesters are in it for an extra brownie point from God when the meet their maker

2007-11-21 12:07:20 · 24 answers · asked by Mira 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

24 answers

This is one of my big peeves with the pro-life movement. They (most) want to force the woman to have the child, but then they do nothing once the child is born. If you're pro-life and you don't adopt, provide foster care or volunteer in a children's shelter you're a giant hypocrite.

I've known plenty of pro-lifers and I've always asked, "How many children have you adopted? Are you a foster parent? Do you work in a shelter?" and with one exception they've all answered no. The one woman I ever met who was truly pro-LIFE was amazing. She had adopted 2 children and volunteered at a children's shelter. She was the only one who wasn't full of crap.

Obviously this is not true of all pro-life organizations. There's a great group called Birthright in my hometown which provides medical services for pregnant women and clothes after the child is born and will help arrange an adoption if that's what the mother wants... but this isn't all that common.

The way to save babies is to provide safe, caring and loving homes for them... the flip side of the coin is that a good many pro-lifers (not all, but a fair amount) are crazy religious nut jobs and do we really want these people adopting and raising children?

But I agree totally, most pro-lifers are actually PRO-BIRTH, not pro-life. If they were pro-life they would be helping those unwanted babies throughout their childhood's, not dumping them once they took their first breath.

And Deshon, how many unwanted babies have you adopted? Do you volunteer at children's shelters? Should women be allowed to have abortions in the case of rape or incest? You're making some pretty black and white statements...

And will someone smack the person who said, "an unborn baby is a living breathing thing" upside the head with the stupid stick? It doesn't have a heart for the first several weeks, it does not "breath" until it is born. I don't support abortion after 3 months, but before that it's just a clump of diving cells.

And besides, their religion says "Judge not lest ye be judged" and "Let he who is sinless cast the first stone", so what right do they have to judge others or make decisions that affect other people's lives?

2007-11-21 13:02:44 · answer #1 · answered by Rachel B 5 · 5 4

You bring up some good points, but no, they do not do it for extra points (or at least most of them do not). The reason is life, the people who have a bad life and stuff still have it and it can be fixed by people who care about the matter (which there should be a lot more) so in a sense, there should be more emphasis on fixing the people's lives that are here, as you pointed out. However, abortion kills the baby giving them no chance at life at all. In other words it's murder. I know it may be a harsh word to use, but it's taking the life of another human being. They have no choice whatsoever about living or dying, they are just killed. If they were not aborted, then they would maybe have a cruddy life in foster care, the other people could come in and fix that. While it may seem harsh, at least they still have that chance to live.

2007-11-21 12:13:25 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 3 4

Doesn't even sound like you believe in God.Many people want to adopt and if our social workers did a better job of checking the foster parents out, children would not have to suffer. It is wrong to kill a living being.Even an unborn baby is a living breathing human being.Talk to some of your protesters, you will find that they do try to help the kids that are already born also. Lots of us also work to help endangered species. We care about making this earth a better place. That's why we are trying to get people to realize that they are murdering babies with each abortion.

2007-11-21 12:20:23 · answer #3 · answered by Ava 5 · 5 3

I agree that it makes sense to try to do something productive instead of just yelling at people, and that sometimes people get a little carried away with the latter at the expense of the former. However, I think it is unfair to accuse them of doing nothing at all to help babies after they are born. For instance, the church down the street sponsors a small group home for single teen moms and their kids to help the mothers get through school and learn parenting skills in a safe, child-friendly environment. They also happen to have a lot of members who oppose elective abortions.

I think they might argue that...
-Unborn babies are "already here on earth."
-In North America, there are many nice families on waiting lists to adopt babies.
-Having a difficult home life is better than never being given a chance to live.

2007-11-21 12:21:37 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

So right you are.

Some women just aren't ready to have kids, and unfortunately bringing babies into this world isn't doing anyone any favors. It's a bad choice for mom, baby and society. There are too many unwanted children. Before anyone jumps down my throat about adoption....think about all the babies addicted to drugs, have disabilities or of different races which don't mesh well with the look of their ideal family mold that they've created- which wind up never getting adopted, bopping from foster home to foster home.

All you need to do is read the introduction to "Freakonomics" and you'll understand what I'm talking about.

2007-11-21 12:14:34 · answer #5 · answered by Kirby 6 · 3 3

When I discourage abortion, I am in no way counting on the "brownie points" from God. What an odd theory....

I come from a long line of adopted family members, so I guess I don't see what it is that you see. I know LOTS of people that don't agree with abortion and also adopt babies that are "already here on this Earth." So..... Perhaps I am part of that small group of people that are against abortion AND adopt babies that came from unplanned pregnancies.

Why do you throw endangered animals in there as well? What an extremely odd, jumbled up, mixture of beliefs you portrayed in one question.

2007-11-21 12:16:12 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 6 4

me being a pro lifer on the front line i know for fact me to ask to adopt in fact on of my good friends adopt ten kids and have 5 of there and when i side walk cunles we give the adoption info and and make sure to promote it and all i more a about spreading to world of Chasity because if every one would wait to sex tell marriage or until they no they ready to have kids it will abortion did u one out of three baby Bron is aborted that's in the us alone and it 1 and ten kid that get put up forr adoption so there fo r the killing of baby more and all if u count for every baby aborted since 1973 there would be people out to to adopt the ones that are hanging at less that get to breath and have chance at life may to be a good life it is still all so not i not doing it to get to heaven i would galdy burn in hell if u was the cost to save a life o and yes a baby heart starts beating 24 days after conception and most abortion happen after 7 weeks so the baby all ready have a heart beat fingers and two

2007-11-21 12:25:34 · answer #7 · answered by kristen t 1 · 4 3

When I was in the Army years ago I volunteered once cause I was bored. I ended up driving a dump truck for the next month. Never again.

2016-05-24 23:11:19 · answer #8 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Well, I'm pro-life, but I've never protested. I think the main thing is to make sure that the child survives before figuring out what to do with them. So number one: make sure the child lives. And I would hope that you don't have to "protest" to get children adopted. And no, pro lifers are not in it for "brownie points" from God. At least the majority aren't. Even if I had no religion, I would still know that it was wrong to kill innocent human beings. It's a morality issue.

2007-11-21 12:16:36 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 5 7

I shouldn't try to explain the motives of anti abortion activists, because I support unconditional abortion on demand.

But, to understand political movements, you have to look beyond the rhetoric, and see the objectives of their leaders. These groups are fighting the new sexual freedoms, and easy availability of sex. Because that cheapens the value of marriage, and diminishes the value of those who want to make a living by being housewives and raising children.

It is no surprise that most abortion supporters are professional women and men who date them, and most abortion opponents are stay-at-home moms and their families.

2007-11-21 12:19:12 · answer #10 · answered by professortvz 3 · 1 3

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