Vietnam was a french colony before WWII Look up Dien Bien Phu to find out why they left.
After WWII some of the Vienamese decided they did not want to continue being a French Colony. It was once a beautiful country. It is slowly getting that way again. WIth some of the changes taking place now, maybe some semblance of normalcy can return.
2007-11-21 12:08:50
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The French gave Vietnam French Bread
2007-11-21 19:20:26
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Vietnam used to be a French possesion i think called Indochina. After the communist take over China and the subsequent spread of communsim through Asia the French had a hard time keeping hold of Vietnam, no surprise their! The Americans fearful of the spread of Communisum then decide it would be a good idea to go support the French, something that cost millions of lifes and cost millions of US$.
2007-11-21 19:42:55
answer #3
answered by Richard_917 2
vietnam was once a french colony, and the vietnamese expelled them at the battle of dien bien phu, the vietnames saw the US as just another imperial invader (like france) and would have had no problem keeping the war going for a thousand years.
2007-11-21 19:17:01
answer #4
answered by Micheal M 4
Vietnam was once a French Colony.
2007-11-21 19:20:50
answer #5
answered by Wounded Duck 7
Vietnam is an old French Colony,
it was called Indo-China back then, and the enemy was known as the Viet-Minh, there was no North Vietnam in those days!!!
2007-11-22 04:39:38
answer #6
answered by conranger1 7
The French were the first into Vietnam, I believe. They fought gallantly there to hold off communism. A forgotten little tidbit of history by the comedians.
2007-11-21 19:20:31
answer #7
answered by rippa76 2
The french kindly showed us all the things not to do in Vietnam back in the 40'2 and 50's i.e. they got their a-s's handed to them. We then went in and forgot everything the french taught us about fighting in Vietnam, well except the losing part......
2007-11-23 04:12:15
answer #8
answered by David M 2
It was the French -Indo China war before American became involved after the French were defeated at Dien Bin Phu..
2007-11-21 19:18:27
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
France used to own vietnam, they didnt really fight in the vietnam awr because they got their asses got kicked out of the country by the north vietnamese before the war even started
2007-11-21 19:16:02
answer #10
answered by Anonymous