To my understanding there is no significant etiology and or prevention of Cancer as a whole. The American Cancer Society reports that there is no Sure Way to prevent breast cancer. However, early detection is critical and can mean the difference between life and death. What you can be sure of when it comes to cancer prevention is that making small changes to your everyday life might help reduce your chances of getting cancer. Although these measures provide no guarantee that you would not develop the disease, they will give you a start for breast cancer prevention, barring the certain risks over which you have no control - your age and genetic makeup.
For prevention of Breast Cancer, if at all we can do anything, it starts with our own Lifestyle choices and healthy habits - such as staying physically active, limiting alcohol and eating right. Among the easiest things to control are what you eat and drink and how active you are. Here are some strategies that may help you decrease your risk of breast cancer:
- Limit alcohol. A strong link exists between alcohol consumption and breast cancer. The type of alcohol consumed - wine, beer or mixed drinks - seems to make no difference. To help protect against breast cancer, limit alcohol to less than one drink a day or avoid alcohol completely.
- Maintain a healthy weight. There is a clear link between obesity and breast cancer. This is especially if you gain the weight after menopause. Excess fatty tissue is a source of circulating estrogen in your body. And breast cancer risk is linked to how much estrogen you are exposed to during your lifetime.
- Stay physically active. Regular exercise can help you maintain a healthy weight and in lowering your risk of breast cancer. Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise daily.
- Consider limiting fat in your diet. Results from the most definitive study of dietary fat and breast cancer risk to date suggest a slight decrease in risk of invasive breast cancer for women who eat a low fat diet. A low fat diet may protect against breast cancer in another way if it helps you maintain a healthy weight.
- Avoid hormone replacement therapy if possible. Studies have shown a link between long time hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and breast cancer. This link suggests that combined HRTs (estrogen and progesterone) raise the risk factor. HRT also make mammograms less effective. If you need to take hormone replacement therapy, talk to your doctor about the risk and your personal condition.
- Check your breasts every month. Checking your breasts every month may not reduce your risk of developing breast cancer, but it may help detect breast cancer early. The earlier breast cancer is found, the less aggressive the treatment.
- Don't forget to get a mammogram - it's not a choice. Like the breast self exam, a mammogram would not prevent the development of breast cancer, but it can detect cancer. Sometimes it can be difficult to feel a lump in the breast, and a mammogram is likely to detect any lumps that cannot be felt.
- Have children earlier in life, if possible. Having no children or having your first child in your mid-thirties or later increases the risk.
- Consider breastfeeding instead of formula feeding. Researchers believe that the months without a period during pregnancy and breast feeding may reduce a woman's risk of breast cancer.
- Be cautious about Pesticides. Breast cancer incidence are linked to pesticide exposure. The molecular structure of some pesticides closely resembles that of estrogen. This means they may attach to estrogen receptor sites in your body.
- Avoid taking Unnecessary Antibiotics - Scientists recently found a link between antibiotic use and breast cancer - the longer antibiotics were used, the greater the risk of breast cancer.
- Nothing you do can guarantee your life will be cancer free. But if you practice healthy habits and consult your doctor about extra measures you can take, you may at least reduce your risk of this potentially fatal disease.-
2007-11-21 20:23:39
answer #1
answered by Jayaraman 7
There are over 200 different types of cancer and just as many subtypes . . no one knows the exact cause of each and every one of them. So, while you may take precautions to protect yourself from one of them (like not smoking) that doesn't mean you won't get another one. There are some things you can do to reduce your risk . . and that is to do everything in moderation, eat healthy, exercise, avoid known carcinogens, don't drink, do drugs, or smoke excessively. And, remember, unfortunately even the healthiest people can get cancer (Lance Armstrong had stage IV testicular cancer and survived.) And even the healthiest can still die from cancer (Maureen Kennedy Salaman, the first lady of Nutrition, ironically died from Pancreatic cancer after making claims for years that nutrition was cancers cure.)
So, the best that you can do is become thoroughly aware of your own body. Know what is normal and what is not. Make sure you have a well physical every year . . so that the doctor will have records to compare with should you ever become ill.
Always check out any suspicious lumps that seem to be growing. Do not just settle for checking your breasts for lumps, check the entire body. Maintain a healthy weight and exercise . .not necessarily to keep cancer away, but so that you will be physically strong and healthy to fight cancer should it ever occur. I am convinced that my son survived the first month of being diagnosed with stage IV cancer because he was a strong, healthy athlete.
Good luck. You have take excellent steps so far. Most people your age are unaware that they can develop cancer too.
2007-11-21 11:27:12
answer #2
answered by Panda 7
Well there is no way to 100% prevent cancer, but there are things you can do to reduce your risk:
*Eat a well-balanced diet with lot of fruits and vegetables, especially green vegetables and grapes
*Exercise often
*Drink plenty of water
*Avoid red meat and fatty, oily, and fried foods
*Wear sunscreen every time you're out in the hot sun for more than 10 minutes
*Follow all the screening guidelines and get a check-up every year. At your age, you need to be checking your skin for suspicious moles or skin tags as well as doing monthly testicular self-exams.
*The obvious ones: don't smoke and don't drink or do drugs
Try not to obsess and worry about getting cancer, everybody has a risk of it and it sounds like you have good genes. Just take some simple measures to mitigate your risk.
2007-11-21 11:07:03
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I really don't know if it it is possible to completely prevent cancer.
I do know that a lot of problems can be solved through a healthy diet. I have done some research and found that free radical damage is linked to cancer. Adding fruits to your diet like blueberries which are packed with antioxidants that combat free radicals may reduce the risk of cancer.
2007-11-21 10:49:21
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Statistics show that the 100% of the blood samples taken from cancer patients are acidic on the pH scale. To prevent cancer, you need to keep your blood basic on the pH scale (above 7). Basic blood prevents cancer cells from forming. The average range for healthy basic blood is pH7.35-pH7.45. To do so, you need to become a vegan (no meat or products from animals) and consume healthy basic food like grapes, tea, grape wine, sea weed, soy beans, tomatoes, bananas, apples, oranges, pumpkin, strawberries, egg white (avoid egg yolk), tofu, water chestnuts etc.
And also exercise regularly to keep your immune system strong.
This way, you can prevent cancer naturally, without expensive drugs or treatments.
Have a nice life.
2007-11-21 12:36:19
answer #5
answered by Quizzy X 2
you may die of worry before; hold your breath and never take in pollutants from the environment whether inside or out. do not drink or eat anything.....joking aside... eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and live life to its fulliest. i worry about it also i am 28 and have no history of it either however i smoked for 12 years.
2007-11-21 12:46:55
answer #6
answered by touselp 1
It has been proven in recent studies that eating tomatoes can help fight cancer, but other than that i dont know
2007-11-21 10:47:38
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
keep your weight to a normal range
eat a healthy diet, lots of fruits, veg, whole grains,
dont eat alot of red meat
dont smoke
good genes will help
manage your stress in your life
2007-11-21 14:18:27
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
just eat a healthy, work out, take your vitamins and just hope you don't get cancer. and don't smoke
2007-11-21 10:44:13
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
If you know spanish this is for you:
1) Estabilizar el estrés y el estado emocional del paciente:
Se recomienda el yoga, el tai chi-chuan u otra disciplina o técnica para el control de estrés. Si el paciente cree que el cáncer le dará sólo acelerará su aparición. El estrés mal manejado acelera también el desarrollo de esa enfermedad.
2) Eliminar el ingreso de toxinas al cuerpo, cómo:
- Reemplazar amalgamas metálicas en dentadura.
- No pintarse el cabello
- No pintarse uñas ni usar maquillajes no naturales
- No usar antitranspirantes ni desodorantes no naturales
- No usar en la preparación de alimentos ollas de aluminio
ni de acero que no tenga grado alimenticio o teflón de dudosa calidad
- No fumar
- No tomar alcohol
- No consumir alimentos procesados que contengan aditivos alimenticios artificiales como: aspartame, conservadores, colorantes, saborizantes, etc.
- No consumir carnes rojas ni grasas de origen animal.
- Minimizar la exposición a la contaminación ambiental o química en el trabajo.
- No exponerse mucho al sol.
3) Terapia desintoxicante, estimuladora del sistema inmunitario y de control de la simbiosis:
A base de aloe vera o sábila, probióticos como Kombucha y el Kéfir, suplementos de selenio o jengibre y vitamina E de las nueces (una nuez, después del desayuno y la cena y dos nueces después de la comida). Ampliamente se recomienda la nuez de Brasil, una al día. La espirulina elimina metales pesados y tóxicos de manera muy eficiente, así como las radiaciones absorbidas en las radioterapias, TAC's, rayos x, etc.
Baños saunas o de vapor, especialmente de aguas de manantial o termales (dos veces al mes). Por ello y muchas cosas más el ejercicio regular es vital para vencer el cáncer. Recomiendo mucho la caminata normal y/o la nórdica.
4) Terapia Hepática:
A base de cúrcuma, Cardo mariano y Diente de León.
En toda terapia oncológica debe evitarse el uso de alimentación de tipo tóxica hepática, esencialmente del tipo grasas, carnes, alcohol, cigarrillo, condimentos, mezclas de alimentos y especialmente aquellos que contengan germen de trigo, el que por ser un estimulante celular inespecífico, puede potenciar la génesis de los oncogenes. La mejor dieta considera el tipo de sangre y una distribución correcta de carbohidratos, proteínas y grasas buenas (dieta de la zona).
5) Terapia Electrolítica:
Alga espirulina, Proteína de Soya, Leche y Lecitina de Soya, cereales integrales de acuerdo a su tipo de sangre. Consumir Calcio Ionizado ya que es el único que se absorbe al 100 % y no produce cálculos.
6) Terapia Equilibrante de ácidos grasos
Consume Omegas 3 y 6, linaza, verdolagas, aceite de oliva.
7) Mucha Fe en ti y en las bendiciones que Dios nos ha dado por medio de la naturaleza.
Soy Asesor en Nutrición Naturista.
2007-11-21 14:34:27
answer #10
answered by Sonrie 7